Gone by DeathsSilentApproach

Love Hurts

Kagome rolled down the rocky cliff she had been thrown from. Why was this happening to her? She had simply wanted to go home. Couldn't Sesshoumaru see that? He had never had a problem before so why now.


Sesshoumaru had turned away from the cliff he had thrown the female over. He had grown tired of her so he chose to rid himself of her in the only way he knew how to rid himself of a nuisance.


Kagome let no sound escape her as she rolled. She knew that at the bottom of this cliff awaited her death. Jagged rocks lined the bottom hidden by deceptive waves that hid the danger bellow them. Sesshoumaru had decided he no longer wanted her apparently. But why had he taken her in the first place if he would get rid of her in the end. She supposed it was because she was human that he refused to keep her, or even think of the possibility of keeping her. Shuting her eyes she barly acknowledged the pain that shot through her as her body sliced through the waves and became impaled by the rocks made jagged by years of the water beating at them and sharpening them. Limbs once slightly buyant went limp and fell agains the jagged pole the body they were attached too was impaled upon.


Sesshoumaru had turned around as the realization of exactly what he had done truly hit him. His ally; he had killed his own ally. She may have been a rutting partner but he had had no true reason to kill her. He should simply of told her not to return to his castle when she was to come back to his time from her own instead of arguing with her. Even better, he should have simply told her to remain away from his bed chambers.

Sesshoumaru arrived to the cliff just as Kagome's body hit the water with a loud slap that seemed to ring in his ears even as he acknowledged the fact that he could do nothing to bring her back. The water that hid the rocks would to hide her body from those who searched, jealously hidding that which it contained beneath its surface until the waters no longer existed and by then the body hidden by the waves would be forgotten. Bones that had disconected would fall far from the rest to likly never be joined together ever again.