Dog Demon Love by Shilo

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - Chase

"Dang this really BITES" Sigh Kagome…Kagome has been stuck in her Beast form for 2 months because a very strong witch caste a spell on her to never change back unless she mated to a male demon and become pregnant or she will die. But she being the stubborn one she is wont submit to anyone ever or even become pregnant. She has been only coming out at night and she has been hiding her aura. Why? Because she is the rare Midnight Inu Dog Demon. She don't want anyone finding out about her. If someone is to find her they would use her powers of the miko demon and take over the world. Her aura is pink. But if she would reach her true power the aura would be white. And any male in a mile radius will smell her aura and fight her to make her submit to them and mate her for power…And now she is hiding in a cave waiting out the daylight trying to find the rare miko also known as Priestess Kamie. She was told from her mother years ago that she has the powers to cure anything even change one back into their true form. But where she was located was far away. Her mother Korari was a human Miko and her father Akira was a White East lord Dog Demon. But with her mother being a Miko she was powerful to produce full blooded inu-youki along with her little brother Sota a normal gray and white Dog Demon. She had her fathers simble on her forehead. A white star the simble of the east. And that's where she was headed. Into the Western Territory of the Great and Powerful Demon Lord… She knew nothing about him other than he is evil and cold hearted and wanted nothing but blood.

About 2 miles away the lord of the western lands was scouting his territory when he picked up an alluring smell. It was a female. The Demon picked up on the smell of a very powerful aura. And he figured it must be her.. So he decided to investigate the female demon since she was on his land and she could be a threat. So he set off to find her and confront her for trespassing.

As Kagome lay in the cave she picked up on a smell of a very powerful demon male coming close.. So she decided to leave the cave and make a run for it. "Hopefully they don't follow me I really don't want to fight right now" She looked up at the sky and sigh happily. "Good its almost nightfall than I have the upper hand in this incase I don't escape him. And I really don't want to kill another demon" Since Kagome is a Midnight Dog Demon she has the upper hand because the moon gives her more power than what she has.

The Demon was getting close to the female demon he could see her start out of the cave and run.. "What's this? She is in her true form. I have never seen a Midnight inu-youki ever in my life". He stopped chasing her for a second to change into his beast form because he would never catch up to her in his human form…The ground shook as the inu-youki growled in the air as he changed than started to chase the Midnight inu-youki with amazing speed.

Kagome was running from the demon lord when she heard the loud growl and the rumble in her paws as the ground shook. She yipped with fear as she looked back and found a huge White Dog Demon bigger than her running after her and closing in quick. She ran as fast as her legs would go pumping and pumping..

The Demon lord was catching up to her and quick. He only had 100 yards away and he would have her. He was closing in and was about to catch her when she suddenly she stopped and turned her body so she was facing him. She reared up on her legs and fought with the male in front of her trying to bite him in the neck. He turned his body and used his hind legs and kicked her in the stomach. She tumbled backwards and fell on her back. She got right back up and charged at him again growling and snapping her large teeth at him. She clawed at his skin leaving large marks where blood started to show on his body. He turned his head and ran after her with so much speed he head butted her in the gut and sent her flying into trees snapping and scrapping her skin in the process.

She landed with a big "Thud" and a "Splash" in a clearing near a large pond with her top half submerged in the water laying on her side. The Demon Lord slowly walked up to her and noticed her head in the water and she seemed to be unconscious.

He used his paw and moved her head out of the water so she wouldn't drown. But when her head lifted out of the water he saw the Star on her forehead and almost dropped her head back in the water in shock but he managed to move her head of to the side. He moved around her body to use his jaws and take her tail in her mouth and pulled her out of the water the rest of the way. He then went to her side and laid down on the grass and took care of his wounds by licking at them and then he started with the ones on her. She had a good cut on her ribcage but the others were small scrapes. Then he turned her head towards him and got a good look at her. "She is a really good fighter. She never backed down on me not even for a second. No wonder she is a great fighter she is the Eastern Lord's Daughter" But he started to wonder why she is so far away from home?

The Demon lord didn't know why but he was going to find out once she awoke and was able to talk. He laid his head on his paws near her head and sighed. He was starting to fall asleep and noticed the female on his side started whimpering he used his nose and started to gently rub the side of her ear to comfort her. Soon her whimpering stopped and he wrapped his tail around her and drifted of to sleep thinking about the Midnight Inu beside him.


Let me know what you think, its my first story