Watching and waiting by twitchy panda

Chapter 1

A/N:Heya I'm pandahead and this is my first story! Please give me as many pointers as possible but be nice about it!


The night was cold, cold enough that her skin was riddled with goosebumps as she stood on the docks staring out at the calm waters. Her breath puffed out in whispy white clouds as she whispered to herself quietly.

"How many times will I stand here waiting...waiting for him that cold-hearted male..."

She closed her eyes as a strong gust of wind blew against her small frame. Her wild black hair whipped around her as she looked upon the horizon, hoping the ship would appear. Hoping he would come sailing in to wrap her in his arms... but she knew better then to think that. Her cerulean eyes closed as a tear slipped down her ivory cheek.

"He's not coming back. He left me on my own." she said to herself bitterly through wind-chapped lips. Her body started to tremble as it all came crashing down on her as she remembered there last moment together; how sweet he was to her. Every touch, every kiss was like honey. Her sobs broke loose but were washed away by the howling winds and crashing seas. She remembered as her name fell from his lips as they made love.

"Why? Why did he have to go! Why did he have to die that way... all alone at sea without me!"

She screamed to the heavens, tears blinding her. Her shaking hands pulled the pistol from her pocket before raising her hand and placing the barrel beneath her chin. She thought of him, and on the breeze she heard him whisper her name.


The loud bang echoed as her limp body fell to the ground.


A/N: Well there you go, my first short story. It's short and not so sweet, but I wrote this at 2:09 AM, so I know it's probably really bad. Critiques are very much welcome. Thanks for reading :D

oh and thanks to calypso for being my first beta