Unexpectedly A Mother by MidNigh


A/N: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its chacters, nor do I profit from the writing of this story!

Siya had been running for hours; she did not know how many, but she knew she could not stop. All manner of sharp objects littered the forest floor and cut into her unprotected feet, and leaving a blood trail in her wake. The small squirming bundle cradled to her chest released a high pitched wail that signaled that he was hungry yet again. The tingling at the back of her neck warned her that the hunters were not far behind her, but she had time, not much but she would be able to feed her son one last time. Using more of her nearly nonexistent energy, Siya flung herself up into a nearby tree and set the pup to nurse. She allowed herself to gaze down at his lovely face as he suckled hungrily, wishing things were different, that their futures lay togther, before scanning the area that surrounded them again.

 A shift in the air around them was her only warning, giving her but an instant to thrust the pup away from her chest. Deadly poison tipped claws passed through the tree behind her before sliding into the flesh of her back and stomach like a hot knife through butter. Pushing past the pain and fear that threatened to consume her, Siya pulled away and disappeared in a flash. She knew that today would be her last, but she would be damned if she allowed them to take her son and corrupt him.


Kagome sunk to the bottom of the spring and sat crossed legged. If only she could stay here forever, never to return to what had become her life. Miroku and Sango had passed several years ago, their grown children leaving to live in the newly restablished slayer village while Shippo was in the Southern kingdom training, and Inuyasha… he was here, but he was not hers. When she had destroyed Naraku some sixty plus years ago, she had hoped her wish would give everyone a second chance at life and happiness, but she had naively thought that her happiness lay with Inuyasha. But he had chosen Kikyo, like always, and took her as his mate. They were happy and Kagome tried to be happy for them, she tried to push past the rage that threatened to overtake her every time she looked at them together, and the sadness at the loss of what she used to be.

Little whirlpools of water danced around her as the element tried to draw her from inside herself, and she smiled. The ease at which she communed with the elements now was one of the only things that pulled her from her depression, that and Shippo’s increasingly infrequent visits.  Releasing the last of her air supply, Kagome allowed herself to float back to the surface. 


Siya turned swiftly and nearly stumbled as a young raven hair woman emerged from the water and blinked at her in surprise. Eyes glazed with pain and fear locked with concerned blue orbs.

“Are you okay?” Kagome asked as she stepped from the spring slowly, hands raised, unconcerned with her nudity.

The other woman, a golden Inu if Kagome was correct, took a step back and looked as if she would bolt at any second.

“I am a priestess, sworn to protect all who are in need. Please allow me to help you.” Kagome pleaded. The woman seemed to deflate before her eyes and Kagome closed the distance between them, catching her by the shoulders.

Slightly taller than Kagome, Siya stared down into the priestess’ eyes searchingly. Opening herself up completely to the younger woman, she forced her way into Kagome’s mind flipping through her memories and emotions. Siya hated to return the girl’s kindness with such a violation, but she had to be sure her pup would be safe with this woman, that he would not be punished for what she was about to do. Memories of a young kitsune and the love the priestess held for him reassured Siya, and she pulled out of Kagome’s mind.

“Forgive me, but you are his only hope now.” Not waiting for the fog over Kagome’s mind to clear, Siya reached deep into herself and pulled out her very essence, thrusting it into the other woman’s chest.

A pain so deep and unexplainable spread through Kagome. It felt like something was pulling her apart from the inside and shoving hot coal into her chest before putting her back together around the pain. She felt as if she had burned and writhed in pain for hours, but only seconds could have passed, because golden hair fluttered around her face as the stranger gazed down at her warily. Relief flashed across her face before she gently laid a bundle on Kagome’s chest, and covered her with the outer layer of a kimono.

“He is yours now. Please love him as I could not.” Confused, Kagome peered down into the bundle, tiny hazel eyes gazed back at her.

“What?” She turned back to demand, but the youkai began to disintegrate, a light breeze blowing her crumbling form away. 

A/N: Okay I know this first chapter might be a little confusing but the next two chapters will clear things up a lot so please bear with me. This story has been bouncing around in my head for months now and it finally escaped today while I was supposed to be writing an essay lol.  Also if anyone is interested in beta-ing for me please PM and let me know :)

- Nigh