Go the Distance by Sanura

Before He Cheats

Kagome wasn't surprised when Sango texted her to say that her fiance was at the bar.

She was surprised, however, when another text arrived from her friend saying he was with a girl and to get her butt down to the bar.

The raven sighed.

Sometimes, Sango overreacted, but she heaved herself up from her couch and book to get dressed in something more appropriate for dancing.

Kagome walked, it wasn't far from their apartment; Kagome's and her fiance's.

Kagome sat down at the bar-counter and Sango slid over, her white shirt bright in the black lights.

"Over there." The brunette pointed to a couple slow-dancing in the corner even though the club had fairly recent and upbeat music.

The male, he was obviously the male because he was taller than the other, weaved his way through the crowd clutching the girl's hand.

They both slid into stools a few feet away, and Sango went to take their orders with a cheery fake smile.

Lights flashing, and pulsing, Kagome was able to make out features.

The female was petite, with not overly large breasts and thin hips. She was dressed in a red leather mini-skirt, and a white halter top. On her feet she wore a pair of black stiletto heels. Long black hair cascaded from a perfectly positioned horsetail.

The male was broad-shouldered, with a narrow waist. He was dressed in jeans, high-top sneakers, and a blood red shirt. Atop his shoulder-length silver hair was a backwards baseball cap, also red.

Kagome felt her breath catch, and then relaxed when his hair turned to a black shade.

Inuyasha, her finace had silver hair; the hair she had just seen had been an illusion of lights.

Sango placed a fruity-looking drink, complete with an umbrella, before the female, who thanked her.

The brunette returned with narrowed eyes, and a tight fist around her counter-rag.

"Sango, grab me a whiskey?" The raven asked, raising a slender eye-brow. The bartender laughed, sliding the glass towards her best friend.

Kagome downed half of it, and then set the cup on the counter.

"It's him." Sango cleared her throat. The raven laughed.

"It can't be." She argued. "His hair isn't silver."

"He's wearing a hat backwards."

"Lots of guys do that." The blue eyed woman pointed out several.

"Well...Well..." The other female stuttered.

"It's not Inuyasha, Sango." Kagome shook her head, and watched as the couple headed towards the pool tables.

The female was...shit at pool, so the male helped her by holding her from behind and showing her how to play. She grinned triumphantly and turned to kiss him.

They played pool another half-hour, and Kagome downed another two glasses of whiskey.

She had always been good at holding her liquor, close even, to a yokai's standard.

The female, the one Kagome and Sango were watching, laughed and pointed to a karaoke machine, before tugging her boyfriend over to it.

The two spying females waited twenty minutes to hear her sing.

'Any man of mine better be proud of me, even if I'm ugly, still gotta love me.'

"White trash karaoke of Shania Twain." They laughed, watching as the other girl with black hair teetered on her heels into the arms of her lover.

'I'm drunk!' She giggled, the words making the male's eyes light up.

The male lowered his lips to hers and captured them in a heated kiss, pulling them into a bright spotlight along the edges of the bar.

Kagome's heart stopped.

It was Inuyasha; the silver hair had not been an illusion, the amber eyes she loved gleamed with lust for another woman.

"Oh kami, Sango." Kagome's eyes welled up with tears. "It really is him."

"I told you!" Sango looked smug a moment, and then hugged her friend. "And in a way, I'm was hoping to be wrong."

Kagome lifted herself slowly to her feet, and hugged Sango back.

"I get off in ten more minutes." The brunette whispered. "Wait by my car."

Kagome nodded, and then on swift feet, left the building.

Her eyes easily found Inuyasha's red four-wheel drive; the very vehicle she had gotten her first kiss in.

The keys in her hand...How did they get there?...pierced the leather of his seats, and the angry raven dug her name into them.

In the back of the vehicle she found a metal baseball bat, and using it, smashed his headlights.

The penknife he kept sharpened in his passenger side compartment was a handy tool when used to slash tires; all four of them.

In disgust, she threw down the weapons, and returned inside, claiming to the bouncer that she had left her wallet in the bathroom.

The silver and diamond ring on her finger glittered icily.

The raven found the couple with ease, dancing near the edge of the crowd.

Kagome went and stood behind the hanyo with her arms crossed and feet planted.

He bumped into her; Inuyasha wasn't a great dancer.

"Oh, sor-" The words died in his mouth when he saw the exact person who was glowering at him.

"Kagome!" He moved to hug her.

Her hand snapped out and struck him across the cheek, the sound of flesh hitting flesh clear through the entire room; the dancers stilled, the drinkers stared, and the pool players didn't notice their friend cheating.

"You lying, cheating, dirty, no good, whore-fucker!" Kagome spat, her blue eyes firey.

"Kagome, I can-" The silver haired man started.

"What? Explain?" The woman sneered. "Yeah right! Inuyasha, we're done. Get out of my life. I wish I had never met you!" She flung the ring to the floor in a grand gesture, slapped him once more, and vanished out the door.

Gradually, the clubs inhabitants began what they were doing before.