Life With You Is by The Norrington

Anything But Dull

Jaw clenched.  

Fangs lengthened.  

Stripes went jagged.  

Golden eyes narrowed.  

Sesshomaru eyed critically the dull looking human man that had his arm around the miko's waist, leaning against her heavily.  Even across the village, he could detect the scent of alcohol on  him, and a short, snort like growl burst from his chest.  He watched the miko, Kagome, politely try to remove his arm from her person, but to no avail.  

Sesshomaru watched with glinting eyes as a hand dipped, slipped underneath the fabric of that ridiculous green skirt, and touched flesh.  

Kagome didn't have to time to screech, or slap, or react at all.  There was a flash of white, a howl of shock, and the drunk was flat on the ground, screaming as though he had lost a hand.  

Sesshomaru stood between them, his aura murderous but his face blank, and when he spoke his voice was cold as ice.  

"Get up, filth.  You are not dismembered.  As of  yet."  

The man did not hear over his pathetic whimpers, and with a barely there huff that Kagome was sure she imagined, he turned to her.  

"Miko, would you like to accompany me to find my ward and the kit?"


She blinked at the arm he held out to her haughtily, and she took it almost hesistantly.  


"Splendid," he quipped, and grin touched her lips.  

This was certainly interesting beginnings to their now combined journey, but it proved two things.  One, Miroku was going to have to learn to keep his hand to himself, if he wanted to keep it.  

Two, there was more to Sesshomaru than originally thought, and that was an exciting thought.


A/N:  Oh snap.  It's Norri.  Wut.  This story will be totally and completely rated Teen, so all the YIMS can read it guilt free.  It hopefully will help me get back into the writing fanfic spirit!  This chapter had a prompt, and that prompt was Beginnings, from SunsetMiko's Once A Week Challenge 2014.  Also, I do not own Inuyasha. 

Good to be back.