Just One Touch by MoonBeamMistress

Endeavors of the Fluffy Kind

Ok so I know it's horribly overdone but I love stories about Kagome obsessing over MokoMoko-sama so I figured i'd give it a shot and write my own version of Kagomes love of Sesshomaru's fluffy! Enjoy^-^

Disclaimer: All characters are copyright to Rumiko Takahashi, sadly I own nothing :(

  'I don't know what that thing is but, I need to touch it.'

   Darting her eyes around to make sure no one noticed her intense interest in the aloof Taiyoukai, Kagome let her gaze rest back on the furry appendage on Sesshomaru's shoulder and sighed.

   'It's so big and fluffy, I wonder if it's attached to him or if it's just a flashy accessory?'

   She watched it ripple in the evening breeze and felt her hands twitch with the urge to stroke it.

   'God I feel like Miroku, perving around, trying to cop a feel of something that belongs to Sesshomaru of all people.'

   "Kagome, is something wrong?"

   Jumping at the sound of her concerned friends voice and hoping she hadn't been caught gawking, she turned to smiled at the Taijiya, shaking her head in the negative.

   "No, no I was just thinking about that fluff..." She covered her almost slip with a cough and a nervous laugh. "Ah,did you need something?"

   Sango smiled at her. "I was wondering if you wanted to go take a bath, Inuyasha said there's a hot spring not far from here and it's been a few days since we've been able to take a hot bath, I was heading there now if you want to come."

    "Yes, please let's go!"

    Jumping up a little to quickly, she grabbed her pack and barreled toward the woods.

   "Umm, Kagome...."

   "Oi, wench where are you going, the hot spring is that way."

   Feeling her face flame she whipped around and grabbed Sango's arm, her eyes to the ground as she headed in the direction Inuyasha had pointed.

   The hot spring ended up being slightly farther than Inuyasha had said and the two girls wandered around in the dark for a few minutes before they could locate it.

   "Stupid idiot, can't even give directions right...."

   "Kagome, are you sure you're alright?"

   She sighed. "Yeah, i'm alright, i'm just.....i've been thinking about something is all."

   "Do you want to talk about it, i'm happy to listen if you do."

   Kagome contemplated the reaction she'd get if she told Sango what was really bothering her and decided that if anything Sango, thanks to her knowledge of demons, would probably be able to tell her what exactly the fluffy object of her desires was and her chances of being able to get her hands on it.

   "Sango.....do you know what that fluffy thing that Sesshomaru always has with him is?"

   The Taijiya looked confused for a moment.

   "The what?"

   "You know that big, fluffy thing he's always got on his shoulder, what is it?"

   Sango gave her a look of disbelief. "Th...that's what has been bothering you?"

   Kagome blushed. "Well it hasn't been bothering me, i'm just curious, I wanna know what it is."

   Shaking her head, she smiled at the young Miko and settled down on a submerged rock shelf.

   "Well, i'm glad it wasan't anything serious, I believe that fluffly thing, as you called it, is his tail."

   'Damn' Kagome thought. 'That means he won't be leaving it lying around anywhere for me to fondle.'

   "His tail, huh......do you think he would.....I don't know.....let me touch it?"

   Sango gasped. "Kagome!"

   The Miko shrugged her shoulders. "What, it looks soft and I just wanted to see what it felt like."

   "Don't you dare try and touch it, if he even knew you were thinking about touching it he'd probably kill you, when it comes to things like that only the mate of said demon can touch him there, it's considered intimate!"

   "I...intimate, how so?"

   "A full blooded demon and Taiyoukai like Sesshomaru can only be fatally harmed if a wound is inflicted to his tail, it's a weak spot basically and in turn is very sensitive, it's also used to bring the demon great pleasure...."

  The rest of Sango's explanation turned into background noise as she absorbed the new information, a sudden and very disturbing realization hitting her.

  Kouga had let her play with his tail, for like an hour, three times......that meant....

  "That bastard!"

  Her sudden outburst startled the other girl into silence.

  Focusing narrowed eyes on the once again confused Taijiya, she let loose a very Inuyasha-like growl.

  "Does Kouga fall into that category as well?"

  "Um, I believe so."

  Basically, she'd indirectly jacked off the wolf demon who'd been sniffing around her skirt for years and she hadn't even known it!

  Three times at that!

  'Damn that wolf,' she thought. 'Just wait 'till I see him again, i'm gonna....ooohhh i'm gonna throttle him!'

  "Kagome, please just do me a favor and don't try and touch Sesshomaru's tail, we've been friends for six years now and I know you well, please, please just don't do it, for me?"

  "What if I accidentally...."

  "No, Kagome, no, just leave it alone."

  The two women continued to bicker, unaware that they had an audience of two listening nearby.


  Kagome had been weighing her chances of being able to touch his tail and then feigning innocence for a week and decided that if she made it look like an accident then she could probably get away with it. After all she was just a stupid human girl, right?

  Letting her walking pace slow bit by bit, so as not to alert anyone to her sudden plan, she brought herself into step with the Taiyoukai walking in the back of the group and smiled at him.

  "Hello Sesshomaru," she said cheerfully.


  "The weather is really nice today, isn't it?"


  "Your hair looks extra shiny today."


  "You don't talk much do you?"

  He gave her a sidelong glance before responding. "Only when I feel it is necessary."


  Well this was going to be harder than she thought, how was she supposed to distract him in the slightest if she couldn't even get him to talk to her? Running over a few topics in her head she realized she'd forgotten the one topic that softens him up like butter in the microwave. Well maybe not that much but, it would maybe get a conversation going long enough for her put her plan into action.

  "So how is Rin doing?"

  Crossing her fingers behind her back, she barely breathed as she waited to see if he would respond.

  "She is well."

  "You didn't bring her along this time, i'm sure Shippou would have enjoyed having a playmate."

  "She is currently busy with the studies I have instructed her to be taught."

  Kagome gave herself a mental pat on the back for getting a full sentance out of the stotic Lord.

  "Rin is smart, i'm sure she'll learn very quickly, i've already taught Shippou how to read and write and he can do basic math."

  "You are educated?"

  She smiled at the slight suprise she detected in his tone. "Yes, very much so."

  "That is....suprising."

  Just as she'd suspected, he thought her to be like all of the other humans of this era, hanging out with Inuyasha probaby wasan't helping the cause out either.

  "Everyone in my....village is very well educated, we are taught to read and write, math and science, astronomy, human anatomy and many other things until we reach adulthood, it's a requirement to be educated where I come from."


  Back to square one she thought as she searched for something else to interest the Demon Lord.

  "So Sesshomaru....."

  "Is there something you wish to ask me Miko?"

  Stunned by his sudden question and bluntness, her train of thought de-railed and exploded.

  "Huh?" She questioned stupidly.

  He looked down at her for a moment before looking forward again.

  "Is there something you wish to ask of me or are you really just chatting needlessly?"

  Feeling her temper flare at his rudeness, she huffed and began to speed up, her plan to 'accidentally' trip and grab his tail forgotten.

  Too bad she really did trip in her hurry to get away from him.

  Much to her suprise though, she never hit the ground , an iron grip on her elbow kept her safely on her feet.

  Looking down at the elegant fingers that had kept her in an upright position, she followed the arm up to the person who was staring down at her blankly and felt her face heat in embarassment.

  "Umm, th...thank you."


  As he released her arm and continued on she realized far too late that her hand had been hovering a mere inch from her intended goal and if she'd just been paying attention, she could have extended her fingers and stroked the silky softness of his tail and laid her obsession to rest.



  Another week passed, another six failed attempts and Kagome was becoming frustrated.

  Glaring across the campfire at the Taiyoukai and the irresistible fluffy appendage he was stroking, she decided it was time for drastic measures. He'd announced earlier that day that in the morning he would be going back to the Western Lands, so this was her last chance to get what she wanted.

  And by damn she was going to touch that heavenly fluff whether he liked it or not.

  She looked around at her quiet friends and gauged if any of them would be able to reach her before she could get what she wanted.

  She could make it.

  Standing from her sitting position, she walked around the campfire and stopped next to the object of her obsession.


  "Hn," he said not looking at her.

  Here goes nothing.

  Pointing her finger at the furry appendage in front of her she took a deep breath and told him what she wanted.

  "I want to touch that."

  Gasps of suprise filled the quiet space at her bold demand, all eyes focusing on the young Miko who was pointing at the stotic Taiyoukai.

  He turned his head to look at her, his face blank.

  "You want to touch what, Miko?"

  "That, I want to touch that furry thing on your shoulder."

  He looked down at it as if he'd just realized it was there and then back up at her.

  "You would like to touch MokoMoko-sama?"

  "Yes, i'm going to touch that thing, i've been trying for two weeks to get my hands on it and I can't take sneaking around anymore, i'm going to touch it and I don't care what you say!"

  Reaching forward to run her fingers through the creamy fur, she felt only air as the Taiyoukai shifted away from her.

  "Hold still!"

  "Oi wench, what the hell are you doing!?"

  "Shut up Inuyasha, i'm going to touch that thing!"

  "The hell you are, more like get yourself killed...."

  She heard the Hanyou making his way toward her as she made another grab for Sesshomaru's tail and immediately put him in the ground.

  "OSUWARI, don't even attempt it dog-boy, I am getting my hands on his tail and you of all people are certainly not going to stop me."

  Diving forward again, both hands extended, she stumbled as he stepped out of the way and let her hit the ground, knees first.

  "Damnit Sesshomaru, hold still!"

  "Kagome, please leave him alone, I don't want you to get hurt!"

  She looked over at Sango and shook her head as she lunged at the Taiyoukai once more.

  "Leave her be Sango, she will be alright."

  Turning confused eyes to the monk, Sango waited for him to elaborate.

  "My dear Sango, if she were in any danger he would have already harmed her, I don't know about you but, it looks to me as if the Lord of the West is playing with our little Miko."

  Sango watched the two shift around the camp and felt a small smile begin to form on her lips.

  It seemed for once the Monk was right about something, although Kagome was obviously much slower than the Taiyoukai, he was waiting until the last second to shift away from her reach, making it seem that she had a chance to get her hands on her goal.

  "Oh come on, Sesshomaru, just one touch!"

  Dancing away from her extended hands once again, he let a small smirk grace his handsome features.

  "Miko, you are aware that what your Taijiya friend said is the truth, correct?"

  His question made her pause in her attempts and she gave him a confused look.

  "What she......hey wait a minute, you were spying on us while we were bathing?!"

  The look of indignation that crossed his features had Kagome taking a step back.

  "I am not like your Monk friend, I meerly heard your conversation, she spoke the truth when she stated that only my mate is permitted to touch MokoMoko-sama."

  The sound of Sango's fist connecting with the back of Miroku's skull echoed through the suddenly quiet clearing, Inuyasha's grumbling following shortly after as he attempted to pull himself out of the crater he'd created when he'd hit the ground.

  Well what was she going to do now, Sesshomaru hadn't killed her for trying to fondle MokoMoko-sama but, she was sure his patience would only stretch so far and he had confirmed what Sango had said. The only way she was going to get to cuddle up to the fluffiest thing she'd ever laid eyes on was if she became the mate of the powerful Lord of the West.

  Letting her eyes drag slowly over his still form, she realized just how.....sexy he really was. Long, luscious silver hair spilled over his shoulders and down his back, coming to a stop just behind his knees. Strong jaw, intense gold eyes, long, elegant fingers and a presence that could have any girl creaming her panties if he so wished it. And those magenta stripes that adorned his face and wrists.....well let's just say they definately had Kagome wondering where else he was sporting them.

  Needless to say, Kagome decided that being mated to Sesshomaru would not be something she'd be deeply upset about, in fact, Sesshomaru was far hotter than his brother,whom she'd wasted years chasing after.

  Now she just had to convince the Ice King in front of her that she was the mate of his dreams and then she could finally get her hands on that wonderful, wonderful fluff.

 Swinging her hand up to point at the Taiyoukai once more, she set a determined look on her features and let the first thing that came to mind fly from her mouth.

  "Sesshomaru, make me your mate!"

  What she had planned to say and what had come out of her mouth were two totally different things, so not only had she stunned everyone in the campsite, including Sesshomaru but, she'd also caused her own brain to shut down.

  Silence stretched out for a minute or so as everyone stared at the bold Miko who stood before The Lord of the West, looking just as shocked by what she'd said as everyone else.


  Inuyasha's sudden sputtering broke the trance everyone seemed to be in and earned him another face plant into the dirt.

  Deciding she'd already taken a step into forbidden territory, Kagome shook her head and set a determined stare on the silent Taiyoukai in front of her.

  "I'm serious, make me your mate, i'm human but, i'm highly educated and a powerful Miko, I can defend myself and I believe I can become a valuable asset to the Western Lands."

  She paused for a moment to let Sesshomaru think it over and then continued before he could speak, hoping what she said next would seal the deal.

  "And I also believe my presence would be beneficial to Rin, I could be a female companion and a mother to her if she wants, I can teach her things that only a woman can and help you raise her to be an elegant woman."

  The intense perusal of her form from the Taiyoukai had her fighting not to back away and cover up, the stare from the golden eyes she'd been admiring earlier making her feel incredibly exposed.

  A sudden hand on her shoulder made her jump and turn to find Sango standing next to her, a resolute expression on her pretty features.

  "Sesshomaru-sama, Kagome is a dear friend of mine and if she has decided that she wants to be with you then I am going to support her completely. She is a wonderful person and I believe that she would be well cared for if she would become your mate, please consider her request seriously."

  The Taiyoukai looked between the two women for a moment before closing his eyes and sighing.

  "I find this arrangement.....acceptable."

  "I...is that a yes?"


  Kagome felt her chest swell with happiness and immediately took a step forward to latch onto the fluff she'd been trying to get ahold of all week but stopped before she reached it.

  "I have a few questions first,if that's alright Sesshomaru."


  "So, once we're mates, i'll be living with you in the Western Lands, correct?"


  "And i'll be able to go back and get Shippou from Kaede's and he can come with me, yes?"


  “And MokoMoko-sama will be mine for the rubbing, touching and general cuddling with?”

  “To your heart’s content.”

  She smiled. “Alright then, sounds good to me!”

  Grabbing the Taiyoukai by the hand she lead him into the nearby woods, tossing an ‘i’ll be right back’ over her shoulder before she disappeared into the darkness.

  “What do you think she’s doing,” Sango wondered aloud as squeals of happiness from the young Miko echoed through the woods, shortly followed by a gutteral moan and bark from the Taiyoukai.

  “I believe she’s rubbing, touching and generally cuddling to her heart’s content, my dear Sango.”

  Smacking the Monk in the back of the head one more time, the Taijiya laughed and made her way back over to her previous seat, stepping over the Hanyou who had yet to pull himself off the ground.

  “What.....the hell.....just happened?”

  “I believe, Inuyasha, that you just lost Kagome to MokoMoko-sama.”

  Another set of squeals and peels of laughter echoed through the darkness to them and Inuyasha dropped his head back into the dirt.

  “You have got to be kidding me.”