She walked into her room, with a towel wrapped tightly around her body. Half her door lay on the floor. She walked carefully, the last thing she needed was a splinter in her foot. Her room was small and bare, but it suited her just fine, they never lived anywhere long enough for it to matter. It was oddly dark, Kagome peeked out the window. The sun had just set.
Shit, I lost an entire day.
She started school tomorrow, and had planned on knocking out a lot of the reading for the classes she was going to be starting. She dressed herself as quickly as her aching body would allow her.
The house was quiet, he had probably gone out. She pulled on a pair of sneakers and tip toed down the stairs. She opened and closed a few drawers in frustration. Climbing back up the stairs and fished her roll of duct tape from a box in the closet and started taping the door back together as best she could, and gingerly closed it behind her.
Her food still sat in the microwave from the night before. She threw it away.
She fixed herself a heaping plate of the leftover lasagne she made last week, heated it up and went back to her room. Kagome dug in. She didn’t realize she was starving, but now that she started she couldn’t stop and ended up finishing the rest of the leftover lasagne.
Kagome read till she couldn’t keep her eyes open, hastily set her alarm and went to sleep.
Kagome was in no way excited for this. She dragged her feet as she walked the unfamiliar route to school. It was her senior year, the excitedness for high school was gone 2 weeks into her freshman year, leaving nothing but a bitter taste in her mouth. It was mid October and the leaves were just beginning to turn, the wind was gentle and blowing. Kagome wore a thin, long sleeve burgundy shirt. Her phone was stuffed into the pocket of her jeans, along with a pen Her hands were free except for the notebook and book for class, that she carried. She felt tired and sluggish, but had left early enough that she could accommodate her laziness. The idea of a concussion flitted across Kagome’s mind and buried itself in her subconscious.Kagome ignored the idea.
Kids drove passed her, music blaring as they drove to school, but once they passed Kagome was left to the peaceful morning silence. She was able to leave the house without waking him up, which was good, otherwise she probably wouldn't be able to start today. As mean as her father was drunk, he was worse when he was sober.
She arrived to school on time and located the office.
The office was stuffy, and the air perfumed. As Kagome approached the desk she realized the source of the overbearing scent was coming from the front desk attendant.
The bell rang and the office emptied, leaving only Kagome.
“Hi, I’m Kagome Higurashi. I’m new here, I start today. I just came for my schedule.”
The receptionist looked up with blank eyes.
“Did you not receive your schedule in the mail?”
“No, I must have missed it when we moved here,”
“Oh, okay,” The receptionist spoke slowly, as if determining what to do,” Well I guess I can just print it for you, what was your name again?”
“Kagome Higurashi.”
The receptionist typed Kagome’s name in the computer, touched the mouse a couple times before reaching under her desk and pulling out a single piece of paper. She handed it to Kagome.
Kagome said thank you, but the receptionist had already left the conversation, not even raising her head in acknowledgement.
Kagome looked at the paper, it was simply her schedule printed so small Kagome had to strain to read it.
But there is a map of the school underneath it, so I guess it cancels out.
Kagome navigated her way to her first class, math. Her least favorite subject, and least cared about, she would probably rarely be in attendance. She sat through it, staring blankly ahead. She didn’t make any effort to remind the teacher she was new, and just let the period creep by. The bell rang and she gratefully gathered her things and left. Kagome pushed her pen behind her ear and headed for the bathroom.
The bathroom was the quietest place Kagome had found yet. Kagome stood in front of the mirror, scrubbing her hands in a sink that was far too low to be made for anyone over the age of ten. She dried her hands, but stayed there waiting. Waiting till she had the energy to go to her next class, or at least move. She pushed her hair behind her ears, knocking the pen into the sink.
“You know the bell is going to ring soon.”
Kagome jumped, then stilled.
“I didn’t mean to scare you, you just seemed kinda spaced out or something, I don’t know.”
Kagome reached for the pen.
“Wow,” The girl muttered more to herself than Kagome, “Never mind.” the girl shut her water off.
Kagome looked at her, realizing that she needed to say something at least.
“I’m new,” Kagome blurted out, and immediately flushed with embarrassment.
And a freak. Great start.
“I mean, I’m Kagome.”
The girl looked back at Kagome. She was pretty, Long straight nose, slender face, prominent cheekbones and brown eyes. Her makeup was done, her hair in a neat high ponytail, Kagome felt even more self conscious looking at her.
“I’m Sango,” She said with a small smile. Kagome could tell she was supposed to say something more, but she couldn’t think of anything else to say, and was happy when the bell rang in her place. She saw her escape.
“Well, I’ll see you later I guess, it was nice to meet you,” Kagome picked up her books.
“Do you need some help finding your next class?”
Kagome was going to protest but the girl had already grabbed her schedule off her stack of books and was leading her out the door.
She and Sango walked in silence, the halls were empty. Finally when Kagome thought she couldn’t take the silence anymore, Sango spoke.
“Alright, here it is.” They stood in front of a door. Science. Kagome kept herself from sighing.
“Thanks, is your class around here?” Kagome felt herself stalling.
“Nah, it’s back by the bathroom.” With that she was gone.
Kagome entered her second class 5 minutes late, she was getting off to a great start.
Her punishment came swiftly as she was forced to introduce herself in front of the class.
“Hello, my name is Kagome Higurashi.”
The teacher looked at her expectantly. Kagome stared back.
“Where are you from?” The teacher asked. Kagome could tell right away he was one of those teachers that made an effort to know each student as an individual. The ones that thought they could save the world, one kid at a time, were always trouble. They always noticed the little things and made everything worse than it already was. It’s hard to lie to someone who genuinely cares.
Kagome lied, “My family is from Alaska.”
“Well, we are glad to have you with us. Just sit wherever.”
Kagome located the only open seat, two from the front, and planted it. The period inched by with curious looks from her classmates. Kagome couldn’t help but wonder if one of them knew she lied.
Before Kagome knew it, it was lunch time, which was particularly rough seeing as Kagome had no money and no lunch. Instead Kagome searched for a quiet place. She spent most of lunch running into random groups of kids littered throughout the school, some with cigarettes, some cramming for the test they had the next period, most just laughing loudly. Everywhere was noisy.
She finally came upon a little tree in the back building, there were no kids in sight and for the first time all day Kagome could hear herself think. Kagome sat underneath the tree, pulled her knees to her chest, ignoring her aching breasts and stomach. She rested her head on her knees.
The sky was overcast and Kagome felt almost chilly with the slight constant breeze.
Lunch passed quickly and Kagome was jolted awake by the ringing bell and growing voices. She collected her stuff and made her way to her next class, eyes still heavy from sleep
She walked in to her last class of the day, and her favorite English. Reading had become Kagome’s only means of escape. For once she welcomed the stuffy classroom and noisy peers. Kagome felt at ease.
The teacher began lecturing promptly after the bell rang. asking questions and opening discussions, but Kagome just listened. The students in here were decent, some of their answers lacked understanding, but Kagome could understand their confusion. She had finally gotten herself into a college level course, Kagome wasn’t complaining. The class passed too quickly for Kagome’s liking, and when the bell rang she slowly filed out with the rest of the class.
The hallways were overcrowded and Kagome pushed her way through. But after one accidental jab to the side Kagome tapped out. She made it over to the lockers lining the hall and waited for the pain to subside and the herd of people to pass.
She leaned her head back and closed her eyes.
I should just drop out. I’m old enough. I can just get a job, save money and move out.
Then what? Work menial jobs for the rest of her life? Struggle to be able to afford school? Her life wasn’t ideal, but she could make it work. But she really did need to get a job. She sighed and opened her eyes.
Her breath caught when she saw two eyes staring at her. She examined the face, her mouth slightly open in what she was sure was an attractive manner, golden eyes, silver hair, high cheekbones, prominent brow. and two little ears on top of his head. His eye brows were knitted together in confusion as he studied her face. Kagome slammed her mouth shut.
Kagome looked beyond the boy. Sango was approaching slowly.
“Hey,” Kagome responded hesitantly, her eyes returning to the too close face.
Sango’s voice must have startled the boy. He stood up straight.
“You’re on my locker.”
“Oh! I’m sorry. I was just waiting... I’m sorry.” Kagome stepped to the side.
The boy didn’t say anything, Kagome’s confidence hit rock bottom. He moved fluidly and watching him made her feel gangly and awkward. Kagome turned away and started walking. The hallway was empty now except for the boy and Sango. She heard Sango fussing at him in hushed voices.
“What did you say to her?”
“Nothing, she just left.”
“You must have said something-.”
Kagome was finally out of hearing distance.
Tears pricked her eyes, she swallowed them back down. She walked in the opposite direction from her house, the last thing she needed was to go home. This city was small, and town was only a 10 minute walk away from her school. She liked the historical district the best. The old buildings had been preserved and rented out to local business owners. She passed a cute little coffee shop, the servers in jeans and matching tees, the customers laughing and talking. Kagome walked faster. She passed little boutiques, a pharmacy, and a convenience store before finding a book store. Kagome pushed the door open and stepped inside.
The familiar smell hit Kagome’s nose, and she breathed in deeply, books. Kagome loved bookstores and libraries, no one was loud and everyone was there to take care of their own personal business. Kagome wandered up and down the aisles.
In the very back of the store were two overstuffed chairs and a rack of books with a sign that read: Take one- Leave one.
Kagome smiled. and sat down. She opened her book for class and read.
Kagome’s stomach grumbled. The sun was setting. She quickly gathered her things. Her phone vibrated. She pulled it from her pocket and answered.
“Where are you?”
“I’m coming home now.”
“Where have you been all day?”
Kagome power walked down the aisle.
“I was at school remember?”
“Get your ass home.”
The line went dead. Kagome paled. She pushed her cell into her pocket, before walking dead into someone, knocking books and Kagome onto the floor.
“I’m so sorry,” Kagome started picking up books. The other person was silent. Kagome gathered the books. She rose to her feet and looked at the other person.
A tall man with silver hair and gold eyes stared back at her. Kagome turned red.
Really? Twice in one day?
She shoved the books into his hands and kept moving, faster than before. She was sure to watch where she was going this time.
She ran home. The sun had completely set and the night air was cool. The wind that earlier was a gentle caress, was now cutting. Kagome fought back shivers as she ran, the wind whipping her hair around her face. When she got home the house was dark.
“I’m home.” Kagome waited for a reply. Nothing.
Kagome didn’t dare to say it louder. She slowly inched up the stairs. The house was empty. Kagome sighed in relief.
She walked down the stairs and turned the light on in the kitchen. She never saw him.
If she had she would have started crying and begging forgiveness. Or maybe she would have started running. Neither would have stopped him, but maybe it would have been shorter.
The first thing she became aware of was the pain. The stiffness in her muscles soon followed. Wherever she was, she had been there for a while, and she debated whether or not she even wanted to open her eyes. Her memory came back in flashes.
Hitting the kitchen wall.
Leaning against the door.
Failing to keep him out.
Kagome must have hit her head pretty good if she couldn’t even remember how she got here. She took a deep breath, her ribs were bruised. She opened her eyes, immediately regretted it.The light was too bright, and she snapped them shut again.
I have to get up. I might have to actually go to the hospital this time.
She opened her eyes again, it was bright, but manageable. As her eyes adjusted she recognized this room and this spot from the many times she had woken up here before. Chances were she was trying to make it to the bathroom, the only door with a lock, when she passed out. She slowly tried to stand up, first by rolling onto her stomach, and raising up to her knees.
Her muscles screamed at her, the deep bruising causing what felt like a ripping sensation. She just continued to move slowly, gripping the sink for stability, as she slowly rose to her feet.
Her face was pretty unscathed, there was a thin cut on her cheek, but that didn’t bother her anymore. After the 4 inch long gash she had on the side of her face a year ago, Kagome was beyond complaints. She raised her left arm and winced, her rib wasn’t broken, but definitely bruised. Kagome slowly peeled her shirt off. Her torso was littered with bruises. The newest ones were red and swollen while the older ones had tinted her skin a deep purple. Nothing felt broken. She raked her hands through her tangled black hair, before giving up. She thought about cutting it for the millionth time, long hair was a hassle. She looked at her reflection with indifference, long black hair, brown eyes blackened with slight bruising, a gaunt face, and a slightly crooked nose from a previous break. Two new bruises were forming on her breasts, but she wasn’t concerned. Her thigh muscles ached from the running she must have done.
She sighed, removed the rest of her clothing and started the shower. The water ran red as Kagome washed the blood from her face. The warm water stung and Kagome finally let the tears fall.