Sleeping Habits by FoxxMurmer

Sleeping Habits

My first attempt at one of these things. I had fun writting this I hope everyone enjoys reading it.

Kagome crept forward slowly and with cat like silence, careful to not make the soft bed dip giving her position away. It was rare for her to wake before him and she always took advantage of the opportunity to spy on her hot roommate. She wouldn’t have to spy if he didn’t act like he had an icicle up his you know what. Kagome cocked her head to the side. You’d think that icicle would melt from his hotness, she thought.

A small snort brought her back to the sleeping, now dreaming demon. His eyes fluttered under his eyelids and he rolled closer to her. He growled and made a noise that resembled that of a seal barking with a jar over its head. He began twitching and making small growling noises and his nostrils flared minutely. Kagome almost lost it when he opened his mouth and let out a fierce growl before curling back his lips exposing his perfectly white, straight teeth. It was just like a dreaming dog chasing a bunny, or maybe it was a mangy cat that stole his bone from the way her was growling. Kagome leaned forward to get a better look as he continued growling and baring his pearly whites.

Man I wish my teeth were that white. They’re so white I bet they glow in the dark or blind people when he smiles..scratch that he doesn’t smile. I wonder if his dentist asks if he whitens his teeth but I know your secret. That’s right Mr. Hotness- monster, I found your little stash of beef bones in the freezer. I bet you sit out on the patio on a nice sunny days chewing you bones and basking in the sun. Kagome snickered and was promptly tossed from the bed, landing with a thump on the floor.

Kagome peered over the edge of the low bed seeing if her snicker had awakened the sleeping beast. She happily perked up, eyes gleaming mischievously when he still slept soundly. He currently hugged a pillow to his chest making small thrumming noises. It was the oddest thing. He nuzzled the white puff before sticking out his tongue and licking the pillow with several long strokes. The white fabric darkened with his saliva as he continued to nuzzle and lick the inanimate object.  Kagome’s jaw hung open. He’s such a freak! But a hot freak. It’s like he’s pretending it his little fluffy puppy-kins and he has to give him a bath because puppies like big nasty mud puddles to play in.

Sesshomaru rolled around a bit before tossing off his blankets revealing his utterly, perfectly, sculpted naked body to Kagome’s virgin eyes. If Kagome’s eyes could have popped out of her head and dropped to the floor they would have. Her face turned a bright tomato red and her body heated to an extreme.

His skin was pale as the moon light with vivid red markings on is slim wrists and ankles, but the best were the ones following the contours of his well muscled hips. Reaching out a hand, shaking with anticipation, Kagome stroked the red marking and watched as the muscles twitched beneath her fingers and an appendage she had tried to avoid seemed to swell to greet her. Jerking her hand back she stared at the hardening shaft. It was long and she could see the criss-cross of veins beneath the smooth skin that had almost a luster to its showing its softness much like velvet. Its strange bulbous head held a strange allure. Like a rare mushroom ripe for picking.

Maybe one touch will be okay. Kagome’s ran one finger up the smooth ridged flesh, it pulsed under her hand and she wrapped her hand around the smooth hardness. It felt like a sun warmed steel rod wrapped in silk. I bet its smooth as chocolate. Kagome thought biting her tiny lips as the demon lord groaned and pushed his hips into her hand. Slowly increasing her speed and twisting her wrist she had her roommate hissing and growling under her hand.

Kagome felt the air grow heavy as the Inu panted and thrust into her hand.

“Kagome, I could just spank your naughty little bum” Sesshomaru mumbled in his sleep. Tears prickled her eyes at the strange sleep induced commentary. She slowly stopped stroking his steely flesh but kept her hand wrapped around it and focused on his furrowed brow.

“This Sesshomaru will not play doctor and your pants are tasty” He said again in a quiet mumble and continued talking, “The showers too hot but my tongues fuzzy”.

Kagome Couldn’t hold the small squeal in as it pierced the silent room. She tried holding her breath as she fanned her face frantically. A deep smooth voice like a chocolate fountain snapped her out of her spell.

“Miko, why are you handling this Sesshomaru’s package?” He asked golden eyes boring into her. Kagome’s face growing a deeper shade of red as the seconds ticked by.

“I…Um…Well you see...Uh….Did you know you lick your pillow when you sleep?”