When The Past Becomes The Present by FrozenInTime
Preface: The Shadows Of Tomorrow
Quick An:
I do not, will not, and have not ever owned any of the Inuyasha characters. I will not post any more disclaimers. Any familiar with my other story, know of my reasons. Anything related to the Inuyasha world, I have no ownership over. That being said, the rest of it, is my own world, the plot, is definitely mine, and while I have not finished this story in writing, I assure everyone that I have it plotted out. It will be written in four parts, so please, sit back, relax, and enjoy the tale I weave as we set ourselves upon a new journey.
The cries of battle and the sounds of clashing swords rang loudly into the night as blood splattered and pooled upon the broken terrain. Corpses of dead soldiers littered the once beautiful plains of the central lands as soldier and warrior fought against one another for their lords, for their lands, for their loved ones who wait for them. Dark clouds resided in the distance, threatening to cover the star laden skies as a half-moon hung in the night over the battle field.
A warrior cried out in pain as she glanced down at the freshly made wound, blood dripping down from her shoulder with the point of a sword running through it. Pulling herself forward, she felt as the weapon slid from her wound and switched sword hands, her eyes burning with fury as she brought herself around and swung her blade up to meet that of another. Twin eyes of gold met her own gaze and she found herself growling in anger as she readied herself against the youkai that stood before her. It was said to her once, long ago that love was fleeting, and sometimes blinding, and even now she could feel its pull upon her, but such a love was so long ago, and before her now, was what should have been a brother and a friend. Instead it was an enemy, and one that must die before the first light of the sun kissed the skies and brought about another bloody day.
“What is wrong miko?” the youkai sneered, his hard golden eyes piercing and cold, “I thought you loved me?”
Snorting darkly, she twisted around and brought her weapon up to meet his, the clang echoing in her ears, “Tell me, bastard, since when have you sided with darkness and become this monster I see before me? You used to protect the weak, not slaughter them mercilessly.”
Grinning wildly he pushed her back, and swung haphazardly at her in an unceremonious way as insane laughter escaped from his lips, “I’m a changed hanyou, Kagome. Wait,” he laughed darkly with a pause, “I meant to say youkai, but I suppose that hardly matters for someone that is my leftovers.”
Letting out a short cold laugh she shook her head, “Once upon a time you were my lover,” her gaze darkened when her azure eyes landed upon him, “but that’s all changed now. Things aren’t like they used to be!”
Charging at him she let out a battle cry at her weapon clashed with his, his brute strength against her lithe movements and agility. He bore viciously down upon her, drawing her into defense, forcing her to lose her footing as she fell to the ground still holding her weapon against his, holding him just that tiny bit back. She would not, could not afford to lose face, and yet the creature bearing down upon her laughed like a maniac, his expression wild and insane. A shiver fell down her spine as she gazed into those once friendly eyes of gold and found herself pulled into an icy glacier that promised no return.
“Look around you woman. Watch as your beloved companions fall, for there is nothing you can do to save them now. How does that make you feel?” he taunted.
Azure eyes widening, she turned her head towards the battle field, watching as those around her fell, as her lover in the distance roared in furry, and as her companions cried out. Her heart sped and she found fear becoming her most dominant emotion, this was not how things were supposed to be.
I once dreamed of a past, once wished that I could become a part of it, make it alive and relive the tales that my teachers so told us. When it became reality I felt myself come alive, become a part of a once made dream, but the past was nothing but blood and hard work, something that at that time I was not ready for. For instance, I hardly realized that once we completed the jewel, I would never be able to return to the future, I would never be able to see my family. It was a possibility I was never willing to look at, but that hardly mattered.
Even now I can hardly believe that I am unable to travel through that old well and return to that once bright and peaceful future, but I do not regret my decisions. But for any to understand what I mean, you must read my tale carefully, understand the hardships, the despair, the love and desire that such a tale like mine would consist of. This tale starts with the end of another, a death delivering blow dealt upon a great enemy as many companions watched his demise. A time traveling miko and her beloved hanyou lover standing in the midst of all this watching and waiting.