Lucky Me by Jay_chAn

Lucky Me



I DO NOT OWN INUYASHA!  I also will say that I know I should finish my other stories or at least update them before writing others, but I have lost my muses.  However, I have thoughts about all of them and will continue them thought I am unsure of when.  This story was created based on my birthday today- Happy St. Patrick's Day =] - and I thought a little one shot about a not-so-often-celebreated in US holiday would be nice. Sorry I didn't have this up sooner; I was celebrating with my family! =] Enjoy!    

There was a holiday, one Sesshomaru hated because various people believed in pinching if you weren't wearing the color green.  One that caused several girls to walk up to him and try to do just that.  The Christian-Catholic holiday St. Patrick's Day.  On the morning bus to school Sesshomaru and his brother, Inuyasha witnessed many of the students playfully pinching eachother for not wearing green.  As the bus stopped in front of the school a couple of girls reached out to pinch Inuyasha from behind and ran away in giggles at his yelp of surprise leaving Sesshomaru and the occupants of the back of the bus to witness Inuyasha's cussing and very red face.  

Scanning the school grounds Seshomaru sighed at the sight of the girls red and white uniforms they wore adorned with green hairpieces or accessories.  However, Sesshomaru noted many of the boys black uniforms also had a green pin or even show laces and jackets to avoid being pinched.  A student had spread word of the holiday days before which resulted in many students wanting to drink later and half if-not most of the guys hoping to pinch the derrière of the girls.   

Looking at the time on his watch Sesshomaru sighed at the tardiness of his friends and girlfriend.  Out of the corner of his eye Sesshomaru spotted his brother and their friend Koga making their way over to the bench he was occupying.  

"Sorry 'bout the wait man," Koga said before taking a bite of his bread and swallowing, "you know how long the cafeteria lines can be."  Sesshomaru 'hn' in response and watched as the two conversed, Sesshomaru's amber eyes turning back to scan the crowd.    

"Can you believe this stupid pinching thing though," Inuyasha said with annoyance as he opened his bento and drooled at the sight of ramen and sushi causing the other two to frown at the sight of Inuyasha's taste.  "The girls have been trying to pinch me all morning till Kikyo gave me this," Inuyasha held out his wrist to show the green rubber bracelet his girlfriend had given him.  

"If you're wearing that, what's Kikyo wearing to protect her from the guys?" Koga asked as he popped open his soda.  

"She's got some more, this was just an extra," Inuyasha said before going back to his lunch.  

"Yeah, Ayame gave me one of her green ribbons in her hair," Koga laughed and showed them the once neatly tied ribbon around his wrist.  "A lot of the guys are trying to pull them off her but she punches them and points to her eyes as a backup... What about you Sesshomaru?  Where's your green?  Can't fight your fangirls off all day."  

Sesshomaru huffed before pulling the chain out from under his shirt and showing the necklace he wore.  The white gold necklace held the jade pendant with the word 'love' in the center.     

"That's lovely Sesshomaru," Kikyo said as she joined them.  Greeting them with a smile and Inuyasha with a kiss to the cheek.  "Did Kagome give that to you?"  Sesshomaru stayed silent and the guys smiled as they started to tease him.  "Oh, you two shush I think it's sweet of a boyfriend to wear a gift from his girlfriend."  The guys laughed as Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes.  

"You two will shut up.  You are one to talk though Koga," Sesshomaru said, "after all you are wearing a ribbon."  He smirked as Inuyasha laughed and Kikyo giggled turning the playful banter around on at least one of them.  Shaking his head as they continued and earned a scolding from Kikyo about talking with their mouths full, Sesshomaru turned away and narrowed his eyes once again at another sight he saw.  

Kagome, his girlfriend, was repeatedly getting her derrière pinched by a few of the boys.  He could see the anger and annoyance in her expression as she yelled at them to stop.  Her words, however, were ignored.  He knew one of the boys, Hojo, had always had a crush on his Kagome.  Standing, Sesshomaru made his way over to her.  

Just as another of the three boys was inches away from pinching what was his, Sesshomaru grabbed his wrist causing the boy to turn and be greeted with a fist.  "What the hell dude, it's just a game," said the other as he lent his fallen friend a hand.  Sesshomaru looked at Kagome and saw the relief in her eyes as their eyes met.  A smile formed at her lips and Sesshomaru slightly smirked as she whispered his name.   

Turning back to the three, Sesshomaru spoke, "this game of yours has ended.  My girlfriend has announced her displeasure of it long ago.  Had it not been for your childish behavior you would not have had to dealt with me.  If you seek to continue this Sesshomaru will make you pay far worse than a simple punch to the face," his eyes met each and every one of theirs with a promise to his threat.    

He could hear his brother and friends as they showed behind him and agreed.  Sesshomaru watched as Hojo glanced at Kagome once more before retreating with the other two in tow.  Turning he glared at the students who stopped to watch before looking at Kagome.  He noted she was not wearing any green like many of the unfortunate students who were suffering a pinch.  

"Why is it you are not wearing green Kagome," Sesshomaru watched as her face began to blush and she placed her hands on her hips.  

"I didn't know about this stupid rule or anything.  I was out sick the other day remember?" She said before smiling and turning to greet everyone as they gathered around to make sure she was okay.    

"Dear Kagome, I do believe I told you I would have a sweet feel of your glorious backside yesterday," their friend Miroku said as he raised his hand and wiggled his eye brows in suggestion  

"You say that everyday you pervert," Sango said as she swatted his outstretched hand back to him.  

Inuyasha leaned over and glanced at the necklace his brother was wearing.  "Why would you give Sesshomaru a necklace and not keep one for yourself?"  His confusion turning to meet his best friends.  

Kagome raised a brow in question.  "Necklace?  What -" the class bell rang loudly, signaling the end of lunch.  Some of the teachers yelling at them from the door to get to class.  As they gathered their things Kagome looked at the necklace Sesshomaru wore and frowned.  

She grabbed his wrist and nodded her head at the beautiful jewelry.  "Where'd you get that?"  Sesshomaru noted the jealousy in her voice and smirked shrugging in response.  Kagome huffed and turned to walk to the building before she felt the pressure around her wrist.    

Twirling back into a strong embrace and her lips were met with his.  Parting as they needed air Sesshomaru smirked at the dazed expression she held before his lips trailed to her ear and he could feel her stiffen as he bit her lobe. "Happy St. Patrick's Day my Ka-go-me," he whispered huskily and felt a small drop around her shoulders.  Looking down Kagome was surprised at the gift he presented to her.  The same necklace Sesshomaru wore with the word 'lucky' written in the center.    

Kagome smiled and giggled before looking up to meet her boyfriends merry gaze.  'I most certainly am,' she thought.  Eyes drifting to the necklace he wore she smiled and tiptoed to kiss him once more.  "Happy St. Patrick's Day Sesshomaru."    

The End.


Review if you'd like :) greatly appreciated!