Just a Big Puppy by SesshomaruXKagome

To the West

A/N: Alright I know I have another story going on right now but soooo many stories have been popping up in my head especially when I draw, which is how this story came to be. I hope you enjoy the story, oh and if I ever get to it I'll post up my drawings up on dokuga where you can find my stories as well!

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any of its characters.

Chapter 1: To The West!

Jakken left the castle as fast as he could to The Forest of InuYasha,"She is our last hope, even though she is nothing but a filthy human wench." He grumbled to himself,"But I will go to the ends of the Earth to find help for Lord Sesshomaru."


Kagome reached for InuYasha's hand to help her onto the tree. She was careful not to tear her new jeans and sneakers, like she did so many others. She sighed as she sat down and took in the large field of flowers below them. The sun was out and there was a cool breeze, it was perfect for Kagome's standards. As of late this was the spot were the two friends came to talk and share secrets with each other.

Kagome smiled and handed him a cup of ramen as she slurped her own. Now that everything with the Shikon Jewel was over and Naraku was gone they enjoyed the peaceful days that passd by slowly.

Sango and Miroku got married just as they had planned and together helped Kohaku get over the terrible crimes Naraku had him commit. InuYasha spent his days training Shippo to hunt and fight, seeing as they are both in the canine family, and protecting the village form any demons or minor threats. When the time came to make a choice Kagome chose to stay in the feudal era and continue training to be a miko even after three years of chasing after Naraku and the shards as a sort of self training.

When the battle was over InuYasha and Kagome found that the love they felt for each other was not all they thought it would be, it was more of a sister brother bond. They decided to leave it at that so they could both be happy.

It took a few months to find out that the well allowed passage every month on the night of the full moon. Be that as it may it only opened for two days, but Kagome was satisfied to have the opportunity to visit her family none the less. She mostly stocked up on supplies while she was there, which made everyone else happy.

For everyone it was just another normaly day, but then again they weren't normal people so normal was rare.


"InuYasha! Lady Kagome! There are demons in the village and they demand the presence of Lady Kagome!" shouted a villager frantically as he approached the tree.

The two looked at each other and nodded without a word. Kagome got onto InuYasha's back and they sped off toward the village.

InuYasha narrowed his eyes and growled, he drew his sword as they landed and Kagome slid off his back. He stood in front of her protectively," So where is the bastard at?" he said rudely to the group of demons before them. He saw something small and green struggle to make it through the crowd.

Jaken crawled out,"Oh, its te-terrible, Lord Sesshomaru he-he-"

"Out with it already!" shouted InuYasha.

"Lord Sesshmaru has fallen ill! N-Nobody as the castle knows what t-to do! A-All the healers are a-afraid of the consequences of f-failure!" He crawled to Kagome,"Please you must help us!" he sobbed at her feet.

Kagome opened he mouth to speak but InuYasha beat her to it, "There is now fuckin way in hell I'm letting you drag Kagome away to heal that bastard!" he turned his back on them," Hell he deserves what he gets!"

"B-But she is the o-only one that doesn't f-fear his wrath! He traveled with you and helped in the demise of Naraku, please!" squawked Jaken.

Kagome thought it over a moment and turned to InuYasha,"You know I think I should go..." she mumbled.

"What so you can go get killed! No way, he's a taiyoukai just wait it out!" he growled.

"Specifically why I think I should go! He's a taiyoukai, I don't think he's supposed to get sick! It must be pretty serious, I'm going." she said in a stern voice. She looked down at a teary eyed Jaken,"I'll be right back I just have to get my supplies." she turned to InuYasha expecting him to carry her back to her hut, but obviously he had other things in mind.

"I ain't takin ya!" he huffed and turned his back on her. She growled in irritation and grabbed InuYasha by his ear and dragged him a little farther away from everyone. "What the hell d-"

"Look InuYasha I don't want to go to see that egotistical, jerk either, but we do owe him for helping during the battle with Naraku. Its the least we could do, plus if he were to die who do you think is going to have to step up and run the Western lands for him!" she said.

InuYasha looked away,"I don't care what they say I ain't steppin up to deal with all the political shit!" he retorted.

"Exactly! Which would mean that the Lord of the East, the Lady of the South, and the Lord of the North would have a big stupid war to see who gets his lands! And frankly InuYasha that's not what we need after we just freed the world of Naraku." she said glaring at him. "Look I'm doing this for you, stop being stubborn and let me go!"

InuYasha sighed in defeat and let Kagome climb onto his back. "I'll be right back!" she shouted behind her as they descended into the air jumping from treetop to treetop.

Once they landed in front of the hut she ran in and threw off all her clothes and put on her traditional miko clothing on quickly. She grabbed her backpack and gathered some of her herbs, her bathing supplies, a couple of changes of clothes, and basic personal hygiene supplies. She turned to her mirror and brushed her hair into a ponytail and rushed out of the hut.

She looked around and found InuYasha talking to Miroku, Sango, Kohaku and Shippo. She called for them as she jogged down the hill to meet them. Miroku and Sango told her to be careful and Kohaku wished her a safe journey.

"Can I come along Kags!" asked Shippo with a certain gleam in his eyes.

"I'm sorry hun, but I don't want you to catch whatever Sesshomaru has." she said sweetly.

"But mommm!" he whined.

"Shippo." she said sternly, he turned his back to her, and she sighed,"I won't be gone for long so don't worry okay. I'll just be a couple of days of a few weeks if its bad, I promise." she knelt down to his height and held out her pinky.

"Promise?" he said over his shoulder.

Kagome smiled,"Promise." they shook pinkies and hugged.

"Kagome, I want you to take Kirara." said Sango holding out Kirara in her palms.

"Really, why?" she asked.

"Because even though we traveled with Sesshomaru for a while I still don't really trust him so..." she placed Kirara in her arms,"Here, just in case you need to leave suddenly." they both smiled and hugged. She turned to Miroku and Kohaku and gave them both a hug and a slap for Miroku, would he ever learn?

With that Kagome hopped onto InuYasha's back,"Thanks Sango! Bye everyone!" she shouted from above.

When they arrived Kagome put Kirara down and she transformed, InuYasha walked up to her and awkwardly gave her a hug. "I'll come check on you every two or three days, k." she hugged him back and nodded.

Kagome and Kirara walked up to Jaken ready to go, Kagome turned and fave InuYasha a final wave before she climbed onto Kirara. He waved back and then everyone descended into the air. Kagome watched as InuYasha became nothing but a small red dot. To the West.

Kagome looked straight ahead and thought to herself,'I hope I made the right choice...'

A/N: Aaaaaand that was chapter one! I hope you enjoyed! RR please, its a writers nourishment! c: