Festival by Ash


so my friend e mailed me alot of prompts (seriously like 50) and this was #8 "like a disney movie" so i hope you like it.

"Milord?" Sesshomaru gave the man his attention. "do you wish to hear the festival plans?"

As if he ever. Sesshomaru turned and walked away, leaving the planners to their work. he didnt need to be around them for the festival, just needed it to be held...

He would kill them. Or at least father would when he learned they had taken him and used him for their entertainment. He was tied to a board, his shirt ripped off, with lash marks on his back as the crowd cheered and laughed. A menace, all of them. Feline curs. The whip slashed his back once more and he winced. When would father learn of his disappearance?

The whip slashed again. If he were older he could fight the pain. He could escape.


Was he going to die there in the north? A pathetic excuse for an heir to the west?


Was he not worthy of his title? Is that why he’d been taken so easily?


“No!” the crowed grew silent to the voice. Sesshomaru turned his head to see a woman, hurrying up the stage to him. No one stopped her. Once close enough he growled at her. Half breed.

“I’m sorry.” She whispered, removing a cloth from her skirt pocket and dabbing at his face, where blood was smearing his crescent moon. “This isn’t what the festival is about.”

He stared at her. He recognized her from the stage as he was led into the cage from earlier. She was a dancer. A good one at that, who knew how to move with such grace and beauty-

“you, half demon girl! Step down at once!” the lord boomed from off to the side.

“yes milord, just as soon as I free this demon.” She said, standing up to him.

“I forbid it!” he shouted at her.

The girls face curled into a sneer as she pulled a knife from her leg and slashed at his ties, dropping him to the ground.

“How dare you defy me.” The northern lord growled.

“You mistreat this man the same way you mistreat my people. You speak of justice yet you are cruel to those most in need of your help.” She bent to help Sesshomaru stand.

“Silence!” he yelled.

“Justice!” she screamed before guards started running up the stage. In a flash of smoke both the girl and Sesshomaru vanished. When it cleared, and his coughing ended he looked around realizing he was near the northern boarder.

“I’m sorry.” She sat near a tree and replaced her knife.

“Why did you help me?” he asked.

“It was the right thing to do.” She stood and turned to leave.

“They’ll hunt you down to kill you now.” He stared after her.

She laughed. “I am a half demon. They kill my kind all the time. You think what I just did will be my death sentence? No, they will kill me for many other reasons than that.”

“How will I find you?” the words slipped out of his mouth before he could think of them.

She paused, then pulled something from her shirt, moving back to him, she placed it in his hand. “You know of the Center City?”

He nodded. “The one between the lands.”

“Well, when you wear this woven band, you will hold the city in your hand.” She smiled at him. “And I will be there.”

“What is your name?” he asked, not wanting her to go.

“Kagome.” And with that, she vanished, leaving him alone, holding the small woven map.

“Kagome…” he whispered. He would find her…

Four months later, the center city was destroyed by the North for housing half breeds. When the western dogs arrived all that was left were bodies and burnt buildings. Sesshomaru never found if Kagome had been killed in the attack of if she had fled to safety. In time, he stopped searching, holding the festival every year, in secret hope that she would come.

A/N so the disney movie i used was The Hunchback Of Notar Dame because i love it so much. its not dead on, but i like it.