Worth the Wait by ~Smiling insanity~

Worth the Wait

Kagome watched as the rain slid down the cold window pane in long moist streaks. In the horizon over the busy streets of Tokyo, the sun began its decent from the sky. She wiped at the foggy window, staring at the well house once again, hoping that maybe -just maybe- she would be able to see the bright blue glow that came with time traveling.

As dusk turned to night and night turned to day, she sat there waiting. Waiting with all the hope she could muster, that time would once again open its self to her and she would be able to be back with the family she left behind in the past.

She missed everything about the past so much it hurt her already broken heart. She even missed the overprotective Hanyou that always seemed to grate on her nerves, but she still loved him. Not the way she thought she did at first but as a best friend, and a big brother who never acted his age. But she loved him non the less.

She missed the long private talks she had with Sango in the hot springs sister to sister, and the way Miroku was a pervert to her one minute and an older and wiser brother the next. She missed Shippo, her adopted son, soo much. She hated leaving him behind, alone once again, but she always knew deep down no matter how much it hurt to admit it, she never truly belonged in the past. She belonged in her time where she didn't have to fight to stay alive everyday and where she could take a bath in her own home without a perverted monk trying to take a peek.

There was nothing left to do after Naraku was defeated and she used the jewel to make her pure wish. The only thing she had left were her memories, and the hope that her wish came true.Her wish that everyone and everything her adopted family ever wanted they got, so they could finally be happy, even if it was without her. That kept her hope alive even if it was just one single spark in a world of darkness. But that single spark was what kept her alive and sitting in her chair waiting.

So she sat there and remembered all of the good and all of the bad. She remembered the first time Shippo called her Mamma and he began to grow into an amazing little boy, who just happened to fall in love with a certain Demon Lord's ward. Not only did there little crushes bring the two groups together, after a huge blown out of proportion fight between the two brothers of course, but made the small happy family even bigger than before. It took time and patience but with a little help from her, she not only gained new family members but a new love interest.

She stifled a sob that threatened to escape her tightly drawn lips. No her feudal fairy tale didn't have a fairy tale ending, even if she wished it did. And she could still picture them all in her mind, as clear as the day she left.

She pictured Sango slapping Miroku for being a pervert, InuYasha yelling at her to make some more ramen, Shippo showing her all of his tricks as he got stronger, and Rin dancing in a field of brightly colored flowers. She could even picture the look on Jaken's green face as she braided flowers into crowns and made him wear one, decorating his bald head.

Yes, she missed them all, especially him. Her powerful Demon Lord. No, he was never hers. She just wished for once someone would see her that way, but it never seemed to work out that way. The saw no ore than a clumsy Miko, a reincarnation of a powerful priestess, and a ditzy school girl.

She wanted to be needed, she wanted to be her own person. And that was something, that made her train harder and harder each day. Until she realized there was no real point, she didn't have to battle everyday for her life and her friends. No, in the modern era she had no use for a sword, a bow, or a staff. Just like she had no use in wishing for something when she had already spent her wish. And she wouldn't ever get a second one.

The only thing she needed protection from was her own mind as it sent her haunting pictures of the demon she fell for. She could picture his graceful movements as he fought his enemies, his confident strides as he walked, and the way his eyes seemed to be filled with a burning passion no one ever seemed to notice but her.

She noticed his fiery eyes as he protected what was his. All of which had nothing to do with her of course.

No, he could never see her as more than a lowly human girl who never seemed to stay out of trouble. She was nothing in his eyes, but she wouldn't have it any other way.

She refused to get caught in a position where she had to choose from her family in the past to her family in the future, because in the end she knew no matter what she did it always came down to her being stuck without some of the people she loved. Either way she knew she would be longing for someone she could never hold, never be able to touch.

All she had left was her longing, but yet she continued to wait. For what, she wasn't so sure anymore. Was she waiting for InuYasha to come and save her again, or was she waiting for something she knew would never happen. Whatever she was waiting for, she didn't know. Not yet at least.

Suddenly she was shaken out of her thoughts by the loud sound of the doorbell downstairs. After a few minutes of waiting for someone to answer the door, she slowly dragged her body out of the chair and down the creaky stairs of the shrine.

Walking to the front door she suddenly wondered who would come to her house so late. Maybe it was Hojo coming to bring her another weird but thoughtful gift.

You would think that after two years of being perfectly healthy he would stop giving her odd offerings, but apparently not. He probably emptied out all of the health stores in all of Tokyo by now.

Reaching out to turn the door knob, a jolt went through her hand making her gasp softly. Pausing for a second before opening the door she was greeted by a empty space. Walking out of the door she looked around, finding a shadow in the dark facing the God tree.

Being cautious she called out into the dark but she got no answer. Slowly stepping out onto the porch she called to shadowed figure again, seeing him turn around slightly. His face caught in the buzzing light bulb above the small porch making her gasp softly.

"Hello Miko."

Somewhere in the back of her mind she could hear the whispered words that left her mouth, but she was to startled to even move, as her chocolate brown eyes clashed with his passion filled honey eyes.


Now she knew who she had been waiting for, and he had been worth the wait.