The Legend of the Yasakani no Magatama by KaiKami
A/N Well, it sure has been a few years since I thought about writing fan fiction again, but I hope to think that I have gotten a lot more creative through the years and hope that my story will come to life in the same way I see it in my head! Enjoy.
The first time he met her he had a feeling. Something that nudged at the back of his mind the way things do when something important presented itself. At the time he pushed the thought aside more interested in gutting his half-breed brother and obtaining his father’s powerful sword. Then, a year later when he encountered her again, while her arrow aimed at his heart and shattered his armor it returned more pressing than ever. It stirred in his mind and made him hesitate ripping her heart out.
And now here he was standing in a very large pile of smoking gore that had once been a person, the woman in question looking up at him with a mixture of surprise and fear as he came to a startling revelation.
This woman knew.
She couldn’t believe her eyes; Sesshomaru had just saved her from a very untimely death. Before she could thank him he turned around and walked away, as if something significant occupied his thoughts enough to warrant not gutting her himself.
‘Well that was odd’ she thought groggily. The concoction this man cooked up to keep her miko powers in check was slowly starting to wear off and Kagome was surprised to find that she had wearily gotten to her feet. It wasn’t long before half the hut exploded in a shower of splinters that the person she expected to see almost ran right over her, slipping in the sticky remains of her captor before steadying himself.
“What the fuck?” he questioned before turning to look at the startled woman, picking bits of wood from her hair and trying to wipe the blood from her face unsuccessfully.
“Inuyasha, what the hell?! You could have brought this entire place down on me.” She picked a piece of what could only be melted bone out of her hair before gagging in disgust. “And by the way you didn’t have to spray me with gore on your way in!”
“What the hell happened here? I saw Sesshomaru walking away and I thought for sure you were dead.” Inuyasha exclaimed trying to shake the feeling of dread the washed over him at the sight of his half-brother.
“I….” Kagome hesitated slightly, trying to remember the last few minutes. “I’m not really sure what happened… He just walked in, melted the guy and took off without a word.”
Inuyasha paused, looking concerned and somewhat… weary of her? ‘What the hell is going on around here?’ she thought, looking at Inuyasha questioningly.
“Well whatever the case you are safe. Wish I didn’t have to run around saving your ass all the time.”
“Sit” Kagome smiled as Inuyasha’s face went plowing down into the gore on the floor as he cursed. Turning on her heel she left him to sulk as she walked towards her anxious friends through the destroyed entrance of the hut.
“I’m fine! Really I’m ok.” She reassured her friends as they carefully examined her.
“What happened, Inuyasha took off without us. We only just caught up.” Sango asked, eyeing Kagome who had a faraway look in her eyes.
Kagome answered the same way as she did Inuyasha. “I don’t really know to be honest. One minute I thought I was going to be killed horribly and the next Sesshomaru shows up.” She watched the skeptical glances of her friends.
“Lady Kagome….. Are you sure you’re all right?” Miroku asked, hand carefully reaching for her forehead. Kagome batted it away in frustration. She just wanted a warm bath and a nice long sleep. Kagome sighed in defeat. Today was just not her day.
“I’m fine Miroku” She sighed wearily. “Look, I’m sorry for being so frustrated. I’m just as confused as you are. I thought for sure I would end up a pile of goo along with that man.”
Sango turned to look at the very angry hanyou emerging from the hut and then in the direction of the forest. Something didn’t feel right.
It was late at night and Kagome had found that for the life of her she couldn’t sleep. She lay there in her sleeping bag staring moodily up at the stars, as if they offended her in some way. She didn’t know why she had been so angry all day, sometimes snapping at her friends, until it came to her in a realization that shocked her.
She felt the sting of Inuyasha’s words after he rescued her, but it hit somewhere deep. She hated being helpless, she hated the fact that she could never save herself and cursed herself for being so weak. She was supposed to be the reincarnation of the guardian of the Shikon No Tama.
She felt Inuyasha eyes on her and knew he was awake, watching her toss and turn restlessly. Even that seemed to bug her. What was wrong with her these days, she had been nothing but grumpy over the last few days that her normally chipper mood faded into memory. It was only a slight rustle in the leaves that brought her to attention. It happened so fast that Kagome didn’t know how she got from resting in her sleeping bag to upright and flying through the air. Inuyasha cursed loudly and he heard him unsheathe Tesuiga.
She felt her back collide with something hard and tried to regain the breath in her lungs before she was pulled to her feet unceremoniously by her throat. Cold golden eyes stared at her with such furry that she was momentarily paralyzed with fear.
Inuyasha took on the scene with a different view. He should have heard the bastard coming, or at least caught his smell on the breeze. Now here he was, hand around Kagome’s throat and he could do nothing without risking her life. His other companions seemed to move at the same time, weapons drawn, to stand by his side.
“What the hell are you doing to Kagome!” Inuyasha yelled, pointing his sword in what was meant to be a menacing gesture towards his half-brother.
Nobody moved, Sesshomaru continued to glare at Kagome. Somewhere in the distance the soft call of a wolf disturbed the silence.
“Miko” Sesshomaru finally said. To his surprise she only seemed to glare right back at him. “You possess something that I seek and you will give it to me immediately” He released his hand on her throat reluctantly and let her fall to a heap on the ground. She coughed and sputtered and he resisted the urge to tear her throat out with his entire being.
Kagome, furious at her rough treatments glared up at the youkai. “Sure, straight to the point. Just throw me around like a sack of potatoes and demand things of me!” She yelled in frustration. “First of all I don’t even know what you want!”
Sesshomaru paused, his fury almost consuming him. She would be dead in seconds regardless of how much he needed her if she didn’t hold her tongue. “Yasakani no Magatama” He explained. “You know its location and you will bring it to me.”
Kagome paused, a look of concentration on her face. “You want Susanoo’s jewel?” Kagome thought back to her previous lessons in school. “What in the hell makes you think I know where it is?” Kagome knew she was crossing a dangerous line but she didn’t care. She was tired, and now extremely sore.
“I have been informed by a very reliable source.” He cryptically answered. “You will tell me of its location.”
Kagome cautiously got to her feet and put her hands on her hips. “Look, I don’t know who you’ve been talking to but I know very little about the legend. Not to mention I’ve just been man handled. My brain is a little foggy.”
Roughly he grabbed her by the arm and began turning away from the group, all of whom had very surprised and scared looks on their faces.
“You will be coming with me.” He declared as he began dragging her in the general direction that he came from.
Inuyasha was in front of him then. “Kagome’s not going anywhere with you!”
It was over before it begun. Inuyasha went spiraling through the air and into another tree; she heard the tree crack just before it fell over nearly toppling her friends.
“Inuyasha!” She screamed trying to wrench free of her captors grasp. She was pulled from her thoughts as sharp claws dug deeply into her arm.
“Enough” Sesshomaru said darkly. The look on his face made Kagome stop immediately. She had pushed him too far, he looked murderous. “Unless you wish to see them melted to the ground you will be silent and come with me.”
Kagome only had to take one look back at her friends before she made her decision. Not that she had much of a choice…
Thanks for reading guys. I will update shortly. I know it’s not super long but I hoped to get this all on paper before I forgot it. For those of you who don’t know the myth of the Yasakani no Magatama, I will reveal it shortly. But I will give you a tidbit here. It was given to Amatarasu by her brother. She then used it to make deity’s. It was ripped from the stomach of a boar by a dog. Wiki that if you would like. Moving on! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please feel free to read and review.