Change by Devyn Dysphoriaa.


Hello there ! Well, this is my first fanfiction, and after reading so many of the sessXkag pairings, I formed an idea of my own. So, please review and let me know what you think, and I promise to try my hardest to be regular with posting new chapters !

p.s. This chapter is going to be shorter than the rest; it is only the prologue, and giving the back story to the rest of it. Bear with me please !


I do not own InuYasha, or any of the characters in said show (but I wish I did….)


Cries of a newborn child pierced the serenity of the night, accompanied by the screams of agony of the child's mother. The miko at her side quickly cleaned the child, and wiped the blood and remains of the placenta from the baby, gasping when seeing the markings along the baby's face. A hanyou? No, that is impossible. She met the father, he was a human. She closed her eyes and felt the child's aura, which was flaring in distress, and a sudden intake of breath drew her from concentration. This child was no human. Not even a hanyou. This baby was a full blooded youkai.

The priestess gazed down at the youkai in her arms and swallowed hard. It was a shock that the child was born a demon, and even more shocking that the mother even survived the birth. Most women who give birth to demons die during or after childbirth, yet she survived. The woman fell into a deep slumber, and the miko swaddled the baby in a blanket and looked back at the sleeping woman, who would never have the pleasure of meeting her baby girl. With that she sighed, pushing back the cloth that covered the doorway, and was about to rush to the demon awaiting her, but ran into the father.

He looked down at the miko, and grimaced, seeing the baby in her arms.

"What are you doing with my child?" he questioned the miko.

"Do you not see her face? She is not human. I must take her away from here while I can." She said as she looked down at the child in her arms, who was gurgling and whimpering. The fathers gaze went to the child and he stood shocked, but nodded.

"May I at least hold her one time before you take her away?" He begged. The miko thought it would not be for the best, but let him have his wish. He held her with such tenderness, and held her little hand in his. He smiled at the child and then gave her to the miko. "I will explain to my wife why neither you nor the child is here when she awakes." He said solemnly. She nodded in thanks, and rushed off into the night.

As she ran, the miko sensed many demons coming towards her, and fast. She summoned a barrier to protect her and the child. Nothing would get in her way. Demons hissed as they felt her aura and came into contact with the barrier, purifying them instantly. She smirked and pushed herself forward. Clutching the infant to her chest she darted off towards the cave, not wanting to anger the demon who told her of the prophecy. Finally, she reached the cliff that the meeting place was near, and stopped for a moment to catch her breath. She felt the flare of the demons youkai and decided it'd be best to keep moving and not stop until she reached her destination.

The trail up the mountain was bothersome; the trail narrowed by the minute, twisting and turning, winding its way up. She silently cursed the demon for having picked such a spot as this. She climbed and climbed, with each step knowing she was closer to her destination.

"You have arrived, miko." A deep voice said, tinged with amusement at the priestesses' rough appearance. She was never known to be seen with a single hair out of place, even in battle. It seemed the trek up the mountain, to the cave was too much for her. He laughed inwardly, not letting on to how amused he truly was.

"How could I not come to you? You predicted the birth of a youkai child to be born to human parents, and it came to be. You told of this prophecy, and expect me to just turn the other way? Never." She countered back, angered that he thought so little of her. At the same time, she was confused as to how he knew this. A deep chuckle resounded throughout the cave.

"Come. Give me the child. She is too powerful as is; her body cannot withstand the raw power she holds. Her inner youkai is battling with her miko powers." He stated coolly.

The priestess gaped at the demon, and he laughed at her imbecility. "Could you not see it? And you call yourself a miko." He spat as he stalked forward, taking the infant from the shocked woman's arms. As he held her, a small smile crept across his face, and she returned the smile. Gently, he placed her down on his fluffy white pelt that was covering the ground, so he did not put her on the hard, cold, cave floor and he knelt beside her. She may have been a demon, but she was still an infant.

"Miko." He beckoned coldly. She moved forward.

What do you need of my? I am protector of souls, especially of the souls of children. Yes, she may be a demon, but I am still bound to protect her."

"Hn." He did not care what she was, or what her duties were. "You will help me bind her powers. Then we will seal her into the well made from the tree of ages. She will return when the time comes."

"What do I do?" She inquired as she knelt beside the demon. He placed his hands over the infant's forehead and closed his eyes.

"Place your hands over her heart, and repeat the words that I say, exactly how I say them. They will come together eventually. Give her her miko powers, she will need them. Just seal away her youkai within her soul until the night of her nineteenth birthday."

"Yes, I will." The humbled and worried miko replied as she followed his direction.

The sounds of their voices resounded through the night, and the flare of her pure aura and his malicious youkai could be felt for miles, and dispelled any demon within the area. The infant's body was surrounded by two distinct auras coming together, a deep blue from the demon, and a light, warm pink from the miko as they slowly sealed the powers the infant had within her. All of the markings on her body began to slowly recede, from her face and body. She started moving and whimpering with the slight pain of the moving of the markings. The demon lord growled lowly; the sound calming the baby. She smiled and fell into her calm state once again. The swirling of the auras dispelled as her youkai was sealed within her completely, leaving only her miko powers.

The miko gathered the child into her arms and rocked her until she was satisfied, and looked at the great youkai standing before her.

"Why her? Why did this happen to her?" She begged the answer of the demon.

"Hn. You ask as if I knew. I know not miko; I just know what was told to me. Now, we need to bring her to the well and send her to a time past this one. She will come back when her soul is called. When it is ready." The miko nodded, and the demon looked down at the child. He grabbed the miko by the waist, summoned his great youkai cloud to his feet, and took to the skies. It was time. "You drop that child, and I will kill you, miko." He threatened.

Finally, they reached the well. As the approached it, the miko held onto the child a little tighter. They looked into the depths of the well, and swallowed the lump in her throat.

"InuTaisho, why must we do this to her? She is not but a new born."

"It was foreseen. I cannot go against what the fates have told of. It is not my place to disobey, and possibly change the future." He looked at the miko, whose gaze was upon the chills. A shaky breath escaped her lips.

"Alright. You are sure she will be fine?" she questioned him.

"I know not, but I will protect her with my youkai as long as I am alive." He took the infant from the woman's arms, and placed his forehead against the little girls. She gurgled in delight as she heard his low growl, and felt it resonate through his chest.

"I'm sorry little one, this will be painful, but through this I can protect you however far you are from me." He leaned in and placed his fangs on her warm flesh and nipped at her, leaving her a mark of protection in the center of her chest, shaping a deep blue crescent moon. She whined and cried at the pain, but he licked the mark and growled quietly, easing her pain and discomfort. It calmed the child, and the sob about to escape her lips turned into a coo of contentment. He traced the tiny moon on her chest with his finger, and smiled at the baby as she clutched his finger, looking at the ring around it. He chuckled, and pulled his hand away, to retrieve a necklace with a similar design on it as the ring. He tucked it into the blanket and she yawned. As her eyes opened, he looked into her brilliant orbs of mesmerizing blue, even more brilliant than the rarest sapphires he had ever seen.

"You will become a great, powerful, and beautiful demoness someday my dear," he whispered to her, "As well as the one who changed the House of the Moon forever." He kissed her forehead, and stepped closer to the well, and before he and the miko lowered her into it, he said one thing. "Kagome. Your name will be Kagome." The priestess next to him smiled at the sign of humanity he was showing; the raw emotion he was emanating. A bright blue light surrounded the sleeping infant, and as she was engulfed by that pure, beautiful light the demon lord said: "Farewell, my beautiful Kagome."

And with that, she was gone.


A young woman hummed quietly to herself as she was sweeping away the Sakura petals from the steps to the shrine house that hid the well made from the tree of ages, the Bone Eaters Well. She swung her hips and broom in time with her humming. Smiling, she took a deep breath, and smelled the lovely scent of spring and flowers in the air.

Then a blue light burst from the shrine, the doors flinging open. The broom hit the ground as she backed away from the sight before her, shielding her eyes from the bright light. She was afraid. In all her years of living here and tending to the shrine and well nothing like this had ever happened before. Suddenly the blue light dispersed. That was when she heard the shrill cries of an infant coming from the well. The woman rushed in, not giving it a second thought and looked deep into the well, seeing a small baby girl lying at the bottom. She quickly descended down the ladder on the side of the well, picking her up and rocking her, whispering to the child and humming to her. A smile spread across the woman's face as the beautiful baby girl cuddled into her arms, and her wails ceased. This must be a gift from the heavens. While climbing out of the well with the child in her arm, she heard a faint voice. She listened closer.

"Farewell, my beautiful Kagome." A strong, masculine voice had said fondly, yet full of sorrow. The woman frowned slightly, feeling bad for the man who had sent this beautiful child through the well.

"I will take care of you now, my little Kagome." She said the child, as she walked away from the well, and into the place the baby girl would eventually grow to call home.