Wait It Out by FoxxMurmer

I Promise

So Here is my first chapter for my first fic. I will try and update this everyday but I can't promise anything. I don't have a betta reader and I'm pretty bad with my punctuations( especially commas. We just don't like each other) sometimes so please be nice.

Disclaimer: Like always I don't own anything so don't sue me. 

Please note: Each chapter will be short and sweet, but no exact set length. This way I can update everyday...hopefully. Each Chapter will have a song that helped inspire me to write and will be a sort of playlist if you'd like to listen and read. 

Song: Set the Fire to The Third Bar - Snow Patrol

Chapter 1- I Promise

Kagome sat on the edge of the well, eyes closed, her faced turned toward the sun. A light breeze played across her dark hair and lifted the edges of her clothing. She smiled as footfall reached her ears. Opening her eyes, Kagome watched as Inuyasha came to join her at the wall. His face was cast down, as if he was deep in thought.

 “Inuyasha.” Kagome called softly.

He looked up and graced her with a smile, though it seemed unusually sad. Reaching Her, Inuyasha gently lifted her hand in his.

“I’ll meet you on the other side, I promise you that.” He rubbed his cheek on her knuckles before slowly releasing her hand and walking back to the village.

She was supposed to make the wish now. Goodbyes had been said and future arrangements made but Kagome couldn’t help the feeling that she couldn’t quite leave.

A soft caress against her aura pulled her from her musing and she glanced toward the God Tree.

Leaving her spot on the wall she made her way to the base of the God Tree. There, standing with one hand against the wide trunk, face toward the impressive canopy, was Sesshomaru.

Review please.