Proud Mistake by Kambri_Jade

Mistake and Secrets Spilled

Sesshomaru awoke with a sleeping Kagome in his laying in his arms. He gave a small smile, remembering that only a few hours ago they had rutted together. He pulled her closer to his still nude form. He felt consumed by her warmth and placed his face into her silky, black hair, breathing in her scent.

He didn't know why, but her scent seemed stronger. And he found himself burring his nose deeper into her hair and neck to get as much of it as possible. He didn't really put much thought as to why her scent was stronger, and he didn't care at the moment. All he knew was that he liked it, a lot.

When his senses became blurred with her sweet, strong scent he got up and threw on some pajama pants. He walked over to the large double doors that led to his balcony, opened them and walked out. It was cold out this night so he closed the doors carefully, to not wake his sleeping girlfriend, Kagome.

The cold night's air filled his nose, releasing all smells of Kagome. ' Kagome.' he thought, 'her scent has changed. It is different and strange, a good strange though. My inner demon seems to enjoy it all to much, and seems to be...... Proud.' he thought.

He had a small lazy smile on his usually stoic face as he thought of Kagome. But that small smile quickly turned into a frown. He Knew why Kagome's scent had changed. Suddenly he found himself in his room again. He closed the doors carefully again and walked over to his bed.

Sure enough, her scent was strong. Strong with the scent of her being pupped. ' Pupped.' he thought as he unconsciously paced in front of his bed. He stopped to look at Kagome, he felt scared and worried for her, but her face was yet so peaceful. She was in her own world where everything was always ok.

The feeling of pride shot back through his whole body as he watched her sleeping face form a slight smile. ' I feel proud that I pupped my girlfriend?' he asked himself as he turned away and started pacing again, only to stop, look at Kagome, ask himself the same the same question and start again.

Soon that one question turned into other questions. ' What will happen? How are we going to tell Father? What will Father think? Will he be angry?" all of them kept circling around in his head, asking them over and over.

Kagome woke up to find that Sesshomaru wasn't in bed. It wasn't unusual that he didn't need to sleep that much, he is demon, but she had never before woke up without him there by her side. She sat up and gazed her tired eyes around the large room, to find him pacing back and forth. She Could have mistaken him for his Father the way he paced around. It usually meant he was in deep thought. ' About what though?' Kagome asked herself.

" Sesshomaru, what's wrong?" She asked from the bed. Sesshomaru was instantly pulled out of his thoughts when he heard her light, soft voice. He stopped his pacing and turned to her. The look on her face was full of her concern for him. He didn't want to worry her, although he had to tell her and knew she wouldn't be to happy.

He gave her 'Her' smile. The one that he only gives to her, the smile she so loved. He always found it easy for him to show his emotions in front of her but no one else. He kept the smile on as he walked up to his bed. The blanket was wrapped around her nude body, a beautiful sight that made him want her again, but he held back. Taking her hands in his as he knelt down, he gave them each a kiss, making her blush a beautiful light pink.

He still held her hands and rubbed them comfortingly as he spoke in a calming voice to her,

" Kagome..." He trailed off and looked up into her still slightly concerned yet curious face. He couldn't tell her like this. So he got up and sat on the bed behind her, pulling her against his firm, smooth chest.

He held her in his embrace for a while, thinking about what to say to her and how she would or might react, he really didn't know. She was so unpredictable, that's why he loved her so much, she always could keep him guessing, but now he wished she weren't that way. He wished for her to be like eve other girl he had known, but this wish came to a close as she spoke to him.

" Sesshomaru, what is it?" she asked him, concern still laced her voice but she was filled with his calming aura. That was partly why he had embraced her, because his aura had the capability to calm her down if needed, but he wasn't sure if it was necessary, just a precaution.

" Kagome," he placed his hands gently upon her stomach, her hands wrapping around his, " You are pupped." He finished calmly. He was slightly surprised by her light laugh. Thinking that she was happy he nuzzled her neck. " Sesshomaru, what is that suppose to mean?" She laughed out but then stopped as he stopped nuzzling her neck.

' God, let Inuyasha kill me! Why didn't I use human terms to tell her? Here I thought she was happy. Damn her unpredictable-ness to the seven Hells!' he thought with a sigh. He felt her pull away from him to most likely look at his face, but he didn't want her to see that it had turned stone cold and worry her, so he held her tighter keeping her from moving away.

Kagome seized her attempt to look at him and relaxed again in his grip. He relaxed as well, but his hands want to her stomach again, holding it a bit tighter. He kissed her neck, " I means your pregnant Kagome........."