The Unlikely Matchmaker by DeathsSilentApproach

The Unlikely Matchmaker

   Sesshoumaru glared at his councilers as they stood around him.  They had informed him that he was to take a mate or risk loosing the Western lands to one of their pups.  His lips curled in a snarl that they all ignored as they began to file out of the double doors into the rest of the castle.

   How dare they command him! With a snarl he whirled around and stalked to the balcony before launching himself off and into the air transforming into his true form as he did.   He would seek out his half brother and spar with him to take the edge off of his rage before dealing with the females that where soon to descend upon his castle within the next moon cycle.


   Naraku felt a smile curl his lips as he watched the fuming demon lord transform.  He had watched the entire meeting and had been rather amused and had decided to help the demon lord along.  After all, he was a matchmaker.  Inuyasha and Kikyou would have never worked.  That was why he did what he did.  This even included the monk and the slayer.  He was just not the nicest match maker in the world, but hey he was a demon matchmaker, not a human matchmaker.  The little miko and the demon lord were a perfect match.  Now the problem was how to get them together.

   Kagura stared at her master then at the mirror then back.  What was he plotting now?  The last time her master had smiled like that he had tried to get her to mate with the wolf and look how that had turned out.  The wolf now hated her with a passion she had never seen before and her master had made one more enemy.  She sighed and shrugged her shoulders before turning to her younger sister Kanna and saw the small smile on her face.  Now what was she smiling over?


   Kagome climed out of the well and dropped her back pack on the ground. She was just so tired for some reason she couldn't name.  When she had headed home two days ago there was a feeling of heaviness beginning to weigh on her chest, but now it had fully settled and she felt more and more sluggish as time passed.  She didn't know what was going on but just as the heaviness got worse it started to seem like she just didn't fit in her own skin. 

   Just then a sharp pain shot through her driving her to her knees and causing her to cry out.  It hurt!  oh god did it hurt.

Why did it hurt so bad! Rang through her mind.


    Naraku stared at the kneeling miko with an astonished look on his face.  This couldn't be happening.  All of his previous plans had to be thrown out.  He had not thought that she would react this way to the spliting of her soul.  Something was changing and he didn't like it at all.  He had only seen this once in a human and the last time that had happened had not been pretty.

    Just then a thought came to mind.  Yes he thought, that could indeed work.  With a chuckle he disappeared in a cloud of miasma as Kagome was seen rising to her feet once more.


   Kagome had finally managed to make her way to the village where Inuyasha had then had them immediately leave right after.  She was normally one of the ones in front of everyone else but not today.  She still felt as if the pain that had assalted her earlier had not ended.  She was rather frightened by that though she figured she might be able to ask Sango if she knew of any herbs to help with the pain.

   A few hours later just as the sun was reaching its highest point in the sky a shadow crossed over them causing them to look up.  The were many gasps as they saw the massive dog demon glide over their heads only to land in front of them.  A purple mist seemed to bloom around the demon and then began to shrink and pull in almost as if it, like Miroku, had a void in his hand.  As the mist began to clear they began to recognize the familiar face of Inuyasha's older half brother Sesshoumaru.

   "What the hell are you doing here?"  Inuyasha snarled while brandishing his sword.

   Sesshoumaru merely turned his blood red eye toward him before he lunged at the half demon and swiped at him with his claws catching him across the shoulder drawing thin lines of blood to the surface.  Inuyasha tried to leap away as Sesshoumaru lunged once more, but was caught again on the poisonous claws of his older brother that had begun to glow then slowly drip clear liquid to the ground.  Seconds after his second attack Sesshoumaru was forced to dodge a glowing arrow that struck a tree instead then caused the tree to shatter around its base then fall to the ground seconds latter.  Again he was force to dodge to the left as a massive boomarang followed soon after the arrow hit the tree.

   As Sesshoumaru was about to lash out at the two interfering in his fight Inuyasha was infront of him swinging his sword in a horizontal slash managing to catch Sesshoumaru's armor.  The broken pieces of armor clatered to the ground as a sort of signal for an all out fight began between the demon lord and the group.  Finally nearly and hour later the shard hunters were exhausted and Sesshoumaru was beginning to pant as well.  "Enough," murmured Sesshoumaru.

   "What has your loin cloth in a knot?"  Inuyasha demanded after he had regained his breath.

   "INUYASHA!" yelled Kagome, "that was rude."   But Inuyasha wasn't listening anymore as he once again began to swing his sword around.

   A sinister chuckle caused all of them to turn to look at the surrounding forest, "What have we here?" purred the oily voice of their nemisis Naraku.

   Naraku's voice immediately caught everyone's attention, "What are you doing here?" demanded Sango hefting her massive boomarang up into a throwing position.

   "The same thing I do everytime we see one another.  Try to match you up together.  Though Inuyasha you keep going against my loving," this was said very sarcastically, "guidence."  Just then a loud craking noise drew all of their attention to the miko just before she once again fell to her knees keening in pain.  "Thats not good," muttered Naraku, "I wasn't expecting this to happen so soon."

    Miroku turned to Naraku, "What do you mean by that.  What is going on?  And what do you mean by getting us all together?"

    A smirk crossed Naraku's lips, "I'm a matchmaker.  And as for the miko her soul has been split.  So her heritage is coming forth to correct this.  What her heritage is though I have no idea.  I've only seen this happen with one human and that was not a very nice sight even for me.  The miko, somewhere in her family, had a demon mate into her line and it is now emerging to comeplete her soul.  More then likely we will be dealing with her feral half and not her logical half."

   Just as Naraku was done speaking more cracking noises were heard before the entire clearing was eclipsed with dark energy that pushed everyone else away before it receeded into the human that it occupied.  When the energy had completely disapeared they were greated with the sight of Kagome though she now looked different.  Her hair had grown long enough to pool in a puddle around her for about a foot and was high lighted by dark read through out it.  Delicate claws could be seen digging into the ground before blood red eyes were lifted then glancing around at all of them before the new demoness disappeared then they heard the surprised growl of Sesshoumaru as he was somehow thrown over her shoulder then carried off out of sight.

   "Well that went well."  Naraku groused as he turned to the rest of the people in the clearing who where now beginning to lift up their weapons again. "Uh oh. . ."


I'm sorry for the mistakes but I don't have Microsoft word and can't correct  them.  I hope you all like this story.