The Ultimate Ride by Furuichiko

Ride of a Lifetime

Alright GM Dokugains, a few things need to be said here before I forget to mention; mostly.

First and foremost: I own NOTHING. All rights reserved to the respective owners and affiliations.

Second, (before I forget to mention this one; almost as important as the disclaimer). This has NOT gone through the hands of a Beta. It is completely raw. If for some reason, this does not make it to Round 2, I shall go through it once more and maybe find a beta, and continue the story as a regular fanfiction.

Third, though there was a prompt, it came to late and well, I really did not want to rewrite the whole thing… as it took me nearly close to two (possibly, really was not minding the time) months to complete this one damn scene. So, I hope that all of you guys and gals enjoy. Happy reading to all.

I am aware that it cuts off in the middle at the end. This was done purposefully. Provided that this may (or may not) go to Round 2, (as stated above,) I shall continue with this either way.

Oh, one more last thing: I swear that no one was hurt in the process of the “Making of…” (Well maybe that couple, could have fallen backwards scared shitless and fell over something? But then who cares about that stupid couple anyways?)

Word Count: 2,628

“I want to go on that one.” A young woman with onyx colored hair and the brightest blue eyes said sheepishly as she pointed to the longest ride in the park; in distance of the line, in time on the ride and the distance of the ride from start to finish, the roller coaster.

Her companion, a young male with shoulder length platinum blond hair and light brown eyes; with flecks of gold, looked at the ride she had pointed to, and inwardly shook his head; all the while thinking, ‘Well, that sure is on way to hold her close to me.’ But he asked, his voice dubious, “Are you sure that you want to go on the roller coaster, Kagome, it looks a little bit scary.”

Kagome, the girl in the couple, nodded instantly and intently. There was a specific reason why she wanted that ride; a ride that she has been building up the courage for since last night when she thought of the idea. She wanted to do something spontaneous, something she would never dare do, had she not been so madly in love with the man that she was with. They’ve only gone out on a few dates, but she has been in love with Matsumoto Sesshomaru since she first saw him back in the last year of junior high school when their schools had gone to the same place for their class trip.

Luckily, she was good friends with Hojo; otherwise she probably would have never found out his name or where he went to school, as his cousin went to the same school; who coincidentally happened to be friends with Sesshomaru. Though it seemed crazy to her, when she was with him, she felt content and could not think of anything or anyone else but him, but when she was alone, especially at night, when she was in bed, she thought of nothing else. There have been times that she has woken herself up from erotic dreams about him. So in her efforts to sate her desires for him, even just a little, she is prepared to seduce him, at any and all costs.

“I am sure. Besides, there is something that I really wanted to try.”

“Hn?” he cocked his eyebrow at her in question, though he knew that he probably would not get an answer.

She smiled up at him sweetly, waving her hand in front of her, “Never mind, it is nothing.” She locked arms with him as they formed the back of the line and waited for their turn. They talked amicably as they waited, well Kagome mostly talked while Sesshomaru listened.

What seemed like hours later, they had finally made it to the platform to get into one of the cars, Sesshomaru had started to pulled her towards the back of the car, while Kagome lightly touched his upper arm and shook her head and pointed to the front. Someone had already sat in the front although, so they would have to wait for the next car. Neither of them had a problem with this though.

“You sure are being bold and daring tonight. Any particular reason?” Sesshomaru asked as he pulled her to him and wrapped an arm around her waist.

Kagome shook her head violently a few times before burying her face into his chest. His left hand found the side of her neck, lifting her head to him he looked into her eyes. He leaned into her and kissed her gently on the lips, his right hand slowly slipped from her side to butt, squeezing and pulled her closer to him at the same time.

Kagome pushed him away, in fear of them getting caught and worse; arrested.

Time seemed to fly after that, as it was only moments before their car had arrived and they could get on to enjoy the ride.

As soon as the safety bar was locked into place for their safety, Sesshomaru placed his hand on her thigh. Kagome crossed her right leg over her left as soon as she sat down in the seat of the coaster and as soon as the safety bar was locked into place. The attendant checked their bar and moved away from the coaster to start the ride.

In the seconds before the coaster started, Kagome scooted closer to Sesshomaru and uncrossed her legs and looked at him. When he cocked his eyebrow questioningly, Kagome guided his hand up her leg, she slid down in her seat slightly and opened her legs; just enough for him to get his fingers inside. Sesshomaru mentally groaned when he realized that she was not wearing any underwear.

The coaster attendant, said his speech about keeping arms and legs in at all times, no flash photography and all the good stuff; turning a key and pressing a large green button, the ride started with a rough jerk, at first the ride started out slow, as it was taken to the incline. They seemed to creep up the slow torturous incline before stopping for a moment at the very top, before plummeting face first down. At the very moment when they had teetered over, Sesshomaru forced his fingers inside of her, making her gasp and cry out at the very same moment.

Although, he could not force his fingers inside her as deep as he wanted, he could tell from just how tight she was. He found out the answer to his silent question that has been on his mind for a while; she was still a virgin.

sshomaru pulled his fingers from inside her and rub his fingers vigorously over her clit. Every once in a while he would change his pace, adding the vibrations and jerks of the roller coaster only intensified her gratification.

The only thing that kept her from throwing her head back and letting the rest of the passengers know of her release, was to suck her bottom lip into her mouth and bite it all the while placing her left hand on his thigh, her palm running the length of his hardening cock, twitching in need of her. While her right hand gripped his, her fingers trying to clench around his hand.

Sesshomaru noticed moments before she sucked in a deep breath to let out a moan, but he grabbed her chin with his left hand and pulled her face to his, covering her mouth with his, her moan muffled by his mouth. He pulled away from her, saying, “I would try to avoid doing that. Once more around?”

Kagome could only nod her head once.

Moments later, the ride was over, as it crawled to a stop, waiting for the other car to head off on the adventure of the coaster. Sesshomaru reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet, he then waited for the safety bar to release them, however, he pulled the bar back down and refastened it.

“Hey!” The couple complained.

Sesshomaru then pulled something out of his wallet and produced it to the couple standing beside the cart.

They were still protesting moments later, but then realized what he held between his fingers; a fifty dollar bill.

Sesshomaru pulled Kagome closer to him; practically pulling her on top of him. Once they were out of the docking station, that is what he did; her legs on either side of him. He gripped her hips and guided her over his obviously growing erection.

Kagome bit back a moan as she started rocking her his back and forth.

“You like my hard stiff cock? Like how the fabric feels against your naked pussy?” Sesshomaru asked in her ear as he rubbed his fingers over her clit. “You want my thick hard cock inside your wet folds; pounding you hard, hard enough to make you scream?”

Kagome let out a moan, however, Sesshomaru was the only one who heard it over the roar of the roller coaster. He chuckled darkly at her response, but turned into a low growl as Kagome began moving her hips against the rhythm of the ride.

Sesshomaru gripped a fist full of her hair and pulled her head back, he grinned inwardly when he heard her moan in a gasp at his roughness. “You will cease your hip movements, or you will pay the consequence. And I promise that it will not be the sweet and gentle kind you will be hoping for.”

“I never said I wanted the sweet and gentle.” Kagome said, bending over the safety bar, baring her naked ass to him.

Sesshomaru groaned inwardly, unsheathed himself from his binding cage of cloth, pulled her into his lap and moistened the mushroomed tip of his long hard cock before pressing his self into her tight ass. With his right hand, he reached around and thrust three fingers into her heated core while his left fingers vigorously rubbed her clit. All the while, Kagome was bucking her hips against his every movement.

Kagome could not decided on what to do with her hands or fingers, her left hand she traced his left hand, her fingers overlaying his as his fingers manipulated her clit vigorously, while her right hand held fast to the front of the car as she braced the rest of her body from Sesshomaru’s assault upon her body. He leaned toward her his fangs gently grazing her shoulder blade, moments before leaving opened mouthed kisses across her left shoulder, then over to her right side, mirroring the process.

The ride was nearing the end once more, but neither Sesshomaru or Kagome was satisfied. Once the car had docked to let the current passengers off and let the ones who were waiting to get on. The same couple that had been waiting before were still standing in the same spot. When the male cleared his throat and held out his hand, trying to get Sesshomaru’s attention, he ignored the male, when said male cleared his throat once more, Sesshomaru jerked his head to look at said male, bared his fangs, growled, eyes glowing red. The couple then jerked back.

The ride started once more, traveling around the hundred and eighty degree turn to go up the slow incline. Just as the car crested over the top, Sesshomaru thrust into her as far as he could go, while he simultaneously sank his fangs into the pulse point on the right side of her neck. At that moment, she let out a silent cry as her left hand gripped the front of the car while her right hand wrapped around his neck and held him closer.

The sound faded from her ears; the air rushing by, the sound of the roller coaster moving along its path, the screams of pleasure and of fear and the laughter all seemed to fade away. The only sounds that she could hear were the sound of her blood rushing through her ears and the sound of the man behind her, sucking on her blood. Kagome reveled in that sound and within that sound, she reveled within the feeling he was making her have as she was being turned on by the simplest thing.

Moments later Sesshomaru could feel her inner walls pulsate around his fingers; Kagome pushed herself against his throbbing cock, pushing him deep within her and ground her hips against him. “Do it; cum inside me.” Kagome whispered in his ear.

Sesshomaru did just that, he came inside her; not that she wanted him to, nor the fact that she asked, but for the simplest reason that he could not hold out much longer, but also because he really was getting tired of this ride and needed to have a little more control. Kagome’s scream of release was mixed in with the screams and laughter of everyone else on the ride. Before they pulled into the docking station, Sesshomaru put her back into her seat and put himself away.


“I’m sorry.” Kagome said bashfully as they were walking to his car.

Sesshomaru almost did a double take, “What for?”

“For what I did. It was shameful and whore-ish and totally and utterly wrong.”

Sesshomaru pushed her gently against a car and pulled her face up to look at him. “Why would you think this?”

“We’ve gone out on how many dates, and then I make you do this?” Kagome adverted her eyes from him.

Which only made him turn her head so she would look at him once more. “I will only tell you this once; you did not make me do anything. Although, I will say this, had I wanted to resist you, there was nothing you could have done to make me do anything.”

Kagome was silent, and still adverted his gaze.

“You want me, I know this as fact, and do not try to deny it. I could smell you from a mile away.”

Kagome groaned, hiding away from him seemed to be the only option, but he would not let her do so.

“Do you want me, now?” Sesshomaru asked as he found her clit once more. “Do you want my cock inside you right this very moment?”

Kagome’s breathing became short and labored. She didn’t know how to reply; instead she pulled him down to her and pressed her lips to his; to say he was a little shocked was an understatement.

It only took a few moments before Sesshomaru found his composure and once he had he came back with a force he has not used with her; almost as if he were hungry for her and could not get enough of her. After a few moment, Sesshomaru reluctantly pulled away, stating that they needed to leave.


Minutes later, Sesshomaru pulled into a valet service line, then told Kagome to get out, go inside and meet him over by the elevators which were located left of the reception area and he would be there momentarily.

“Give me a key to the honeymoon suite.” Sesshomaru growled hurriedly at the man behind the counter.

“But Mr. Mastumoto, that room is reserved.” The male receptionist said to him.

“All of them?” He growled. When the other male only nodded, Sesshomaru said, “Fine. Then the penthouse.”

“That too, Sir, is reserved.”

“Ugh. Give me a fucking key with a single in it, I don’t give a shit, just give me a god damn key!”

Moments later, Sesshomaru walked away from the desk with a key in hand and growled as he went.

Kagome stiffened at the energy that she was feeling rolling off of Sesshomaru. He was not please for some reason and she hope that it had nothing to do with her. She watched as he pushed the up button for the elevator; they waited in silence, until Kagome said meekly, “I’ll split the bill in half, for the room.”

“You don’t owe me anything for the room.”

“How much was it? This seems like a really nice hotel.”

“I said you didn’t owe me anything, and I meant that you do not owe me anything.”

“What is your problem, you seem so ….angry.”

Sesshomaru looked down at the small female for a moment, then his features softened, though only slightly. “I’m sorry, sometimes I just wonder about the people who work here and how incompetent they are sometimes

“You’ve been here before?” Kagome asked a little nervously.

Sesshomaru chuckled. “You could say that.” The doors opened on their floor, and Sesshomaru made a motion for her to exit and he would follow. “Are you sure that you want to do this now?”

She grabbed his hand, entwined their fingers and said, “Which room is ours?”

To Be Continued...