Black Ball of Fluff by Misha

Fluff's both small and large

Black Ball of Fluff

A/N: I’d like to inform everyone that Karen (KT) inspired me to write this story.  Also, I do not own InuYasha. However I do own the black fluff ball. Thank you :D R&R.

                Chapter 1: Fluff’s both small and large.

                It was dinner time at a certain Taiyoukai’s camp. Rin and Jaken had gone to the nearby stream to gather fish, they had returned a few minutes ago and the imp was now cooking the fish on the fire. When done the imp and the human girl began to eat, Rin walked to Sesshomaru and gave him some flowers that she had picked while they were away. "Arigato Rin,” the Taiyoukai said, a few hours had passed and Rin along with Ah-Un and the imp were now asleep. So, without another thought the Taiyoukai also went to sleep.

                Unbeknownst to the Taiyoukai, a visitor moved ever so closer to the moko-moko wrapped around his shoulder. It laid itself down and fell asleep hoping that it would awaken before the taiyoukai did. Rin was awake that morning and she along with the imp, went off so that the little girl could pick more flowers for her lord. Jaken, Rin, and Ah-Un failed to notice the black ball of fur laying on the moko-moko of the Taiyoukai that still slept. Ah-Un stayed in camp and ate his breakfast, nice juicy grass.

                Sesshomaru awoke after Rin and Jaken returned, the two of them were eating fish. Sesshomaru suddenly felt it, something had movedon his moko-moko. Slowly but surely Sesshomaru looked down to find a snoring black ball of fur laying on his moko-moko. He growled knocking the ball of fluff into a tree, ‘How dare this wretched thing get on this Sesshomaru’s moko-moko without asking’ he growled as he thought. The creature had managed a small yelp and whimper, everyone now had their eyes on the creature that lay on the ground under the tree.

                The ball of fluff uncurled itself to reveal a little girl with black and silver hair, she yawned opening her eyes. Her eyes were golden just like the taiyoukai’s , her tail wrapped around her as she whimpered from the pain of hitting the tree. “That hurt, it’s not nice to hurt little Mimi,” the girl said right before RIn squealed at her cuteness. (Think of a cute chibi/baby pup Sesshomaru but add black and silver fur w/o the evil personality.) Rin ran and hugged the girl tightly, the girl blinked and smiled hugging back.

                Mimi sat next to Rin who in turn was sitting next to Jaken, she was staring off into space for what seemed like hours on end. She almost jumped ten feet into the air when Rin had touched her arm, “Rin wants to know if Mimi-chan is hungry.” Rin asked her, Mimi simply shook her head “No, Mimi isn’t hungry right now.” Rin nodded and went back to eating, Sesshomaru stood up going into the forest. Mimi just stood up and followed him.

                Sesshomaru stopped when they were out of hearing range, he turned towards the pup and asked “Why do you follow this Sesshomaru around like a lost pup missing their alpha?” Mimi entered the clearing and stood in front of the taiyoukai, “Because Mimi needs a new alpha… Mimi’s alpha mommy and alpha daddy died protecting Mimi. The Mimi didn’t mean to invade on Lord Sesshomaru’s fluffy last night, for that Mimi ish sowee.” Sesshomaru sighed knowing that the pup would need to be cared for and treated with respect by another Inu-taiyoukai. ‘It looks like this Sesshomaru will have to take this one in as well.’ He smirked slightly before answering the unheard plea of the pup, “You shall be a part of this Sesshomaru’s pack that means you must listen to this Sesshomaru, as well as Jaken. Understand?” The pup nodded which pleased Sesshomaru’s beast to the core to see a young pup obey their alpha. This was going to be the start of a new journey, with their fluffies over their shoulders the two youkai returned to camp. When they returned to camp Rin and Mimi played together while making Jaken follow them everywhere making Sesshomaru smile slightly.