Red Box by QuothTheDragon

First Encounter

Kagome's body swayed to the music coming from her sapphire blue earbuds as she browsed the selection in front of her. She felt comfortable in the twilight of a city at night, her small frame dwarfed by the tall red box in front of her. The fast food restaurant it was outside of was closed for the night, not many people were night owls like her. A small smile graced her lips as she viewed her choices, wondering whether to choose a romantic comedy or a drama. Perhaps she was even in the mood for an action movie...

If there was one thing Kagome hated, it was being rushed. So, she always made sure to come when she knew there wouldn't be any others waiting for the machine. The fact that she had insomnia made her timing all the more convenient. She began tapping her foot to the beat of her music as she debated with herself mentally. Though her music was up a bit loud, she still heard the sound of a throat clearing behind her.

Whipping out her mace, Kagome turned to face whoever was disturbing her quiet. After all, other than her, only creepy people were out and about at two a.m. But, she thought decidedly, she may have to make another exception to the rule. The man standing behind her wasn't creepy at all, if anything, he was downright handsome. Kagome refused to let down her guard though. Reaching one hand up, she ripped an earbud out of her ear and confronted the stranger.

“What do you want?” she asked firmly.

His amber orbs glanced pointedly over to the movie rental box and back to her. “You've been standing there for over ten minutes. I would also like to make a selection,” he rumbled out in low voice. Kagome barely kept herself from swooning. Instead, she gave him a short nod and turned slightly back to the box. Mind made up, she quickly chose the romantic comedy she had been eying earlier. Kagome knew she was going to need it after hearing a voice like that. Her mind would be going wild with the encounter for weeks.

Rental in hand, she turned fully back to the stranger and raised a single eyebrow at his impatient stance. With a quick murmur of, “It's all yours,” she headed back to her apartment and left the stranger to his selection.

His amber orbs followed her until she turned the corner down the street. Smirking, he considered that two a.m. movie rentals may become a habit for him after all.