Speedy's Strangeness by Speedy Tomato

Chapter 1

Prompt: Narrow

Narrowing his eyes at the miko who was tied up to his bed, Sesshomaru straddled her head and gazed down into her face.  Sure, this was part of the game, for her to play like she didn’t want it and he liked that, honestly he did, but he was horny and wanted to move along.  “Lick it miko,” he growled holding out his cock to her full lips, body shivering as he did.

Looking up at him, Kagome whimpered softly then strained her head upwards and licked the exposed head softly, shivering as she did. 

Prompt: Frottage

Walking behind the pack, eyes locked on the hanyou at the lead, Sesshomaru slipped up behind Kagome and put a hand on her hip to let her know he was there.  Though he knew that he shouldn’t be doing this, that they could get caught by anyone that turned to look their way, and if that was Inuyasha there would be hell to pay for both of them, he was powerless to keep his hands off the delectable little miko.  He was, after all, wanting to pick the pace up when it came to things with her.  Pressing against her backside, he began to rub his throbbing erection against her ass through that short skirt and panties she wore.

Trying not to giggle and to control the blush that was threatening to erupt on her face.  Honestly, thought she liked the clandestine relationship with the daiyoukai and couldn’t wait for the time they no longer had to hide such things.  However, the fact that he was desiring her enough to engage in frottage where anyone might be able to see it with her was sure one hell of an ego boost!  Pressing back on him, rubbing her ass against his hard cock, she fought off the giggles while keeping an eye out for anyone that might be watching.

Prompt:  Mutinous

Giving the miko a mutinous glare, Sesshomaru didn’t say anything out loud though.  He knew what the evil woman was up to when she did things like this.  How he had ever thought she was sweet and innocent he would never know but as time went on it was self proving that she was as evil and devious as he was, just in different ways is all.  Settling back against the headboard of his bed, his eyes were glued on the show she was putting on for him.  Licking his lips, he let out and appreciative growl at the sight of her pleasuring herself with that object she called a dildo.  Tugging at his arms, he fought the urge to break the delicate silk scarves she had bound him to the headboard with and toss the toy away then give her a true pleasuring with the real thing rather than some ‘toy’.  However, he had to admit that the show she was putting on for him was something that he did enjoy and was worthy to watch.  That was the only reason that the bindings were still in place and not ripped to shreds. 

Letting out a loud snarl as he watched her find her completion, he said, voice deep and guttural sounding, “Enough of this torture miko!  Release this Sesshomaru!”

Prompt: Worn

Glancing down, Sesshomaru snarled.  Never in his life had he worn anything like this accursed contraption and he wasn’t going to again!  Oh no, the miko would never talk him into it ever again, no matter how much she begged, pleaded or gave him the puppy dog eyes as she was wont to do when she really wanted something.  No, it wouldn’t be happening!  Crossing his arms over his bare chest, feeling the slick oil he had rubbed onto it to make his contoured muscles more evident, he shot her the death glare of all death glares, hoping to impart to her that he was displeased with this turn of events and wanted to get out of this contraption and forget the whole thing ever happened.  But it was lost on her, completely.  Glowering harder, he snarled, “Miko!”

Glancing up at her mate, an almost starry eyed look on her face, she gave him an angelic grin.  “Yes Sesshomaru?”

Huffing, he tapped his foot and waited for her to get the point but quickly realized that wasn’t going to happen.  “I want this… THING off, now!”

“But Sesshomaru!” She almost whined.  “You look great in it!  And you promised!”  She added, dropping her voice to an almost lethal level to impart that she was going to make him fulfill what he had said.

“Whatever this is…” he started only to be cut off.

“It’s a tear away tux and g-string, like the Chippendale’s dancers wear,” she told him once more sighing, shaking her head.

“It needs to be off my person, now!” He snarled. “I don’t care how much you appreciate it, I do not!”

Sighing, Kagome shook her head then accused, “You promised!  I’ll turn the music on now so you can finish.”

Huffing indignantly, he shot her another death glare that was ignored and resigned himself to fulfilling the bet he lost.

Prompt: Thrust

Since coming to the feudal era, Kagome often wondered about situations she found herself thrust into from time to time and whether or not their was a curse on the jewel that, when she shattered it, deemed that she was to be on the receiving end of all kinds of weirdness, being it living beings or situations.  Now, as she pondered this whole thing, she wondered once more if that wasn’t the case.  Glowering at the perverted and strange daiyoukai that she had, somehow or other, hooked up with since it had become evident that Inuyasha and she weren’t a match made in heaven, she was trying to process his request because, honestly, what he had said wasn’t seeming to clear all the circuitry in her brain.  Something was off about this and she needed confirmation of it.  “Run that by me again, Sesshomaru.  You want me to do what?”  She asked, tone light and soft, trying not to belay her inner turmoil over the whole thing. 

Sliding closer to the miko, the daiyoukai smirked evilly, an almost manic glint coming to his eyes, “This Sesshomaru said,” he started out softly, “that he wants you to dress up like a teddy bear and let me fuck you.”

Yup, her brain confirmed it in all its strangeness.  Why couldn’t she ever meet anyone normal?

Prompt: Armed

Walking in, looking as though he were armed for a battle with Naraku or something, Sesshomaru was determined.  This would be going the way he wanted or the miko would pay!  She had promised him that she would allow him to try this with her, multiple times by now, but each time had backed away, skittish, from the whole thing saying that she needed more time to think it over.  Well, the way he saw it, the time was up.  She had more than enough to ponder what he wanted and deal accordingly so tonight was going to be the night that she fulfilled that promise.

Stalking into their room, he shut the door behind him and glanced at the bed, stopping cold, golden eyes widening at what he saw.  Then, unable to stop it, a self-satisfied smirk spread across his features at the display she made.  There, spread-eagle on is massive bed, she lay, naked, body glistening from sweat, as she waited for him.  Backside arched up, she was touching herself, preparing for what was to come.  Oh, this was perfect and tonight would be the night they would consummate the relationship and she be his, fully and completely. 

Prompt: Stoic

Lying there, trussed up like a Christmas goose, hard cock sticking out from his body while the devious, deviant little miko rode him hard, giving him a smack on the flanks with her riding crop from time to time, Sesshomaru was trying his best to remain stoic as he always was about other situations but was finding it hard to keep that icy visage firmly in place.  This was…erotic, for lack of a better and more complete term.  He hadn’t thought pony play, let alone having an anal plug resplendent with a tail the color of his cherished locks, shoved up his ass while his mate tied him up and rode him, whipping him occasionally, would be such a thing but he was wrong.  The fact that he was giving up control to her and allowing her such liberties with her person was something that he found he enjoyed despite the initial awkwardness of the situation.  Perhaps he had more of a twisted psyche than he thought.  After another sharp swat on his thigh from the miko, he decided that was something that was best left to later to ponder more fully.  Might as well enjoy what was going on now and not over think things. 

Prompt: Undulate


(Set in the Sesshomaru’s Princess Universe)


Looking up at her Daddy, Kagome swallowed thickly, unsure about all this.  The silence in the room as she stared at him, thinking over what he had asked of her seemed to undulate around them, pressing tightly to her body, making her all the more unsure about her answer to it.  She loved her Daddy, so very much, and wanted to do what ever he wanted her to but, sometimes, it was hard.  This… well it was hard.  Blushing brightly, she looked down, unable to keep gazing into her golden eyes and see the intensity of the want there.  Think… she had to think… 

Reaching out, Sesshomaru stroked her soft hair then said, quietly, “Princess, will you do this for Daddy?  It is something that he would enjoy doing to you.”

“I know.  It’s so hard though,” she told him softly, shivering slightly. 

Wrapping an arm around her, Sesshomaru held her close, rubbing her back.  “Daddy knows.  But it’s entirely up to you. What’s your choice?”

Looking up at him, she just nodded, saying nothing, unable to articulate anything.

Smirking, he kissed her on the top of the head then whispered, “I promise, you’ll enjoy it too Princess.”  Oh yes, he would most certainly make it to where she enjoyed the whole thing to the fullest extent and just as much as he would watching it.  Pulling out the specially made dildo, the one shaped like his own beasts, he stepped back and began to lube it up.  Oh this was going to be fun.

Prompt: Worried


From Kagome’s end, she knew that she should be worried. There was something not right about this.  He hated all humans, he had made that clear.  But here he was, holding her, all curled up on his lap, petting her like he would any other cat out there.  Sure, she was fully dressed in one of those beautiful kimonos that he had made for her but there was no doubt that he was enjoying this kind of play.  She doubted that anyone that came into the study wouldn’t know that he was aroused by the smell, since all of them were either hanyou or youkai.  From her end, she could feel the hard lump that was his stiff cock under the fluff of his mokomoko, what she was lying on.  This, frankly, troubled her. 

She knew that when he proposed this whole thing that it wasn’t out of some kind of feelings for her, that was clear.  It was suppose to just be a mutual thing that they both benefited from.  But, as time went on and they got deeper into the game he wanted to play, the more concerned about this she got.  Frankly, she liked the game and was falling for him, that is where her problem was coming from.  Knowing him the way she did, she knew the feeling wasn’t mutual. 

Suddenly, all thoughts of that flew out the window somewhere on soft wings when he tugged at her ‘tail’.  Since the dark haired, long appendage was attached to a plug that was lodged deep in her ass, it was something that was rather distracting and left her concentration only on the riot of feelings it produce.  Looking up at him, she whimpered softly, wondering what the perverted dog had in mind to do now.

Prompt: Yowl

Fur sprouting on his body as he hammered into the miko that was on all fours beneath him, Sesshomaru snarled as his face elongated slight, teeth becoming jagged and deadly.  Though he was partially in control at this point, the grip was tenuous and he was barely keeping control of his other half.  However, since that part of himself didn’t want to harm the little onna under them, it was allowing him to keep what control he had left.  Snarling and growling, he thrust harder, feeling his body change as he shared control.  Though, with this change taking place, he knew that things weren’t going to go on much longer, he didn’t want to find his end where he was.  Letting his throbbing, aching cock slick out of her slick channel, he wrapped his hand around it, feeling the deep heat from his arousal penetrate his hand, then led it to her rear hole.  With a gruff admonition for her to relax, he placed it at the tight ring of muscle and began to ease it in.  Since they had done this before, it gave easily and all his hard length was quickly ensconced in her tight ass.  Thrusting harder, he grunted as he felt is peak coming. 

Taking a deep whiff of the air, he smelled her end before it came.  When she cried out and he felt her ass grip his cock tightly, he let out a loud yowl then came, his knot forming and locking them together.

From Dokuga’s GM Drabble/Draw night 11/6/10- 100-300 words each


(codes: MMF, M/F, anal, toys, pegging, oral, masturbation, bondage, general silliness)




Prompt: Histrionics

Ignoring the hanyou and his histrionics, Sesshomaru continued to focus on the miko.  In her undressed state, he couldn’t help but admire her luscious curves, the tanned skin that was exposed and her delightful breasts that rose and feel with each breath.  Though the whelp had agreed to let him enjoy a little sexual romp with his miko it seemed that now, since it was obvious that she was liking what he was doing to her body, he was taking issue with the whole thing.  But that made no nevermind to him.  He fully planned to continue with the tryst and enjoy it to its fullest.  It was also his plan that she enjoy it as well so that it could take place again.  He didn’t give a damn what the hanyou thought about the matter.

Leaning down, he let his long, slightly rough tongue run up her lightly haired slit, all but smirking at the delicious noises that it elicited from her.  Zeroing in on her clit, he sucked it into his mouth and flicked his tongue over the tip of it, enjoying the soft wail that it brought from her.  To hell with Inuyasha, he was going to love this!

Prompt: Tumid

Figuring that she was getting cold feet and not wanting to let that go too far, Sesshomaru began to let his hands wander down her body.  With one, he cupped one breast and played with the nipple while the other drifted back between her legs.  Finding her clit with ease, he began to rub it again.  It was his thought that if he got her turned on enough that she wouldn’t deny him.  That’s what he was going to shoot for.

She was about to say something about stopping when he resumed what he had been doing in the other room, making the protest die on her tongue.  With the wonderfully strong sensations that were dancing throughout her body, it was all she could do not to swallow her own tongue let alone protest anything.

Smirking arrogantly, his finger continued its dance on her clit while his other hand switched breasts, tweaking and pulling on the nipple.  After a soft bite on her shoulder he asked, smoothly, “Do you like that, Kitten?  Does it feel good?”

“Yes,” she managed to stammer out, wiggling around slightly, feeling his tumid cock pressed up against her backside.  “But, really, Sesshomaru, we shouldn’t be…”

Cutting her off with a soft grow, he replied, “What does it matter if it feels good, Kitten?  Just enjoy it.  And, if you think this feels good now, just wait.  I’m going to give you a pleasure the likes of which you’ve never seen before.”  The last part came out sounding more than a touch arrogant but he meant every word. 

Prompt:  Marmoreal

Running a finger down the side of her sleeping lovers face, Kagome smiled softly.  He was so perfect in so many ways that she couldn’t even start to name them.  The perfect mate that always took care of her.  The perfect lover that gave her hours of exquisite pleasure that made her scream from the many orgasms that he coaxed from her body.  The perfect lord that, though cold and marmoreal to many, was fair and just. 

Letting her hand trail down his pale but muscular chest, she felt the heat from it infuse her palm as she stroked lower down.  When she reached his navel and the line of silver hair and went lower, trailing down to his crotch, she traced along it with one finger until she reached the thatch of curls above his limp cock.  Smiling a bit bigger, a plan coming to mind, she slid down, trying not to disturb the sleeping daiyoukai, she curled up around one of his muscular legs then leaned over and licked the full length of his flaccid member.  At just the soft touch of her tongue, it stirred slightly and stiffened. Emboldened, she grasped it softly then retracted the foreskin and licked the now exposed head. 

“Hn… though this Sesshomaru is usually not happy about being woken from a sound sleep, I must say this is a most pleasant way to stir into the waking world, Kagome,” the daiyoukai rumbled in a sleep muzzy voice.

Prompt: Troilism


(Contains threesome action with adult toys and rimming)

Though, at first, Kagome was dubious about this whole thing when Sesshomaru initially brought it up, calling him the biggest hentai that she had ever met in her life, now, well, she could see the merits of the whole thing, much to her chagrin.  She didn’t know if that made her as much of a pervert as he was or that she had been thoroughly corrupted.  Either way, she wasn’t complaining. 

Adjusting the strap-on she was wearing to where it was comfortable, she leaned forward and once more licked Kouga’s exposed asshole, making sure that it was slick with her saliva.  Though she had lubed up the strap-on fairly well, she wanted to make sure that she didn’t hurt him in any way. 

After several minutes of licking, her tiny pink tongue flicking against his tight pucker, she pulled back then positioned herself behind him on her knees and held the head of the fake phallus to his opening.  Glancing at him, though he was on all fours he was looking back at her, when she saw him nod, she began to ease it inside.  Hearing him moan and watching him push back on the intruder, she continued until her hips were flush with his ass.  Stopping she waited.

Quickly, she felt the body press against her back. Feeling Sesshomaru’s clawed fingers on her hips, she then felt the familiar intruder of his cock pressed to her dripping slit. Whimpering, she waited for him to ease into her.

Troilsim it was what Sesshomaru called this.  She had another few words to describe it; serious fun and pleasure.

Prompt: Frittle

Slipping quietly into the bedroom, Sesshomaru smirked to see Kagome lying on the bed.  Chained to the headboard by her collar, curled up, naked, under the silk top sheet, sleeping soundly, he nodded in approval.  Sensitive ears perking up, he could hear the soft vibrating sound and all but grinned.  It seemed that she had followed his instructions to the letter.  That pleased him.  She was always embarrassed and reluctant when it came to some of the ‘toys’ that he liked, such as the vibrating butt plug that he had told her to insert before he came home but, it appeared, that she had followed his instructions.  Knowing her the way he did now, he was certain that she had struggled to follow his directive and insert it before falling asleep but he was pleased she had.

Loosening his tie, he slipped it off then tossed both it and the jacket onto a nearby chair as he walked towards the bed.  Unbuttoning the cuffs of his shirt, his eyes were glued on her curled up form and his mind racing over the possibilities of what was to come tonight.  He was in one of his adventurous moods, thus wanting something different than their normal fair when it came to sex. 

When he reached the bed, he stripped off the rest of his clothes and tossed them aside haphazardly, eyes locked on his mate.  Reaching down, he stroked his now thickened and stiffened cock a couple times before reaching out and tracing down the frittle on her face left by a crease in the pillow.  Smirking again, he whispered, “Kagome, I’m home.”

Prompt: Anodyne

Stretched out on the bed, Sesshomaru kneeled over the prone form of Kagome, tongue slowly licking over the wounds that she had received in the latest battle with Naraku.  None of them were that serious in nature, certainly nothing that required him to take her home to ‘her time’ but they needed tending to so that they didn’t become infected.  That was something that he could easily do.

However, as usual when it came to the miko, he couldn’t be in this close of proximity to her without ‘rising to the occasion’. Already his cock was at full mast and throbbing from the touch of his tongue on her naked flesh.  It was a reaction that he was helpless to prevent.

Shrugging, he went with the flow and started licking more sensitive areas where there were no wounds, smirking at the sound of her whimper.  The tongue bath might have started out as something anodyne in nature but it would end up as something sexual, just like it always did.

Prompt: Thigmotactic/Tremble

Wiggling around on the bed, Kagome whimpered softly, tugging at the soft leather cuffs that held her to the headboard. Though she tugged at them, she knew there was no chance of getting free until he wanted to let her loose.  Until that point, and it she was sure that he wouldn’t do that until such time as he was done torturing her in the most delicious ways, sexually, she was stuck here.

Slumping on the bed, letting out a deep sigh, she waited for him to make an appearance.  This was part of the torture, she knew that.  Waiting here, naked, all alone, with her mind conjuring up all the most deviant sexual things that she could imagine, was agony.  No, he never hurt her in any way but it was still a torment that he enjoyed, letting her imagination run away with her until he made an appearance.

Just as her brain was replaying the last encounter like this, she could hear his heavy footsteps approaching making her tremble in both apprehension and anticipation.  When he finally stepped into the room, resplendent in his jeans, leather chaps with no shirt on, carrying a riding crop, she whimpered out loud.  Oh, this was going to be a fun evening!

Prompt: Coordination

Slipping off away from camp, Kagome made sure that her steps were quiet so as not to rouse any of the sleepers or alert Inuyasha.  From what she could tell, he was asleep but since he didn’t sleep as deeply as the rest of them, she had to be cautious about this. 

Ducking behind a bush that she had stashed a small bag under earlier, she retrieved it then, quietly as she could, made her way to the hot springs that wasn’t far away.  Though these encounters with Sesshomaru took a great deal of coordination and stealth on both their ends, it was well worth it.  The mere thought of the perverse things he would do to her body and the orgasms she would have was more than worth the risk of getting caught by Inuyasha.

Just before the clearing the hot springs was in, she stopped and stripped off all her clothes.  Digging in the bag, she pulled out the headband that was respondent with puppy ears then, with shaking hands, pulled out the tail plug that had a poufy dog tail that was the same color as her hair.  Lubing it up, she bent over then slowly slid it into her ass, hissing at the slight burn at the entrance.  After donning the gloves and socks resembling puppy paws, she stashed the bag away then crawled into the clearing on her hands and knees to see her Master.

Prompt: Unkempt

Tugging her robe around her, blinking blearily, Kagome stood in the hall that ran down the family wing at the fortress while listening to the blowup between Sesshomaru and Inuyasha.  Honestly, she wanted to smack her hanyou best friend for this crap.  It was three o’clock in the stupid morning!  If he wanted to throw yet another fit about their relationship after barging into their bedroom without knocking and seeing in bed with Sesshomaru, naked, that was his problem, not hers.  But, oh no, he couldn’t be an adult about it.  That would be too easy.  Yet again, he had to cause a ruckus and fight with Sesshomaru over it even though he had known for over a year now that they were an item.

Brushing her unkempt, sleep tousled hair behind her ear, she listened as the two half-brothers called each other every name they could think of, growing more irritated with each passing second.  It had been a long day and she was tired, just wanting to go back to sleep.

Finally, as the volume and pitch had reached such a level that everyone else in the pack had come out of their rooms to watch the show, she had enough.  Stomping her foot, she snarled, “That’s enough, Inuyasha!  Drop it now!”

Rounding on her, the hanyou snarled, “Why?  You missing being curled up all naked with him?”

What little restraint that was left on her temper snapped and she bit back, “No, we were going to have sex and you interrupted.  So, if you would be so kind, take this up with him tomorrow when we’re done.  Goodnight Inuyasha!”  She finally huffed, dragging a smirking Sesshomaru back into the bedroom while leaving a stammering, frustrated Inuyasha standing in the hall alone, blustering to himself.

Prompt: Aggression

Draped over Sesshomaru’s lap, naked, ass stuck up in the air, Kagome couldn’t help but squirm around, anticipating the next time his calloused hand landed on her ass.  Though she liked being spanked by him, really she did, it was just the anticipation of the sting that kept her off-balance and squirming around. Whimpering softly, eyes tightly shut, ass cheeks tense, she waited for his heavy hand to once more come down on her tender backside. 

Sure, she knew this was his way to alleviate any aggression he had from work since he couldn’t do what he did in the past and fight, and she adored it but she felt so naughty about it, knowing it wasn’t an act that most people would understand or approve of.  That part seemed to add to the excitement of it for her for some reason she could never understand.  But she had accepted it long ago and was willing to do what he wanted.

Suddenly, just as she was relaxing, that heavy hand came down on her ass, making her jump and cry out once more.

Smirking, Sesshomaru rubbed the miko’s now pink ass with one hand, enjoying the flush the skin had taken on after the swat.  “Such a naughty miko,” he all but purred.  Slipping a hand between her legs, he let it run up her now dripping slit then gave a short appreciative snort.  “So turned on by this.”

Looking over her shoulder at him, Kagome bit her bottom lip but said nothing.  It wouldn’t due to deny it since he could smell it and on his finger was irrefutable proof.  “Yes, I do,” she finally stammered out softly.

Prompt: Blossom

Holding the miko on her back, legs pushed up to her chest, spread enough that he could see her lightly haired pussy, Sesshomaru smirked then gave her wet sex a soft spank, making her jump and whimper.  “Naughty bitch,” he murmured softly, glancing up at her sweaty, flushed face.  Doing it again, watching the darkish skin flush slightly red and her sex blossom open as her arousal grew. 

At the beginning of their relationship he had assumed, like everyone else did, that she was a truly innocent being that was rather straight laced.  Very quickly on, he learned this wasn’t the fact, something that he appreciated more than most would know. Since she was the submissive type and was willing to let him take charge and lead things when it came to things of a sexual nature, he had jumped in with both feet and proceeded with the things he liked.

Rubbing his rough palm over her sensitive pussy, he then slipped his hand lower and let one finger trace around her tight pucker, all but grinning when she let out a soft moan.  Since it was nicely coated by the juices that were flowing out of her pussy, he let one long finger slip into her ass then began to fuck her with it.  Glancing up, he watched her shiver from the sensations.  “I’m going to take your ass tonight, Kagome.”  He finally said then added, almost as an afterthought, “And, I assure you, you will like it.”

Prompt: Inappropriate

Kinky.  There was no other word for what he was proposing.  Staring at the mirror where she couldn’t believe what was reflected there was herself, Kagome couldn’t fathom how she had let herself get talked into this.  It was so inappropriate that she should be mortified.  But, strangely enough, she liked the idea for some reason unfathomable to her. 

Giving a deep sigh as she stared that the mirror version of herself, she shook her head once more and wondered, not for the first time, if it wasn’t her destiny to attract perverts in this world.  But, honestly, she wasn’t that upset by this.  It was weird, yeah, but she could work with it.

Reaching up, she adjusted the frizzy, bright red clown wig she was wearing and rubbed more of the greasepaint around so that it was a uniform shade of white all over then, after one more glance to assure herself the clown costume was as it should be, picked up the juggling balls to go entertain ‘her lord’.  Leave it to her to hook up with a guy that had a Ronald McDonald fetish!

(I don’t own Ronald McDonald and make no money off this fic)




Prompt: Flow

Submersing herself up to her neck in the warm spring that they had found earlier in the day, Kagome sighed contentedly.  It had been a long day with lots of walking, making her tired and a bit sore from it all.  It didn’t help matters that it was one of those frustrating ones where they couldn’t find any sign of Naraku or the shards.  Like most days where that happened, that left Inuyasha in a snippy, snarly mood that made her want to sit him until he was unconscious just to shut him up and give all of them a break from his mouth.  But she knew not to do that so, when he got onto one of his rants about something, she excused her self to take a bath.

Sitting here, letting the warm water flow over her body, a smile turning up the corners of her mouth.  Though she would have to go back and deal with Inuyasha for now, she was just going to enjoy this small slice of heaven.

Leaning back, she let her mind wander and she started slipping into the realm of a doze.  Suddenly, the water rippled around in her in such a way that she knew it was someone joining her.  Eyes flying open, she ‘eeped’ when she found herself looking into a pair of golden eyes.  Sitting up, crossing an arm over her chest, she was about to hell at the hanyou and sit him until he was bloated from swallowing water when she realized that it was Sesshomaru.  Slumping in relief, she said, “Don’t do that!  You scared the life out of me, Sesshomaru!  Are you trying to give me a heart attack or something?” Leaning forward, she kissed the daiyoukai tenderly then said, “I missed you.”

Prompt: Wriggle

Smirking ferally, Sesshomaru gazed down at Kagome, who he had pinned beneath his large body on the ground.  Eyes locked with her large orbs, he hissed, “Say it, Kagome.  Say it or I’ll stop.”  As if he needed more punctuation, he gave one hard thrust, driving his turgid cock deep into her wet pussy once more but stopped, not moving.

Unable to help herself, Kagome let out a soft whine as she began to wriggle and squirm, trying to thrust up on him.  She was so close to cumming that it wasn’t funny but he wanted to play this stupid game again!  All but howling in frustration, she said, “Don’t do this to me, Sesshomaru!  Just let me finish!”

“No!  Say it or it all stops!”  He snarled at her.

“Oh, you are such a jerk!” She bemoaned, rolling her eyes, panting heavily.  “Alright you big, fluffy nightmare!  You are my lord and master, the great and terrible Lord Sesshomaru! The world’s greatest lover.”  She huffed, glowering at him.  “Better?”

“Perfect,” he smirked before crushing his mouth down onto her, resuming the animalistic fuck they were engaged in before he decided to torment her for a couple minutes.

Prompt: Supple

Since coming to the feudal era the first time, Kagome understood that she had to be adaptable.  Things were strange and different, not at all like her time and how everything was done.  She could work with it and had over the years since being pulled down the well for the first time.  After all, she was known for her supple personality in things.  But, at this point, she wasn’t sure just how much she should bend when it came to things.

She had, over time, adapted to where she had learned to tolerate a hentai monk with a cursed hand that liked her backside, a demon slayer that had a demon for a pet, a kitsune that viewed her as something akin to a mother, a hanyou with a foul mouth and a necrophilic desire for his walking dead love.  But demon court was something that she was finding hard to adapt to.  It was so stuffy and snobbish that she couldn’t quite force herself to bend and conform as Sesshomaru said she should.

Standing there, listening to the two snobbish women rattle on about their many lovers, not to mention ex-husbands and their prowess in bed, she wanted to scream and slap both of them, telling them that there were more important things in this world to worry about.  But she didn’t.  As she well knew, everything she did refected on Sesshomaru and she didn’t want to cause him problems.

Finally, after a long, drawn out explanation of how good her current mate was at oral sex, Kagome could take no more.  Standing, she ignored the two then stomped off to Sesshomaru’s study.  After all, there was only so much she should be forced to take of this crap!