Just to let you know, this is in modern times
Kagome couldn't understand why she was still hurting after a full 3 months of ending it with Inuyasha. She knew that breaking up with him was the best idea she could do, especially with how much he hurt her in the last three years. At the moment she was sitting in her bedroom with her head in her hands. Because of the break-up she hadn't been able to write a song that she really felt into, her agent was getting anxious and urging her to write a new song so that she didn't loose her fans.
Letting her hands fall from her face, her eyes scanned the empty paper on her lap for minutes on end before her eyes seemed to flicker and her hand grasped the pencil that was beside her on the bed and started writing across the page, humming softly under her breath as she did so.
Woke up late today and I still feel the sting of the pain
But I brushed my teeth anyway
I got dressed through the mess and put a smile on my face
I got a little bit stronger
Running through the lyrics one last time, Kagome smiled a true smile in two months before bolting out of the bedroom and contacting her agent Sango "Sango, I've got a song!" She said excitedly. She heard the laugh at the other end before her agent spoke up "Well come on to the studio and lets hear it!" Kagome chuckled "be there in fifteen minutes" she said before hanging up and slipping into clothes more appropriate for going ond and slipping into her car.
Riding in the car to work and I'm trying to ignore the hurt
So I turned on the radio, stupid song made me think of you
I listened to it for minute but then I changed it
I'm getting a little bit stronger, just a little bit stronger
Kagome watched as Sango listened to the song, waiting for what her agent would say. When Sango sat back and put a hand under her chin, she tilted her head and looked at Kagome before smiling at her long time friend "lets get the guitar and drum parts written and at your next concert we can introduce this" she said. Kagome gave a small smile before she sat back and rubbed her forehead with a small sigh "what am i going to do? i can't seem to stop thinking about him" she whimpered softly.
Sango got up and wrapped her arms around Kagome "have you talked to Sesshomaru?" Sango asked her friend, she knew that Kagome and Sesshomaru had a strange friend-like relationship. Which surprised many people since the ice prince, as he had been nicknamed, usually avoided people like they were a plague, then again he was a dog demon so it wasn't a surprise he didn't like humans that much. Sango dropped her thoughts as Kagome shook her head "he's been out of town for the last three months so i haven't been able to talk to him" she said softly.
And I'm done hoping that we could work it out
I'm done with how it feels, spinning my wheels
Letting you drag my heart around
And, oh, I'm done thinking that you could ever change
Sango smiled before she rubbed Kagomes back lightly "why don't you go home and rest? Hopefully you'll feel better after you rest" Sango suggested. She watched as Kagome sighed and agreed with a small nod and stood up "i'll do that Sango, i'll see you tomorrow" she said before she disappeared from the studio. Sango waited a few minutes to make sure she'd gone before she turned and picked up a phone. She only waited three rings before a cold voice answered the phone "hello" Sango resisted the urge to snap out a reply. "Sesshomaru-sama, its Sango... you might want to contact Kagome she really needs you right now." She told him, knowing she should just get to the point.
Sango waited a few beats before he replied, his voice even colder but laced with fury "was it Inuyasha?" he demanded. Sango bit her lip "I really want to tell you Sesshomaru-sama but... one, its something that Kagome should tell you herself, two, she has yet to tell anyone what happened, she won't even tell me" She told him "just please talk to her Sesshomaru-sama, i've never seen her this depressed in years" she begged. "Hn" was all she got before the line went dead, leaving her there. With a small sigh she put the phone on the rocker and started working on the new song.
I know my heart will never be the same
But I'm telling myself I'll be okay
Even on my weakest days
I get a little bit stronger
Sesshomaru was literally vibrating in anger upon hearing what Sango said, normally the fiery tempered woman would just urge Kagome to call him to talk rather than call him herself, which meant that if she did then there was something serious going on with Kagome. Sesshomaru sat in his office at his home that he had returned to that morning, he had actually planned on calling Kagome to see how she was doing, but hearing from Sango made him choose to just go to Kagome's house and see how she was doing. Sesshomaru stood up and grabbed his car keys along with his jacket, his face set in a stoic mask.
He hadn't seen her in three months or heard from her in that time either, he was now angry that he had been gone and not been there for her. Starting his car, Sesshomaru remembered when he had first saw Kagome, she had been in high school with him and his younger half-brother at the time, he had been leaning against a tree watching the teens going about their business when he spotted his half-brother picking on a girl with long blue-black hair. At first Sesshomaru didn't bother with interfering, that was until he heard the girl snap back at Inuyasha with a fire that went opposite of her small stature.
Chuckling at the memory Sesshomaru started down the highway, after that he had started talking to Kagome and, now, even admitted that he started falling for her... sadly she was infatuated with Inuyasha for some reason, despite his brashness and rude insults she agreed to go out with him and had stayed with him for three years. Now though something happened and Sesshomaru was certain that he wasn't going to like what he was going to find out.
Doesn't happen overnight but you turn around
And a month's gone by and you realize you haven't cried
I'm not giving you a hour or a second or another minute longer
I'm busy getting stronger
Kagome sat on her bed with her knees curled to her chest, arms wrapped around them and her face buried into her arms as she tried to bury the pain from her heart. Although it still hurt she didn't feel the need to cry, she hadn't cried in a month and refused to shed anymore tears for Inuyasha. Before Kagome could be pulled deeper into her thoughts a knock at her door jerked her to reality. Sighing, she stood up and made her way towards the door with her hands in her pockets, not caring how she portrayed herself at the doorway, as far as she knew the person could go to hell if they judged her.
Reaching the door she stopped a moment before opening it, what if it was Inuyasha? She nearly jumped back from the door at that thought, she didn't want to see him, didn't think she could handle it. Before she could finish her inner turmoil of whether to open the door or not, whoever was on the other side opened the door and let it swing open. Kagome spotted the silver hair first and cringed before she spotted the crescent moon and blinked her eyes. "Sesshomaru" she murmured softly before launching herself forward and into his arms.
"I missed you" She murmured into his chest as she felt his arms go around her and hold her to him. "So did I" she heard him murmur soflty as he walked her backwards to be able to close the door. Kagome gripped his shirt with her hands, fearing that she was imagining him being there. She felt him shift before she yelped in shock as her legs were swept from under her. She switched her grip from his shirt to around his neck, burying her head into his chest "where have you been?" She murmured softly, her voice muffled by her position. "I've been away on business Kagome" His voice equally as soft.
And I'm done hoping that we can work it out
I'm done with how it feels, spinning my wheels
Letting you drag my heart around
And, oh, I'm done thinking, that you could ever change
Kagome felt him sit down before he situated her sideways on his lap while he wrapped one of his arms around her waist, the other one stroked down her back softly. "What happened?" He asked her softly, his tone gentle, the gentlest tone anyone had ever heard him use and Kagome would be the only one to hear him do so. He waited to see if she would tell him. Not pushing but only staying there while his hand rubbed up and down her back.
He scented the tears before he felt the drops hitting his neck, he let a soothing thrum from his chest to help her calm down as he continued to rub her back soothingly. It was a few minutes before she spoke "I came home nearly three months ago and found Inuyasha in bed with Kikyo..." Sesshomaru wanted to growl but fought back the urge so he didn't scare Kagome, instead he tightened his hold slightly before relaxing it once more. "I understand" he murmured softly to her, letting her know she didn't have to continue if she didn't want to.
She continued anyways "I found out that he had been seeing her behind my back for the past two years... I... I don't understand what I did wrong" She whimpered to him, seeming to curl into a smaller ball. Sesshomaru wanted to break something but only gave a short grumble like growl in his chest before resuming the soothing rumble that sounded more like a purr than anything else. "You did nothing wrong Kagome, this was all put on Inuyasha, this was all his fault, none of it was yours" he told her, his voice hard and to the point.
I know my heart will never be the same
But I'm telling myself I'll be okay
Even on my weakest days, I get a little bit stronger
I get a little bit stronger
Kagome opened her eyes and pulled away slightly to look up at the older half-brother of Inuyasha. She was still surprised when she saw the soft side of the 'Killing Perfection', a side that she knew he didn't show anyone else. She buried her face back into his neck with a small whimper "I'll still be able to see you right?" She asked softly, that worry still pulling at her insides. She felt Sesshomaru freeze before he spoke, surprise in his voice "of course... why wouldn't you be able to?" He asked her softly.
Kagome closed her eyes in relief "I... I thought that you only tolerated me because of Inuyasha" she murmured softly. She felt the rumble of Sesshomaru's chest before she heard the light chuckle from the daiyoukai "Trust me Kagome, even if I had met you before you met Inuyasha I still would have become your friend." He reassured her softly. Kagome let her body relax fully, leaning even more into the being that was holding her, comforting her.
She, like many others, was surprised by Sesshomaru's willingness to comfort her or help her figure out problems that arose around her, but she wasn't going to wreck this relationship, even if she had to see Inuyasha every now and then. Bringing herself back to the present, Kagome realized how tired she truly was. She yawned softly and felt drowsiness start to seep into her bones. "Don't leave, please" she said softly, her words slurred by sleep.
Getting along without you, baby
I'm better off without you, baby
How does it feel without me, baby?
I'm getting stronger without you, baby
Sesshomaru watched as the little onna slipped away into sleep before he situated her on the bed and sat on the edge of the bed to remove his boots, jacket, and shirt before laying down beside her and pulling her to his chest. He felt a smile on his face when she curled into him, her hands pressed between the two of them and her head on his shoulder. Sesshomaru draped his arm across her waist while he thought about what he was going to do to the whelp of a half-brother he had.
Vibration in his pocket drew him from his day dreaming, he dug out his cell phone and spotted the caller ID. Clicking the answer button and putting it to his ear, he growled softly into the phone "Yes Father?" He asked. He heard a chuckle before his father spoke, the playfulness gone "Have you seen Kagome? Haven't seen her for nearly three months and was starting to get worried" Touga asked his eldest son. Sesshomaru nearly growled as he remembered why she had been unseen for three months but held back.
"I'm with her right now Father... She's fine and unharmed but hurting emotionally" He said, his voice straight-forward. "What do you mean emotionally?" His father asked with a growl. Sesshomaru let loose a subsonic growl this time, one that only his father would hear "I literally mean emotionally, it appears that the whelp decided that he didn't have enough in Kagome" he growled. Sesshomaru waited for his father's voice and it wasn't long in coming. "You're telling me that Inuyasha cheated on Kagome?" he asked, his voice deathly quiet.
And I'm done hoping we could work it out
I'm done with how it feels, spinning my wheels
Letting you drag my heart around
And, oh, I'm done thinking that you could ever change
Sesshomaru hummed "for two years" he said, anger in his voice. "Sesshomaru, I will deal with Inuyasha, don't go after him" His father groweld at him. Sesshomaru wanted to growl back but didn't, knowing that if he did go after the whelp then he would most likely kill him "understood, I'm staying with Kagome tonight, I'll be back sometime tomorrow or the next day" he said. His father make a noise of acknowledgement before Sesshomaru hung up and put his phone on the night stand
Turning his gaze to the small miko in his arms he brushed a hair away from her eyes before smiling softly and then laying his head back and closing his eyes, drifting off but not fully falling into sleep. He never really did, not even in his own home...
I know my heart will never be the same
But I'm telling myself I'll be okay
Even on my weakest days
I get a little bit stronger
Kagome woke up warm and let out a small sigh as she snuggled even more into the warmth, freezing as said warmth moved softly. Opening her eyes slightly, she looked up into golden eyes. She spotted the crescent moon and hummed softly "morning" she murmured softly, feeling a blush creeping on her face but finding that she didn't mind waking up like this, she never did with Inuyasha as he usually woke up before her or she would wake up with his back to her.
She heard a soft hum before he spoke "morning Kagome... you feeling better today?" he asked her, his voice soft with a hint of worry. Kagome smiled softly "I'm fine... thanks for yesterday" She told him, looking away from him in embarrassment. She heard him chuckle before spoke "Don't worry about it... I'm sorry that I wasn't hear when it first began" He told her. Kagome jerked her head up to gaze at him "That's not your fault Sesshomaru" she told him with a small smile on her face. Her thoughts then turned to the possibility of what her face looked like... probably red, puffy eyes and matted hair.
As if sensing where her thoughts were going, Sesshomaru spoke softly "don't worry, you don't look that bad" he said with a smirk on his face and amusement in his eyes. She glared at him with a playful scowl on her face "well thanks for the reassurance" she said saracastically before sitting up, her head tilted "hey, do you want to hear my latest song?" she asked him. Sesshomaru nodded "sure" he said, watching as she jumped out of bed and ran to get the lyrics. Watching her, Sesshomaru felt a small smile playing on his face. Only one thought came to mind *finally the half-breed messed up, and now my way is clear*
I get a little bit stronger
Just a little bit stronger
A little bit, a little bit, a little bit stronger
I get a little bit sstronger
i do not own Inuyasha or the lyrics to the song. Nor do I own the title of the song. Each of these belong to those that wrote each one.