Abstractions by Aurora

WANTED!-Dead or Alive

Title: Abstraction

Author: DawningAurora

Prompt: WANTED! Challenge – Dead or Alive.

Genre: Romance,Adventure, Drama

AU/CU: Canon Universe; Post series.

Rating: T

Warnings: Crack pairing, blood.

Word Count: 415

A/N: This entry is a part of a series of six prompts for the WANTED! Challenge.

Summary: An impulsive decision leads to unexpected consequences. SessKag.


He caught the scent of blood in the air. Human blood. A lot of it. So did Jaken apparently, from his frantically vacillating look from his master's face to the direction the blood came from.

"Ready the cave" was his only command as walked towards the source of it. The undergrowth was thick and bramble ridden as he drew close.

She lay in its midst, pale and far too still on the forest floor. She had lost too much blood, if the pool around her was any indication.

Her dark hair was clumped together by congealing blood. Her dirt streaked face could not have hidden her identity; neither could the outlandish clothes she wore.

The miko.

Whatever had attacked her had been indisputably powerful. That much was evident. Even on scenting the air, he didn't find any trace of Inuyasha's pack mates. He bent down and quickly assessed the extent of her injuries and then managed to lift her up so that she wouldn't be too jostled and flashed the both of them to a river. He stepped into the pool with her still in his arms, when briefly her eyes fluttered open, widening in recognition before clouding in a haze of pain and closing. He set her on a flat expanse of boulders as he clinically divested her of the dirty garment she wore and cleaned her wounds.

She would die if he didn't do it. He raised his wrist to his fang and slit it open, allowing the crimson rivulet to flow down his fingers. He cradled her head as he would a new born pup's and parted her lips as he guided the rivulet into her mouth.

Almost immediately, the flesh of the wounds knitted back together and a little bit of color crept into her face. Satisfied, Sesshomaru wrapped the fur pelt modestly around her and flashed towards the cave Jaken had undoubtedly prepared.


-And there you have it. My very first SessKag story.

Please feel welcome to air your thoughts, opinions and views.

A parallel account is also available on Fanfiction.net for other fandoms.
