Dear Diary by Hitenssecretlover


Dear Diary,

Today Inuyasha got his butt handed to him by Sesshomaru. Though I am still unsure as to why they continue to fight but I have come to the conclusion that Sesshomaru isn’t going to kill Inuyasha, just seriously maim him. So in light of that conclusion I have taken a certain amount of joy in Inuyasha’s ‘lessons’ as Sesshomaru calls them. I know I shouldn’t I mean Inuyasha’s my friend and all but I feel its justifiable payback. You know with him sneaking off to Kikyo every chance he can get. The whole situation has left me a little emotionally detached.

The love I had once held for him has morphed into family sort of love. But the idea of him and I getting together has gone to hell. No pun intended [insert evil smiley face]. Ironically that isn’t the only reason I enjoy the fights.

Diary I think I’m…I’m falling for…Sesshomaru. OMG I sai-well wrote it. I haven’t even told my sister and confidant, Sango. I couldn’t even imagine her reaction. So it’s best to keep this kill worthy secret.

But in all honesty Diary the lord of the West is the smexiest thing I’ve come across in the feudal era, heck even in my time nothing compares. Yeah sure I had a thing for Inuyasha but he was only boyishly cute, nothing like that big hunk of Taiyoukai. Mm mm… I could just eat him up like a…oh wow going a little too far even for a diary. Tis bath time. I bid you a due.





A/N I LOVE reivews please dont be shy with them.