Bound by Blood by Angel

The Chase is Over

This story is rated MA for violence and gore leave now if you are under 18. If you don't like violence and visual gore this story is not for you.


I would like to thank my beta, whom wishes to remain anonymous.

Chapter 1: The Chase is Over

The only sounds that could be heard in the forest were the sounds of running feet; the first two where very light barely hitting the ground as they ran across the heavily wooded forest. The second sets were heavier, almost thunderous in comparison. There were no birds chirping nor any small animals or youkai scattering about. All knew that to come out of hiding would essentially mean death.

They had been running for so long weaving and dodging the trees, over and through the mountains, and bounding through open fields.

The first two were obviously female, with their dainty builds and light footsteps. In hot pursuit were those of much larger and heavier builds but by no means were they fat.

The taller of the two females, featuring a snow white mane highlighted with silver streaks, was easier to track through the shaded trees. Her companion whom was shorter was slightly less obvious, having a head of raven hair with underlying streaks of orange. Both were just blurs to the human eye.

"Why can't we just stop and fight? I'm sick of running!" a panted yell came from the shorter of the two.

"We need open space to fight these idiots. You know that," panted the taller one.

Both could see the trees thinning slightly and could only hope that they would open into a wide field and not another cliff, they had no wishes to, once again, go for an unexpected swim. They had been forced off too many cliffs to count and both knew that they wouldn't have the energy to fight the rushing rapids. As it were, they both knew that they wouldn't last very long in an open fight, however both refused to be willingly taken alive.

"Kagome, I'm scared we don't have the energy to fight the black wolf tribe," said the raven haired women.

"I know Yuriye, but we don't have much of a choice do we?" she snapped.

Kagome wasn't truly mad, but she couldn't help but feel the anguish of the situation. They had at least 6 wolf youkai chasing them. It wasn't that they couldn't fight that many...what disturbed her was that she couldn't sense the alpha or beta running with them. It was a trap and she knew it. They were in a new area and had no idea where they were or what they were getting themselves into. They were running between two territories and didn't know who inhabited either.

'At best we will go down fighting and will die quick honorable deaths, worst we would be tortured and made into slaves.' Kagome thought wryly.

"NO!!!" Kagome yelled.

"No, what Kagome?" ask Yuriye slightly put off.

"Nothing." Kagome replied.

Kagome knew she would never let them be taken. She would rather them take their own lives then let them ever be enslaved again. In her head she could still hear the tortured screams. She shook her head trying to dislodge the thoughts of horrifying yells and old memories, in doing so barely made it around a large tree in front of her. The trees were growing farther apart and that should have made them feel better, but now both could feel two new auras a couple hundred meters ahead.

Both girls looked at each other, their looks were a mixture of horror and excitement. They knew that they would let "their brethren" have all the fun. They both knew that blood would soon flow and that the chase would end.

"Finally." Kagome whispered, but she knew that Yuriye had heard. They both could feel their blood speed up at the thought of a good fight and the prospect of spilt blood.

Soon the two youkai women broke the line of the trees into a large open field where on the other side, stood two handsome youkai. The first stood about 6' 3" with cocoa colored hair in a high pony tail with sky blue eyes. He was fairly muscular and had a wild look to him. At his side, stood a 6' youkai wolf with hair that was a straw yellow and had lilac colored eyes. Both were dressed in brilliant furs that covered only what was necessary with only thin bone armor covering their chests.

Both Kagome and Yuriye slid to a stop in the middle of the field, in the bright sun. Both youkai women could be seen perfectly and their features finally deciphered. Yuriye stood at about 5' 7". She had raven hair streaked with a burnt orange that look like a waterfall falling to about mid thigh. She had emerald green eyes that sat in a beautiful round face, with one amethyst stripe located on her face, both wrists, and on her eyelids. She had rosy tinted lips set in a frown which made the flame mark on her forehead slightly crease. She had an athletic build but it in no way hindered her womanly form which was accentuated with soft curves in the right places. From behind a long black and orange tail could be seen. Her form was adorned in loose fitting faded black pants that sat low on her hips and gray sneakers; her blue tank had definitely seen better days. Both tank top and pants had randomly placed worn holes. Around her neck was a silver chain with an ankh and on her back was a staff for defense.

Kagome stood at about 5'10" with flowing snow white hair containing wisps of silver running through it like liquid white gold, which fell to knee length. Her heart shaped face held pouting dusty pink lips set in a straight line. Her cheeks and wrists were lined with two stripes, the upper line was colored in a shade of royal blue and the bottom that of blood red. Centered on her forehead was an ice blue snowflake. Her most breathtaking features were her eyes. They were almond shaped, lids outlined in royal blue, and strangely her left eye was sapphire blue and her right pure silver. She was also of an athletic build, her stomach flat with legs that seemed to go over miles. Her curves were much more subtle but none the less present, her snow white and silver tail was wrapped around her waist. She was clad in form-fitting sun bleached blue jeans that sat low on her hips, which, by the way, had more holes then material. Her sneakers were a muddy brown, with a black tank that had half of the back missing. Around her neck was also a silver chain with the head of a jackal. On her thighs were a set of sai, her only offensive weapon, it would suffice. Neither woman looked a day over 21. Both youkai outfits had evidence of blood stains, both older and more recent.

As they stood in the center of the clearing they could finally see the area the wolves had chosen. A relatively large clearing that was surrounded on two sides by forests, the one they charged out of and another that seemed to radiate a strange barrier, it seemed as though they had finally found the true border between the lands. If they could make it to the barrier they could finally leave the wolves behind. They knew the wolves wouldn't follow onto another's land, it would be suicide but the two knew it was their only chance. Maybe they could rest for a day then continue their running and possibly seek refuge.

"Well Kagome it looks like the chase is at an end, will you finally admit defeat and submit to the superior race... the wolves?" Chuckled the brown haired male.

"Wolves superior, more like substandard," snarled Kagome.

"Bitch you wi..." he never got to finish he statement because Kagome started to laugh.

"Thank you Mr. Obvious. Must you point it out every time we meet? It is fine time you find another pet name." Kagome smirked she just loved to piss him off.

"When will you learn Koga that what you deem an insult is useless against us?" Snickered Yuriye rather loudly.

"When you learn that your place is beneath us on your hands and knees," sneered Koga. "Today the chase ends and, for you, there are only one of two ways out: your deaths or enslavement."

"We will die by our own hands before you will ever be allowed to take us." Kagome calmly said while unsheathing her sais.

At the same time Yuriye withdrew her staff from her back and positioned herself into a defensive stance.

The wolves began to circle about them, some chuckling and others growling. Koga and his beta stood unmoved from their original post.

"Koga... Can't keep your underlings under control? Must they try to get us dizzy by constantly chasing each other's tail?" Kagome said tauntingly.

"Although that might explain why we have never seen a female with your group," Kagome said more to Yuriye then to the wolves.

Both females noticed red creeping in to Koga eyes and knew that if they could get them mad enough their movements would be sloppy and their precision would be off, this definitely might give them a greater chance to cross that barrier. But they also knew that if they drew out their youkai, it would mean their deaths.

"You will die today, by the hands of the black wolves and their leader Koga," yelled the youkai standing next to Koga.

"Silence Kaito!" Koga snarled toward the wolf next to him. "I will personally enjoy killing you, but first let's see if you are even worthy of dying by my hand."

Yuriye:Grace of the Lily.

A/N: I know this just got posted but I have been doing my editing and realized that I missed a couple of this for this I'm sorry. Just little details I've forgot, I'm new to this so please forgive me.