Cast Aside by WesternInu91

The One


AN:I just want you all to know this is my first fanfic in almost 8 years. I am a little rusty so forgive me in advance, but no need to be gentle with your reviews, I appreciate honest opinions. Let me know in reviews if there are any grammar or spelling errors I missed/slipped up on before I post the next chapter.  

WARNING: My characters are slightly OC. But I try to remain as close to the original personalities as possible. There is lots of swearing, and violence. War scenes are kept short, not good enough of a writer yet that I can go into super detail and keep you all enthralled with my story. Not too much gore-not really my strong suit.

A/N2: Reedited! finally! :) But if you’d like to do this lovely task yourself, please feel free to pm me for the position! :) (no pay sorry. lol ;) )


~ = thoughts

italicized/bold words= emphasis

*=inner beast

~*~*~*~*= lemon marker

/*/*/*= lime marker



Chapter 1-The One


This was it. Kagome was done with the bullshit. They needed to head into the Southern lands and speak with Kouga! Something evil, worse then Naraku, was coming and they needed to be ready damn it! Not play around for three hours with some dead fucking clay pot. She stood up, gave a reassuring nod to the gang, and she walked into the woods behind them and followed Inuyasha's weak demonic aura. Her own silver aura spiking out around her in anger, and her midnight and green tresses flowing widely behind her.

Yes, that's right, Kagome had trained in the ways of the Miko. In addition to becoming a powerful miko, she had trained herself in nearly every form of combat possible. She was no longer the weak, helpless, and naive 15 year old little girl who had accidentally fallen through a well, 500 years into the past. She was now a woman in the fullest sense. Kagome was at the ripe age of 27 years old now. Naraku had died on her 19th birthday and she wished upon the jewel.

She had wished for all the wrong that had been done, caused by the jewel to be forgotten, and forgiven and for Moridoko to finally be put to a peaceful eternal sleep, a selfless wish, and it had made the jewel disappear. But much to her own dismay the jewel had decided to reside within her once more, and her body had absorbed the power, both demonic and priestess powers alike.

She was thrilled to learn that because of that, she had become an immortal, and a fox demon. Kagome had also developed markings much like Sesshoumaru's, and eight fox tails-similar to Shippo's. The only difference happened to be that the color of her stripes were aqua blue, her forehead adorned with a tribal sun in hunter green, and her eight silky tails were black with a green tip.

Kagome was fuming inside her head ~That stupid fucking bastard mutt is always with this damn bitch. He knows better than that, when we have shit to do!~ she practically screamed in her head. She had grown tired of Inuyasha, she had lost all attraction to the bastard after her 18th birthday and nothing had changed in the three years they had known each other, other then for things to become more and more abusive, escalating to violence and yelling matches that lasted hours, days even.

At last she had found the mutt and his clay pot. What a surprise that they were bad mouthing her, yet again! ~Nothing new there with that dirt bag and his clay whore~ She grumbled inside her head. She laughed loudly, announcing her presence to the hopeless couple and startled them out of their "bliss".

"Kagome! What the fuck do you want now?" Inuyasha yelled bitterly. "Yes useless reincarnate, what do you want? Come to try and steal my Inuyasha away from me again?" Kikyou chimed in. Kagome looked at Kikyou incredulously as if the dead woman had lost her mind and put her left hand on her hip. Kagome rolled her eyes. She had expected this. Kikyou was insecure, scared shitless by Kagome's newfound power.

She knew what it meant for her if challenged. "No, you fucking idiots! I came here to tell YOU, Inuyasha that we need to go. Bring that dead monster along so we can keep going without interruptions. I am tired of sitting here fucking waiting for your sorry ass!” Kagome had yelled at the very end. She really didn't care that they were together, she didn't even care that the clay whore would constantly be around her, filling her sensitive nose with the smell of death and rotting flesh.

It wasn't going to last long anyway, and it had Kagome smirking rather devilishly. It was her birthday tomorrow. The day she would challenge the clay pot for the rest of her soul. Kagome knew as well as Kikyou did that the clay monster had no chance. With that thought in mind Kagome whipped around the way she had come and laughed quietly to herself as the two followed behind her in shock.

Inuyasha was no fool, he knew what day it was tomorrow, and he knew that meant something was going to happen between the two priestesses. He just couldn't figure out what it was, or why. At last the trio came through the brush and into the clearing where Miroku, Songo, Shippo and Kilala stood waiting. When they saw who else was going to be traveling with them, their mouths opened in shock. Kagome just smiled peacefully letting them know it was safe, for now at least.

The four were nervous, Kagome was calm, too calm, and it put a deathly silence over the group. Everyone looked to the miko-demoness and watched with curiosity as she lead the group calmly towards the South, following only Kouga's scent. "Come on you guys, it’s only 9 in the morning, we need to cover ground, and fast, before I loose Kouga's scent." Kagome called from 100 yards away. 

Quickly the confused group caught up to her and followed behind quietly. Songo was desperate to have a conversation with her beloved sister. She was deeply confused by her lack of emotion, when she had come back with Kikyou in tow. As if Kagome had sense her thoughts she waved her up to the front with a knowing smile gracing her angelic features. 

Her piercing sapphire blue eyes knew all too well that look on Songo's face. Songo jogged up to Kagome and gasped in amazement when the two of them were suddenly 600 feet off the ground looking down at the group. "This is new Kagome." Songo said in shock at the raw display of gentle power. "Talk to me Songo. You didn't look at me, just to compliment my newfound power of transportation. What's on your mind sis?" Kagome spoke softly concern lacing in her tone.

"Well, Kagome, I was concerned about you, and how you're handling this. Kikyou followed you and Inuyasha into camp. Are you honestly ok with that? I thought she made you upset?" Songo spoke seriously. Kagome shook her head. "It doesn't bother me anymore. That clay pot is nothing short of an annoyance to me now. I am so tired of her, and soon that problem will be fixed, by fate. " Kagome said, her tone calm. Songo understood exactly what that meant and a smile graced her features. They had talked about this when Kagome had shown her what she really looked like after the battle with Naraku, 8 years ago-also the same time that Songo and Miroku had finally gotten married.

This was huge, and this was a good thing! At last Kagome would have the missing piece of her soul, and that damn clay pot that came back like a bad cold would disappear for good this time. Songo jumped into the air shouting happily. Fate it seemed could be kind at certain times in everyone's life. Songo hugged Kagome tightly and smiled one last time before Kagome set her down on the ground.

The sisters winked at each other knowingly and smiled once more. Miroku looked confused for a moment, but then he remembered what day it was tomorrow. And he let out a long and loud happy laugh, and then Songo joined in. Things, it seemed, were looking to be a million times better for once in a long time. 

For 5 hours they traveled on foot and the whole fucking time Kikyou complained that her feet hurt her and her back was aching. Finally Kagome had, had enough! She turned around stormed straight to the dead priestess and yelled in her face "Shut the fuck up bitch! Stop complaining! You should be grateful I didn't kill you earlier!" Instantly the complaining was done.

Kagome smirked wickedly petting one of her tails that rested on her left shoulder and returned to leading the group. Inuyasha offered Kikyou his back and she hoped on quietly. Shippo burst out laughing that Kikyou had been put in her place so soon, and stuck his tongue out at the wench. ~Serves her right for bitching so much around my mom.~ Shippo snickered to himself quietly.

It was then that the idiot hanyou decided to pipe up. "Watch it wench! That's my mate you're talking to like that! I won't hesitate to put you in your place next time!” Everyone stopped in their tracks, the hanyou had just said possibly the most idiotic thing in his life. This poor fool was going to get slaughtered if he talked to her like that ever again. They all watched in silence as she turned around again from the front of the group one eye brow raised and a bored smirk on her face. 

"Really Inuyasha? You, put me, in my place? I think not!” She paused for a moment to calm herself, then cocked her head to the right, a Sesshoumaru-like smirk plastered on her face. "If anyone's going to get their ass handed to them on a silver platter its most definitely you." Kagome chimed cutely, her eight tails flared out straight from behind her back in annoyance. Her eyes promised near death. 

Miroku shuddered at the violent images flashing in his head of Inuyasha being beaten by Kagome, Songo laughed behind her hand and Shippo grinned. If anything they all agreed Inuyasha needed an ass kicking, but not on the caliber that Kagome was thinking of bestowing upon his dimwitted and unsuspecting ass.

The hanyou gulped audibly when he looked into her eyes. ~Maybe it was too soon to tell them?~ Inuyasha pondered to himself. The thought was quickly shrugged off when Inuyasha felt Sesshoumaru's presence. He hated that bastard more now then ever. Always showing up whenever he and Kagome threatened each other, it was starting to annoy the shit out of him. ~What's he so damn smug about now?~ Inuyasha grumbled to himself.

"Lord Sesshoumaru. Have you come to travel the rest of the way with us to see Lord Kouga?" Kagome bowed respectfully and a small smile found its way on her face. He nodded and was met with only one person disagreeing. No surprise it was Inu-trasha. "Why does he get to come? Since when are you in charge of the group Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled. Kagome rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Because I killed Naraku, because I am ten times stronger then you. Because I let you bring your dead traitorous whore. AND I can protect everyone without even trying." Kagome replied softly, a cocky smirk on her plump lips. Inuyasha tried to come up with a rebuttal and failed miserably. So instead he looked down at the ground in defeat and kicked dirt up with his feet. 

Kagome stuck her head up into the air triumphantly a proud, almost boastful look on her face. Sesshoumaru watched the display between the two with avid interest. She was right. She was alpha and her word was law in this pack, Sesshoumaru saw. The demon slayer, fox kit, and monk obeyed her word without question, they knew better it seemed. ~Perhaps humans aren't as foolish as this Sesshoumaru originally thought.~ Sesshoumaru thought to himself. 

He looked at the demon priestess in front of him. Odd that her dermic form would be a fox and she was the heir to the Eastern lands. He doubted she knew what that mark on her forehead meant in this world. As if she had heard his thoughts she turned to the lord of the West, expression haughty. "I do know what this mark upon my forehead means Lord Sesshoumaru. And I am well aware of the duties that lie before me once my father dies." She stared at him, her voice sounding very regal. 

He stared at her in wonder, and his eyes widened in surprise. She nodded at him again, apparently the female did hear his thoughts, which was confirmed by yet another nod from Kagome. He felt her energy probing his mind playfully before she withdrew it gently. His mind was his own again, a relief to him. He worried she would reside in his head permanently, and ruin his plans of secretly showing interest in mating her. Now that the group was quiet once again Kagome and Sesshoumaru led the way with quick long elegant strides.

It had been almost 6 hours of walking now. The children quietly moaned in pain, empty stomachs were hard to cope with. Kagome turned her head over her left shoulder and in a soft gentle voice spoke. "We'll stop here for lunch everyone. Songo please set up a fire. I'll be back with food." And with that at lightening speed she took off left into the woods. Sesshoumaru followed suit going in the opposite direction, he would be hunting for just the two of them, not that anyone else would know until the very end when he placed an animal at her feet, and sat down to eat his own raw meat-yum.

#With Kagome

She was in the mood to hunt. Take out some aggression on a few rabbits and deer. Her nose picked up on the scent of a boar instead, and she rushed toward it claws extended. She came to a clearing and found the boar drinking from a stream. On quiet feet she jumped up and landed behind the boar and dug her claws across the jugular swiftly. With a surprised squeal the boar collapsed, blood pooling around its head. In a flash Kagome pulled out a dagger, gutted the boar and shaved the skin off quickly with ease.

With a soft grunt Kagome picked up the corpse and ran back quickly towards the group. When she came to the clearing she looked around to see Songo had started the fire, Miroku had gotten water, and the children were playing quietly by the edge of the camp. With an elegant huff she dropped the dead pig by Songo's feet and fashioned a rotisserie stick for the pig. She ran the stick through and laid the pig over the fire a triumphant look on her face.

This had been her first hunt in months, and she had brought back a bountiful pig for her pack to eat. She was glad she had done well, for being so out of practice. She was grateful for the natural instinct to hunt. It made it easier for herself when she was alone.When the pig had been laid over the fire, Sesshoumaru choose at that moment to return, a few skinless deer hanging over his elegant right shoulder. Kagome rose an eye brow in question, and received an answer when he laid one deer before her. ~How does he know?~ Kagome stared at him with wide eyes. 

Deer was her weakness, if she had it her way she would've eaten 10 or 20 a day, but she couldn't wipe out her favorite meal just yet. Sesshoumaru graced everyone with a cocky grin. Kagome flushed at the sight, as arousal spread like fire through her body. The lord took in a deep breath through his nose and was pleased with her musky scent. Sakura petals and rain water. Kagome released a purr at the sight of the deer, damn everyone else! She was hungry!

She dug into the deer greedily and devoured it in moments. Her tails wagged in satisfaction when he placed yet another deer at her feet. ~So he had brought two for her eh? Who was she to turn down a second deer?~ Kagome didn't think twice as she dug into the second one starting at the leg meat and working her way up to the head. Deer demolished, and with only bones left Kagome wiped the blood away from her face. 

It had been nearly three weeks since her last hunt and she had been feeling the sharp pangs of hunger for days now. Sesshoumaru watched in amazement as she ate two deer in less then 10 minutes. She had been denying her body food for far too long, this did not sit well with himself, or his inner beast. It would not do well to have his mate malnourished if she were with pup. *Mate must eat. Needs to be strong for future pups* ~Quiet beast. This Sesshoumaru will speak with her about it~ Sesshoumaru placated his beast, for now.

Miroku and Songo looked at Kagome with wide eyes. She had just eaten deer raw! They knew she had demon blood in her, but were not aware that she would eat like other demons did, they assumed she would still cook the deer. They watched in amazement as she wiped the blood calmly from her mouth and licked it off of her hand, savoring the sweetness of the deer blood.

Shippo laughed. He remembered the first time his mother had to eat raw meat to satisfy her demon needs.She had made such a fuss. And now she looked like any other demon when she ate. Peace settled over the group when Kagome spread out her aura and created a barrier around the group. Everyone was starting to settle down. Miroku and Songo sat next to each other by the fire, chatting quietly about Edo. Inuyasha had Kikyou across his lap and they were up in the higher branches of a tree. 

Kagome looked to the children and visibly relaxed when she saw that they had chosen to sit next to AhUn for a nap . The double headed dragon would guard the children with his life. Just as she was about to put the fire out and rest against a nice cozy oak tree Sesshoumaru gently grabbed her wrist pulling her away from the fire and towards the edge of the barrier. 

She tried to pull out of his grip but he squeezed her wrist gently and continued to pull her out of the barrier. "Relax Kagome. This Sesshoumaru does not wish to harm you." He spoke so softly, only her demon hearing had picked it up. She put her free hand over her heart, hearing him say her name had sent a monstrous wave of butterflies fluttering through her stomach. A blush covered her face and giving into her curiosity she followed him out of the barrier and  walked off to the left. She inhaled deeply and her eyes went wide. She smelled the sea! 

Slowly but surely they came to a clearing with a cliff overlooking the sea. Grass that reached their knees with spots of lavender flowers and the sun high above the water, making it sparkle here and there. This was amazing! ~This place it’s so beautiful, I'll remember this for as long as I live.~ Kagome thought, her mind filled with awe at the sight before her. Kagome's eyes sparkled with amazement and a beautiful smile spread across her lips. 

Sesshoumaru looked at Kagome from the corner of his left eye, and his breath was stolen. She looked so beautiful, so enchanting, she didn't even look real. She was most definitely the one for him. The one Sesshoumaru had been waiting for. "Kagome." Sesshoumaru spoke her name quietly. She looked to him, her sapphire blue eyes glittering and her long lashes low over her eyes "Yes Sesshoumaru?" She all but whispered, her instinct told her this was what she had been waiting for. 

"I wish to court you.” Sesshoumaru said smoothly. With that he planted a heart stammering kiss on the unsuspecting Kagome. Fireworks went off behind her eyelids, as she kissed him back with all that she was. He cupped her face with his left hand and wrapped his right arm around her, pulling her close to his body. She snaked her arms up his chest and around his neck, and stood on the tips of her toes, she never wanted this kiss to end.

But all too soon he pulled away, a sexy grin on his face and his eyes held a flicker of mischief. Kagome blushed and looked down and the wind swept her hair in front of her face. ~Still she doubts her beauty, and my feelings.~ Sesshoumaru gave an inner sigh at this. He lifted her chin up with his thumb and index finger and spoke. "Kagome, why do you doubt that this Sesshoumaru wants you? Did we not just kiss? Did I not just ask permission to court you?" His tone was stern but gentle.

Kagome looked up, her eyes sparkling with happiness and unshed tears. "It’s not that Sesshoumaru. I just feel so happy. I've waited so long for you! After I grew tired of Inuyasha I waited, and waited. I was afraid you'd never ask me. But when I saw you walk into the clearing earlier today, I knew." Her voice sounded so happy, this was the Kagome he had grown accustomed to, this was the Kagome he had fallen in love with, a happy, charming, caring, smart, and beautiful woman, with a big heart and an amazing soul. 

So much she had gone through for the sake of others, suffered so much pain to right the wrong she had done, and now she stood before him a (recent albeit) demonness in charge of her life. He smiled and she smiled back at him. "I accept your courtship Lord Sesshoumaru" Kagome whispered. He was filled with joy, she had said yes. His world felt right again. He picked her up, spinning in a circle as he kissed her face. 

Kagome giggled, this felt so natural, so right. The storm within her had finally quieted, there was no longer inner turmoil within her heart. Without a doubt Kagome had found her soulmate. Gently he set her down on her feet, and kissed her forehead. Sesshoumaru reached into his sleeve and pulled out a silver and blue satin string. Kagome looked closer and saw that a solid small sapphire crescent moon hung from the satin string,  resting perfectly in the middle of the choker. She looked up at him her eyes questioning. 

"This has been passed down for generations-in my family, as a gift to their intended. It shows other lords that you are off limits." Sesshoumaru spoke as he clasped the choker around her neck. With tentative fingers she reached up and gently brushed her fingers against the stone, and then the satin that now rested on her collarbone. It felt heavy, but it felt like it belonged there. He laced their fingers together and quietly the two walked back hand in hand to the clearing, with her hoping everyone was distracted or off doing something.

Kagome let out an embarrassed laugh when everyone starred at her holding Sesshoumaru's hand. She tried to let it go, but he squeezed it gently and smiled down at her. Inuyasha jumped down from his perch and decided that yet again was another good time to put his two cents in.~Oh kami what the fuck do I have to listen to now?~ Kagome moaned inside her head.

“Kagome! You're fucking disgusting! If you can't have me, you go for my older half brother? You slut! You fucking whore! Filthy traitor! You know it'll never work right? Why are you even wasting your time with that asshole anyway? He doesn't have feelings! Besides all that, no one deserves to be with anyone who can't protect themselves!" By the end of his little rant he had a satisfied smirk on his face. 

He figured that if he couldn't have Kagome no one could. And he would do anything in his power to stop her from being with his older half brother, that was for damn sure. The demon-ness in question gasped, annoyed that he was doing this. ~Couldn't he just let this shit go already?!~ Kagome cried to herself. A shaky hand rose to her chest and rested over her heart. She needed to stay calm or she'd loose it and kill his sorry ass, and they needed his sword for the upcoming battle.

Sesshoumaru looked at Kagome and frowned. She was mad, frustrated, upset, and very afraid to lose control. But he sure as hell wasn't. In an instant he was in front of Inuyasha's face, eyes red, claws extended and growling. "Never again will you speak to my mate, Kagome, that way again, or it will be your life. You've made the wrong choice, to mate the dead one. Don't be pissed off with Kagome because she's chosen better and knows that.” With that said Sesshoumaru punched Inuyasha in the middle of his face so hard he went flying into a tree 20 yards behind him-Sesshoumaru was certain a few facial bones had been broken, and that was satisfying. 

Sesshoumaru stood over Inuyasha's slumped form, a deadly smirk on his lips. "Open your mouth again whelp. This Sesshoumaru dares you.” He barked out a harsh laugh as the hanyou stood shakily. Inuyasha bit his tongue and stumbled away from the group into the shelter of the forest. Pride wounded, and beyond pissed off he'd been humiliated in front of Kikyou and Kagome.

Kagome rushed to Sesshoumaru's side and placed a hand on his arm. "Was that needed? I think the punch to the face was enough." She asked gently. "No koi, the whelp needs to be put in his place. If you refuse to do so then, I will not hesitate to-since by pack law he is under my charge. He cannot speak to you in such a manner. It is highly inappropriate, considering how many times you've saved his sorry ass, and tolerated his constant abuse." Sesshoumaru continued to stare down Inuyasha as he walked away but his tone was soft. 

Kagome understood that this was not something to interfere with unless she was going to give the punishment. This was Inu territory, and she had no business telling him how to handle things. She shrugged, there wasn't much she could do she supposed. All too suddenly Inuyasha was back, and he looked crazed. He had snapped, unable to cope with the fact that he had lost Kagome to his older half-brother. 

Inuyasha's eyes started to bleed red, he started to growl loudly, making Kagome back up slowly, this was not what she wanted to deal with right now, god damn it! She turned to look for Sesshoumaru for help and her eyes went wide. His aura flared around him, crackling loudly like bones breaking, and it was black. And this frightened her slightly. 

She looked between the two brothers scared, one was out for her blood because he'd lost her, and the other was protecting her-she hoped. Out of fear her instincts told her to run, and run she did. She was running as fast as her feet would carry her. She looked behind her to see that Inuyasha was behind her, much closer then he should've been, until she looked into his eyes. There was the problem. 

His demon side had taken full control. And Kagome had no way to stop him, with the beads no longer hanging around his neck. She would either have to fight him until he was unconscious, run, or kill him. This wouldn't be much of a fair fight, so she ran harder and pushed her body to go faster. Kagome tapped into her miko and demonic energy and used that to boost her speed even more. It helped, for a bit. But not for long, before Inuyasha tackled her to the ground with a snarl.

Kagome let out a loud scream of surprise as she fell with Inuyasha down a steep hill with sharp jagged rocks leading into the sea below. As they tumbled over each other Inuyasha swung his claws at her every chance he got, leaving cuts and gashes all over her body. Kagome growled at him in warning, kicking and punching him every time he toppled over her, hoping that would be enough and his demonic side would get the message, but unfortunately for her, that wasn't the case.

She calmed down, however when she felt Sesshoumaru show up, and even more so when she saw him at the top of the hill. He howled loudly in anger and she watched with wide eyes-as she was falling down the hill faster as he began to transform. She'd only seen him this mad once before, when they first met in the brother's father's tomb. With one graceful leap he was in front of them, his giant paws stopping them mid roll. Kagome sighed in relief, stood up slowly, dusted herself off and hid behind his right front leg and watched as Inuyasha stood and glared up at Sesshoumaru's snout.

What happened next shocked Kagome most. Sesshoumaru barked, growled and snarled out angry commands to the hanyou, and Kagome watched in awe as Inuyasha's eyes returned to their normal golden hue and he pissed his pants. Sesshoumaru opened his maw, and grabbed Inuyasha’s collar. The hanyou complained and kicked, but Sesshoumaru huffed and growled low in his throat, and the whelp shut up. Sesshoumaru then tossed Inuyasha up the hill and into the trees. 

In an attempt not to laugh she bit her lip, then whimpered when she pierced the skin, and tasted her blood on her tongue. She let out an "eeeep!" when she felt the leg she was leaning against vibrate. Kagome looked up and saw that the giant dog, her future mate was looking at her his eyes soft. She smiled and ran her fingers slowly through the silky fur and was rewarded with a louder purr. Her smile grew larger when he returned to his humanoid form and her fingers were laced deeply into his thick silky locks.

He all but moaned at her touch ~Good kamis this woman knows how to please my inner beast!~ and groaned internally. If she didn't stop soon he wouldn't be liable for anything that happened after this. Kagome laughed and to Sesshoumaru it sounded like soft bells chiming in the wind. Much to his relief Kagome ran her fingers through his hair once more and then laced her fingers through his own.

She gently tugged him into walking up the hill and smiled at her as she walked ahead slightly a small blush spreading across her cheeks and the back of her neck. He pulled her back against his chest and smirked as she gasped in surprise, and swooped her up into his arms bridal style. With ease Sesshoumaru was at the top of the cliff and heading towards the camp. Kagome tried to get out of his arms once they reached the camp, but a soft growl stopped her.

A bright red blush spread across Kagome's cheeks when Sesshoumaru walked into camp with her in his arms still. She hid her face in his chest, she didn't want to deal with stares right now. She was instead greeted with a scream of agony from Songo, quickly Kagome turned her head towards her sister blushing and smiled softly. 

She was all right, Inuyasha hadn't managed to hurt her too badly. Her miko powers had done the job of stopping the deep gashes from bleeding too badly and her demonic healing had kicked in double time. But something was wrong. Her powers could only heal so much, she felt it, and her eyes widened in fear.

She looked up at Sesshoumaru, her heart stammering loudly in her chest, and he released a soft growl. Instantly she relaxed, apparently he knew something she did not. So for now she would be as calm as possible and trust him, and whatever plan he had brewing inside of his head. "The whelp should know his place now." Was all Sesshoumaru said before he walked into the brush away from the group. 

Confused as the tachi was they stayed put, obviously sensing something intimate was about to happen between the two. Kagome was about to speak when he set her down on her feet and slipped her quickly out of her clothes. "Stay still koi. This Sesshoumaru intends to heal your wounds." He whispered quietly. She nodded in understanding and held her breath, good kamis this was going to be hard. This drop-dead-gorgeous inu was about to lick her, and she had no idea how she was going to be able to keep her wits about her.

All that was answered when he ran his tongue across her thighs first and sent a moan passing through her lips. Making quick work of the wounds there and quickly moving to her back, his control was starting to slip as he licked her lower back. ~Good gods, this woman has a beautiful body.~ He groaned inside his head. At last her back wounds were taken care of and he moved to her arms. 

These were the worst, blood still gushed from the cuts even though her powers had kicked in. He felt his anger rise up like bile in his throat when he saw the biggest cut was the whole length of her left arm. Quickly he dragged his tongue up and down her arm and released a purr to soothe, his anxious future mate. Kagome relaxed when she felt him purr, instantly she felt like she was jell-o. Thank the kamis she had no other wounds, she doubted she'd be able to hold herself back for much longer.

"Why didn't my powers work properly Sesshoumaru?" Kagome whispered her eyes downcast, ashamed almost. "That is not a question I can answer my koi." Sesshoumaru spoke softly into her ear. He helped her slip back into her kimono top, tying a bow in the back for her, and watched fascination as she slipped into something similar to hakamas. He pointed at her bottoms eyes curious, and she smiled. "These are called 'Jeans”, Sesshoumaru. In my time these are what are worn in instead of hakamas." Kagome replied to his silent question. As they started to walk back towards the camp they laced fingers together and she smiled when Sesshoumaru rubbed circles on her wrist with his thumb gently.

He let Kagome walk in front of him slightly and let his eyes wander down to her long slender legs. Oh what a sight this was! Her hips swayed temptingly, thighs lightly brushed against each other with each step and her ass bounced. Kami he was starting to love these things called "jeans"! Almost completely oblivious to his surroundings he continued to stare at her ass and grunted when she stopped suddenly and he bumped into her. 

Kagome looked up over her shoulder and blushed, Sesshoumaru was staring hard. At what she wasn't sure, but she cleared her throat and regained his attention. "Sesshoumaru...koi, we need to keep going. Kouga's scent is fading fast. And I am sure you have no idea where the ookami resides either." Kagome called out softly. He nodded and then looked to the members of the tachi. All of them seemed to have been on edge since the scuffle with the hanyou. 

He decided it was time to ease their rapid human emotions. "Inuyasha is fine. He will join us when he is ready and is humble. We need to keep going. Kagome is loosing the ookami's scent fast and this Sesshoumaru does not feel like being a scent hound ever.” He spoke calmly but his tone was stern leaving no room for argument. They were mere minutes from loosing the wolf's scent. And Sesshoumaru was in no mood to keep this long journey up any longer.

The tachi quickly broke down their makeshift camp and walked along the path they had started earlier. Exhaustion slowly crept into each member's body, Kagome included, the further they walked, but Kagome was pushing them all to their limits. Apparently finding Kouga was all she seemed to be concerned with. This must have been extremely urgent for her to ignore their basic needs. "Sister, Shippo and Rin are exhausted, and we need to eat and rest for the night." Songo spoke quietly from behind. 

That stopped Kagome dead in her tracks. She had been so focused in on the ookami's scent that she had lost track of time and forgotten everything but his fading scent. Her eyes widened in shock, she looked up to the sky and saw that the sun had set behind the mountains and the stars were beginning to twinkle in the sky. She sighed heavily and guilt rolled off of her in waves. She nodded in agreement and watched as each member of the group dropped to the ground exhausted beyond belief. 

She smiled sheepishly at everyone in apology, she felt so horrible for pushing them this hard. But she realized that they were close, and his scent was stronger now than it had been four hours ago. With that knowledge she smiled proudly, spread out her reki creating a barrier, and went in search of food. Five minutes later Kagome was back with five fish and four rabbits. Songo took the fish and set to work. Miroku took the rabbits and was relieved he'd only have to gut the rabbits. Fire ready and the food cooking Kagome sat down next to the fire and closed her eyes to meditate.

Sesshoumaru was curious, as soon as the pack had sat down Inuyasha and the smelly walking funeral urn had disappeared. He gave an internal shudder at the things they could possibly be doing. ~How can that whelp stand to smell her? Let alone rut with her?~ Sesshoumaru wondered. He thought about it for a second more before shrugging it off, not his problem if the whelp wanted to condemn his soul by mating with that thing

He looked at his future mate and a smile graced his features. Indeed Sesshoumaru had found the one he had been waiting for, and it seemed that the kamis were sending him a message as well. But he had yet to decipher that hidden message. Nor would he worry about that right now, he was sure the answer would come later, right now he needed to show Kagome that he really wasn't the ass he made himself to be all those years ago.

Sitting next to her, he smiled as he watched her attempt to meditate. Her face contorted with each new emotion he saw flitter across her face. It seemed she was having an internal conflict of some sort. He placed a clawed hand gently on her right thigh and smiled at her when she turned her head towards him her sapphire eyes looking confused, she had found no answers to her questions. He rubbed her thigh slowly, a comforting gesture he hoped. 

"Sesshoumaru, how do you do it? You're always so collected, so calm. I can't seem to find it within myself to calm my emotional storm inside." She sounded so defeated. Sesshoumaru gave a half smile and spoke quietly "Not everyone can meditate to find inner peace. There are other methods of calming one's inner chaos koi. You just haven't found the right one yet, and soon you will, don't give up hope."

She smiled and nodded. Sitting and trying to calm herself was not the way to do it she supposed. She had many other ways to try out. Kagome knew she would find the one form of meditation would come to her while she slept. "Thank you Sesshoumaru." Her voice was calm her eyes were sparkling with joy. He nodded, wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to his chest and let loose a soft growl.

Kagome smiled bigger and she nuzzled his neck ~Gods! I am so happy! I've never felt this loved with anyone EVER!" Kagome squealed inside her head. Her inner beast seemed to be pleased as well with their future mate. *He seems decent. He'll protect us well.* It growled softly. For once Kagome felt pleased with the direction her life was headed. If all turned out well with Sesshoumaru she would be happy for the rest of her long life.

!~*~ End of chapter.