Just A Story? by Angelic Memories

Just A Story

This is a late Christmas present to 1CarinoInu and Reannaleco.

I was trying to finish this by the end of December but I had soooo much on my plate and this story wouldn’t end!  My short idea turned into something massive. Then it took on a life of its own and grew out of control. I told myself enough was enough, but at that time I was at 14 or so pages... So in other words, please enjoy. (This hasn’t been bet’ed yet but I will post it bet’ed once it is).

Just a Story?

And so they spent the rest of their days hand in hand. Kagome smiled sweetly at the last lines. The story’s ending was bittersweet. Part of her wanted the story to go on, yet she knew it was perfect just the way it was. Even the best of stories had to end. Her only wish was that the story of her life could be a little more exciting, or have a hint of romance in it. Instead she was trailing down some beaten path someone else had carved out and as much as she tried she couldn’t wander too far away without being pulled back onto the worn path.

“Kagome we came here for a family Christmas vacation. I wish you wouldn’t spend so much time locked up in your room reading,” her mother exclaimed as she entered the room.

Not sparing a glance up to her mother’s face of horror, Kagome stood up and began to gather her night things. At least this time she would have a reasonable excuse her mother was sure to dish out. Honestly, she was nineteen, and even though she still lived with her mom until finishing her schooling, she was an adult and could make her own decisions.

“I just finished my book so I’m going to the hot springs.”

“Fine we’ll talk about this once you get back,” her mother declared

I will just have to stay away until you fall asleep then, Kagome thought.

Unfortunately, a couple of problems cropped up after Kagome left the room.

One: she had forgotten to ask where the springs were. They had only just arrived today, Christmas Eve, meaning Kagome wasn’t familiar with the layout of the building. Eventually she managed to meet up with a worker who gladly pointed the way.

Two: she was unfamiliar with the English signs posted outside the doors in place of the signs that would be posted once the construction of the new hot springs location was completed. The area was set up for Western tourist who came to enjoy the refreshing hot spring. Usually there were pictures to follow, but the only thing she saw were alien letters. She shifted from foot to foot, waiting to see if someone would appear out of one side or the other, but nothing. For a moment she contemplated just peering around one side to see if she saw men or women, but she didn’t want to get caught looking if it was the men’s side. Her throat was dry and she saw a water fountain conveniently beside the doors. Rushing over she pushed the button releasing the water and began to gulp at the clear cool fluid. Quenching her thirst she looked up. Out of the corner of her eye she caught a form entering the springs and the tail end of long silver hair. When she turned to face the two doors the hair flicked through the air through the open door on the right. So the women’s hot spring was on the right. She made note to remember that for the next night if she needed to get away from her mother. Excited to finally have her answer and to soak in the heated water, Kagome fixed her hold on her small bag and walked into the springs.

It was very quiet and empty, much to her pleasure. Apparently the person she saw enter was somewhere deeper in the springs. That was quite fine with Kagome; she wouldn’t be lingering much further than the edge. Public bathing wasn’t really her thing. She didn’t feel comfortable boasting her feminine parts to others. Surely her breasts were too small, her butt too fleshy, her belly too round, and her legs too lanky. Nope, she didn’t like her naked appearance and would remain wrapped in her towel closes to her escape route in case she needed it. Slipping out of her bathrobe, Kagome wrapped the plain white fluffy towel around her and then slipped into the naturally heated water.

Now that she was safely sitting she took the time to look around. There was no shelter from the outside. The night sky, full of bright twinkling stars, loomed above. The hot spring she currently sat in was part of one of the largest in the group. There was a small pond to her right and another small one right next to that one. These would be a little warmer than the current one she resided in because of their condensed size.  A tall wooden fence on her left broke the large spring up; the men’s side would be on the other side of the barrier.

Every ache in her body vanished as she relaxed in the hot water; she heaved a sigh of contentment and slipped further into the water. Slowly her eyes closed and for the first time since her mother announced they were going on a family vacation, Kagome felt completely relaxed. Yep, this was definitely the life. As Kagome opened her eyes she was confronted by a beautiful set of golden orbs hovering just above the water’s surface peering at her curiously. The tips of two pointed ears were visible as were the base of a magenta strip on each cheek. Random thin strands of silver hair floated on the surface of the water. For the most part the youkai was hidden beneath the water. Kagome recognized the youkai traits, the markings meaning she was high status in youkai society. The aura was very powerful and she could feel it beating against her natural miko defences. Though not the greatest with her technique, Kagome knew enough to protect herself in a barrier and could cause lasting damage through direct contact.

Maybe she is shy like me, Kagome thought when the figure didn’t move. “Hi there.”

Against her she felt the shifting water as the person rose from the water to expose his entire form.

Wait a minute... his? Kagome realized another problem.

Three: she had guessed wrong. To her utter horror the form she stared at was entirely male. Though he had a couple feminine feature and very long silky hair, she was indeed a he. The water was now lingering at his waist line. His abdomen sported half a dozen tightly bunched muscular packs. Sapphire hues moved up to study the flat planes of his chest, confirming her fear. No female breasts.

“Oh Kami… I’m sorry. I… uh,” she gulped and tried to explain.

Never in her life had she been as embarrassed as she was in that moment. In her mind she logically determined that since the man didn’t know her and she was sure she would never see him again she would run. As fast as she could Kagome leapt over the edge of the spring and ran into the hall. Her room was on the far side of the inn and she didn’t stop running until she was safely behind the lock door.

Thankfully her mother had gone back to her own room, hopefully asleep for the duration of the night. Souta would be in his room across the hall with a school friend he had brought along. Kagome merely dressed into her pyjamas and slipped into bed. If everything went well she would be able to pass the day in town, shopping with her mother and by the day after they would be on the road again heading to their next destination. So Kagome would be able to forget about the entire ordeal and she would never have to face the only person who knew. Except she could get out of her head the face and how familiar it seemed.


A year passed without much effort. Kagome finished school and begun to search for a job that would pay well. In the meantime she took a seasonal job in retail to pay for her new apartment. She was grateful to be out of her mother’s house so she wouldn’t have to go on another Christmas trip. Her mother called twice to try and convince Kagome, but using her job as an excuse Kagome managed out of it.

As much as she hated to admit it the New Year resolution she attempted to make last year didn’t stick. She didn’t change her life around, she was still as uninteresting as ever, and she had no boyfriend to add romance to her life. With another new year approaching Kagome didn’t even attempt to think positively. Any effort to change was pointless because she was a coward, not that her friends realized this. They all thought she was strong-willed and stubborn, but that was when she was standing up for someone she cared about. When it came to her, alone, and guys she was a spineless jellyfish.

To add to her growing list of disappointments, Kagome learnt that she wouldn’t be working Christmas as she had hoped. There was no need for extra hands, most stores were closed and those that were open wouldn’t receive many shoppers since most people spent the day with family.

Kagome looked at the paper in her hand. The list was now complete; she had a present for everyone. Her last minute Christmas Eve shopping was successful, but she would never do it again. If she didn’t work after the holidays then she could have done her shopping later, but she found it impossible.

“Oh well, time to go home,” she mumbled to herself.

At the crosswalk she stopped, waiting for the red hand to change. As it did she stepped into the street. A speeding car skidded on the snow and the headlights flashed into her eyes blinking her. It was the last thing she saw before hitting the ground and feeling cold. Her vision went from blurry to black as she lost consciousness. Kagome could hear murmurs around her. A deep voice sung above. It was almost angelic. Slowly she opened her eyes. A man was repeating something. Over and over she heard sorry. Then another voice seemed to take control. It was the angelic one. He seemed to draw closer and she suddenly felt warm. Liking the heat she tried to move closer; she hated the snow and the cold it brought.

It was a hard fight but she managed to open her eyes to finally see images to go with the sound. The inside of a car greeted her. The engine started just as she picked up her head to look around.

“What’s going on?” she managed.

Someone on the road was holding his hands on each side of his head while someone comforted him. Had someone died?

“A car hit you,” she was told.

“I ... but ... the light it was...,” she whispered. The car begun to pull away from the scene.

“I believe the human was drinking, it wasn’t your fault.”

Kagome turned her head to look at the driver for the first time. Silver hair was the first thing to catch her attention.

“You... you... where are you taking me?”

The markings were undeniable. She had memorized that face having had repeated bad dreams about the embarrassing event.

“Stop the car, let me out,” Kagome said.

“You have to go to the hospital. Your head hit the ground pretty hard, even humans could heard the thud.”

“I’m fine,” she started, “really I feel great, so you can let me out here.”

Instead of slowing down the car sped up. Nothing Kagome said did anything and after a few short minutes Kagome was at the hospital. Apparently the youkai driving meant s she was there faster than waiting for an ambulance. Therefore, for a reason Kagome didn’t know, the youkai had helped her. He even waited for her. The doctor explained she had a concussion and the precautions she should take.

“Someone should stay with you. Can I call a family member?” the doctor asked.

“Actually... they are gone for vacation. I wouldn’t want to disturb them.”

“Okay so a friend?”

“Um... most have gone away as well.”

“It’s Christmas Eve Miss, aren’t you spending it with someone?”

“Well... I...”

“She’s with me,” the youkai interrupted.

Kagome glared, she didn’t like the thought that he could hear her from all the way out in the waiting room. It was frightening to know that he now knew she was all alone. But she didn’t want to make a scene either.

“In that case please make sure she stays up for the remainder of the night. Just as a precaution.”

The youkai nodded and Kagome sighed. The last thing she wanted was to be stuck with the youkai that she had thought she would never meet up with again. Kagome had to wait a little longer. Police came and questioned what she remembered. Outside the room they talked to the tall silver-haired youkai and then tipped their hats in goodbye. The driver who hit her entered the room next. His hands were in cuffs and the entire time his head was bowed as he talked.

“I’m sorry Miss; I know it was my fault. I couldn’t stop. I tried but the car just kept sliding. I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” and he continued to mumble his apology.

For once in her life Kagome felt hatred towards a person. She couldn’t help it, her father was killed by a drunk driver and the killer received only a few years in prison. Looking at the man before her she wanted to stay calm but couldn’t.

“You should feel lucky that I didn’t die, or I would have haunted you for the rest of your days,” Kagome snapped lowly. Her aura wrapped around her and stretched out to twist around the male before her. “Learn from your mistakes, never drink and drive again.”

A flash filled the room and the male’s head snapped up to focus on the woman. The driver’s eyes went black for a few seconds and then back to normal, but he had a sense of confusion. An officer entered the room and took the man away and the inu youkai walked in a moment later.

“What did you do?”

“Why does it matter to you?” Kagome replied coolly.

The woman hopped off the bed and hurried to her shoes and other outerwear. She felt like a bug being stared at under a magnifying glass. Ignoring the annoying feeling she got dressed.

“To use your power in such a way is not typical of your kind.”

“So I’m different, what’s the matter with that.”

The inu said nothing and Kagome happily left the room. They walked out to the parking lot in silence and as they reached the car Kagome kept walking.

“Where are you going?” the male asked.

Kagome turned to face him. “I thank you for your help but I am going to see if any of the presents I bought are still at the scene, then I am going home so I can spend the rest of this crappy night keeping myself awake so I won’t die in my sleep.”

“The doctor said you should stay with someone.”

“Well good for me, I tend not to listen to doctors,” Kagome said as she turned to walk to the bus stop.

“I have the bags you had with you in my car,” the youkai added. “I won’t let you have them back until tomorrow morning.”

Hearing the statement Kagome stopped. Her sigh shared reluctance and annoyance. All she wanted was to go home, take a long bath, eat something, and then tomorrow morning go to sleep and wake up on the 27th in time for work. Obviously the stubborn youkai wasn’t going to let her have her way easily. It was his eyes that gave away his intention.

 “Come little miko, my residence is only a few blocks away.”

Opposition was obviously not an option. So she dragged her feet to the passenger side of the vehicle and waited to hear the unlocking so she could get in. The drive was quick, like the youkai had said, and Kagome couldn’t help the drop jaw as the massive house came into view. She knew there were expensive houses in this area of the city but mansion she currently gaped at was more like a palace. She was sure without even entering it that her mother’s shrine would fit three or four times in the first floor alone.

“So you are one of those people,” Kagome whispered.

“What does that mean?”

“You’re a spoil rich brat who buys everything he wants and doesn’t know the meaning of the word no.”

“Hm, do you judge all people before getting to know them?”

Kagome furrowed her brows. That was twice in a day that she had let her mind have control. Friends always told her that she was easy going and tended to accept everyone without question. Yet Kagome did have a few people she couldn’t help but hate. As a child her mother had a hard time keeping up with bills after Souta was born and her father was killed. Her mother’s family was well off but they didn’t even give her a penny. They were greedy pigs as far as she was concern.

“Aren’t you getting out?”

The car had stopped and been turned off. Already a chill had begun to set in. The youkai had opened her door while she was in thought and he was waiting for her to get out.

“Right,” she sighed placing a foot out of the car shortly followed by the other.

As soon as they passed through the threshold Kagome heard the squealing of a little girl. Orange and yellow streaked in a blurry line pass her and to the inu standing beside her.

“Sesshomaru-sama you’re home!” the child chirped.

A strange looking toad entered the entrance hall a few seconds later. Kagome could see his face contort in anger as he opened his mouth to say something. Barely a syllable made it out before an older lady came into the hall and smacked the imp with her cane. Sneaking a glance at the youkai Kagome hid a chuckle. Though she didn’t know the inu long she got a sense of his personality and she never imagined him to be one to let a child cling to his leg in a tight hug. The child then turned her head and peeking at Kagome. The woman pretended not to notice, her eyes focusing on her fingers as she twisted a ring around her finger over and over.

“Hi!” the child said in her high voice, “Rin’s name is Rin.”

Kagome averted her attention to the child now that she was being greeted.

“I’m Kagome,” the woman answered.

“Come on!” the little girl said, letting go of the youkai leg and then latching to Kagome’s hand.

“Uh...” Kagome looked over her shoulder for a little help or guidance.

As the child tugged her away, Kagome slipped out of her boots so she would trail the dirty snow into the house. She kept her coat on and tightened her grasp on her purse as she was led to archway. The child didn’t pause at the open concept living room and sitting area. A kitchen was in the back area and she could see a breakfast area to in a nook of glass.

However, Rin had stopped in the sitting space where a gigantic tree was decorated. What seemed to be hundreds of presents were flooding the floor beneath the tree and Kagome couldn’t remember seeing so many gifts at once and it enforced the truth behind the statement she had made earlier.

“Rin is waiting for midnight. Sesshomaru-sama says Rin can’t open presents until Christmas day. But no one said what time on Christmas.”

Kagome smiled, she had tried to pull that trick on her mother once. Looking at her watch she saw it was seven o’clock. There was still five hours to go.

 “Will you stay up with Rin?” Rin asked

“Sure,” Kagome replied, noting that it would be far better to spend her time awake with the child than it would be with the inu that brought her here. “What would you like to do first?”

Rin smiled and ran to a cupboard along the wall opposite to the tree. She pulled open a door and reached retrieving a couple of boxes.

“Jaken doesn’t like to play because he loses all the time,” the girl declared.

Not really sure who Jaken was, Kagome simply smiled and followed Rin to a spot in front of the fireplace. Though Rin was young, she had talent and won most of the games. Kagome stopped taking it easy on her and managed to win a few rounds herself, though she pondered if the young girl was taking it easy on her.

As the clock counted down the time till midnight Rin grew more and more tired. Kagome suggested a movie an hour before Rin wanted to open her presents. They sat down on a couch and the woman curiously stared around for a television. Rin reach for a remote and the wall in front of them began to move. The large screen came into view and Rin scampered over to place a disc into the player.

Before the movie could reach its climax Rin was asleep. Kagome looked over at the child softly dozing and envied her. She herself wanted to sleep, but the doctor’s orders played in her head. So she pulled at a blanket to cover the girl and reached for a pillow that would replace Kagome’s body.

A tingling that pricked the back of her neck told her that she was not alone in the room with Rin anymore. Peering over her shoulder she saw the inu was back and he had a curious look in his eyes as he studied the scene he walked into.

“Uh... should I just leave her here?” Kagome asked.

“Hn,” the youkai replied, turning on his heels and leaving the room.

Kagome, not wanting to be alone in a strange house, quickly position the pillow and slipped from under Rin. She jogged to catch up with the youkai and saw the tail end of his hair flick from a hallway leading to the back of the house. She followed, hurrying to close the distance between them so she wouldn’t get lost.

In the threshold of the hall she noticed the youkai near the end, walking slowly, his form growing smaller the further he got. Kagome took a moment to decided why she was following the youkai that she had embarrassed herself in front of. However, he didn’t seem to remember her and that would be a good thing. Nevertheless, it would be best to leave as soon as possible. So she concluded that she needed to follow the inu so she could ask about the location of her presents and then be on her way.

Her jog picked up into a run and when she was just a few feet away she watched as the inu enter the room at the end. Kagome paused for a moment, there was a familiar scent in the air and this area of the house seemed hotter than the area she came from.

Determination was the only reason she followed the inu into the room. It was a decision she wished she could take back. As soon as she was in the room the door slammed behind her and the steams wrapped around her. They were in a hot spring, and she knew that the inu remembered her after all. Scared at what at what he might do Kagome figured she could always replace the gifts. She pivoted on her heels to face the door. Sesshomaru was blocking her way.

“You are a very fascinating creature.”

“Uh... I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“In my clan it is said to run into a person three times means you are destined to be together.”

“Well... we only met twice,” Kagome pointed out. “Last Christmas and this Christmas.”

“And the Christmas before. Your brother and my ward go to the same school. They participated in the same Christmas play. You sat right in front of me. It was hard to ignore you, with all the bouncing you did,” he explained with no emotion.

Kagome realized immediately why the inu’s face had looked familiar to her a year ago. She remembered seeing him at the Christmas play afterwards. It was the same year her powers had grown to their full potential and the bouncing was because she was uncomfortable with all the stinging from the youkai that also attended the school.

“What does this mean?” Kagome asked cautiously. “Are you going to kill me?”

Sesshomaru smirked and the miko took a step back, her foot hitting a raised stone marking the beginning of the heated pool of water.

“I could, it would probably less of a hassle,” Sesshomaru remarked coolly, “but there would be other issues if I did, we can’t exactly kill freely anymore.”

Kagome gulped, she knew what he was talking about. A youkai was only permitted to kill their own kind following their own law. To kill a human was against the treaty created by the two species, unless in defence and Kagome was no threat so technically he wasn’t allowed to kill her. Of course there were wild and uncontrolled youkai that still did, and they were punished by both youkai and human societies, usually death.

The inu took a step but his speed was something she was use to and one step became two and three and he was suddenly in front of her. Kagome forgot about the pool and stepped backwards and fell into the water. Panicking she pushed off the bottom to break the surface. She began searching for the inu and noticed he was no longer at blocking the door. She forgot the little training and didn’t bother searching the rest of the room. Her focus was on the door and she screamed when something tugged at her from behind, a weight around her waist holding her in place.

Though the logic of her mind knew it was fruitless, Kagome struggled and tried pulling away. Her mind screamed and soon her mouth copied the words.

“Please let me go. Please.”

The hold didn’t release her, but there was a crooning close to her right ear. She looked over to find that Sesshomaru was making the strangely calming sound, but it didn’t work fully and she immediately began kicking and splashing. Her begs became screams as she tried to get someone’s attention.

“Miko, no one in my service will go against me, even if they could hear you.”

Kagome stilled and the tears began. She heard a sigh from behind and suddenly she was let go. Taking the chance that might not come again she darted to the edge of the pool and began to clammer over the side.

“Miko, are you not even curious?”

Standing on the rock floor, dripping wet, Kagome turned to face the inu. He had discarded his clothes somewhere. His torso was bare and the miko blushed before looking at her feet because couldn’t stop remembering that he had been pressing her to him only seconds earlier.

“Curious about what?”

“If it is true.”

“The destiny thing?” she pondered as she spoke.

Sesshomaru remained silent and Kagome didn’t feel threatened any longer so she stood to contemplate. The part of her that she usually followed said it couldn’t be true. But the part that wanted to experience something interesting hoped it was true. Kagome fought with each side before pondering why this moment couldn’t be the change she was looking for. She looked up, careful not to linger pass his eyes.

“Well if it is true, what would I have to do to find out?” Sesshomaru stalked forward and Kagome held out her hand to stop him. “Not a step closer.”

“Usually to mark a female as mate it requires a bite. But the tales say that if a destined couple rut the female is marked without the required bite.”

Kagome’s mouth hung open. “You want me to have sex with you? That makes me believe you even less.” With that the miko turned back to the door. However, her hand dallied on the knob. She had suddenly remembered a stupid saying her grandfather had said long ago. “To meet a person twice means they will play an important part in your life. I met your grandmother three times before we began dating.” Her grandfather was crazy, that’s what she use to say all the time to explain his ramblings. But at times what he said came true, so she couldn’t help but hesitate. Not to mention this could easily be a sign to change her dull boring life. A sign that might not come again.

“Okay,” she whispered as she turned around to face the inu still in the water. Clearly he was happy with her decision and she was suddenly pondering... “Why me? Shouldn’t you want an inu female.”

“Other youkai are not keen to having human wards. Though I have never been interested in mating, I cannot miss an opportunity to validate old legends of the clan or to stir up trouble for the elders.”

Kagome nodded. She had an answer and she was glad that he was honest with her. “Turn around.”

Sesshomaru stayed where he was.

“Please turn around,” she begged.

The inu didn’t budge. Kagome shifted her weight from one foot to the other and back again. She moved to the edge of the water and sat down. Slowly she slid into the heated pool. Sesshomaru stayed where he was and she began the slow process of taking of her clothes. First the sweater then her pants, she ducked into the water to her shoulders then took off her shirt leaving her bra and panties. Reaching behind her to find the clasp she noticed that Sesshomaru was gone again. She stopped and looked around. Movement behind her startled her and she tried to moved out of the way. The weight of her breast moved lower and she knew the inu was impressed with the slow strip.

Just as she was about to push him away he pulled her closer and sealed his lips against her. His tongue pressed forward to gain entrance. Willingly she let him, it was the first time she had kissed someone and though she never kept a boyfriend long she did know that she was an excellent kisser. So she let him devour her mouth tasting everything he could reach before taking what control she could. She sucked on his bottom lip, gave it a nip and then pressed her tongue against his and repeating the gentle rough treatment to his top lip.

A croon vibrated from his chest, sending a shiver down her spine. He seemed to take notice of this because he did it again and then a third time before growing too hasty and pulling at her to wrap her legs around him.

Kagome was thankful he had left the panties, his bare member pushed against her roughly as he begun to rub against her. From her readings and lessons she knew a bit about youkai and how most were violent during sex.  As the movement became more forceful she was unsure if he would be able to hold back. His control waned and she was pushed against one of the smoothly jagged stones as he sought out her neck and trailed to her breasts.

Her fear overcame her and she pushed against him. Her touches appeared to encourage him, his fangs nipping her left nipple fiercely. Surprisingly she enjoyed the sensation of pain, despite her fear, and the moan brought out by the sensation was further heartening to the inu. Kagome tried to pull away, but her struggle created more friction against the inu’s hard shaft and she cried out as warmth began to gather in her own lower regions.

The eager inu was now massaging her breast as he bit at her collar and neck stopping to suckle every once in a while until he reached her lips. As the waves of heat rolled through her, Kagome found thought was completely impossible. Her fingers bit into his smooth skin and she enjoyed the muscular planes pressed firmly against her. She hated how he made her feel and yet loved it all the same. Her blank mind felt like it had broke apart and wouldn’t ever be pieced together.

But her awareness rushed back when she felt a snap against her waist and inquisitive fingers brush against her wet walls. Fear from earlier returned and Kagome stilled. The inu pulled away enough to look at her, the gleam in his eyes tinted red and another reminder that he was not human. The calming growl did nothing as she shivered and closed her eyes. To take back what she said now was probably impossible. He would certainly rape her if she didn’t oblige. Yet, it wasn’t that she didn’t want him, she was fearful only of the little control he was showing.

“We can’t...” she said suddenly.

“Why?” he growled out.

Various reasons bombarded her mind. None which she thought would sway the inu. So she told him the truth.

“If you keep this up you’ll hurt me.”

Sesshomaru’s smirk returned and he had a playful gleam.

“Only this once,” he told her as he pulled her to a shallow shelf.

He laid her down in water no more than an inch deep. She took a deep breath as she kneeled over her, staring at her in a way she would never let anyone else ever do. In an attempt to hide some part of her she moved her arms and legs together. The inu ignored her arms and slipped his hands over her knees pulling them apart in a gentle firm grasp.

Kagome blushed as he lowered. His tongue brushed against her barely in the first pass. The second time he slipped between her feminine lips and the third he used his fangs to gently nip at a sensitive bunch of nerves. She shivered and uncontrollably tried to close her legs. The hands gripped her tighter and stopped her movement. The second bite drove out a strained moan and the third a small cry. Her fist clenched and she could feel her juices pour freely. The relief was welcomed, but it was gone as the inu began licking furiously. All to soon finger replaced the inu’s tongue, which thrust deeper into her. Her body reacted against her will, clinging tightly against the foreign object. The friction became more and more heated, and she felt like she was boiling past the inferno of the room.

Her next scream was muffled by the inu’s return lips to hers and she was cut short as a brief sharp pain cut through her lower abdominal area. Sesshomaru had taken advantage of her occupied mind, but now held still above her, attempt to keep her busy with his gentle kisses. Kagome wrapped her arms around the inu and tried to pull him closer. She hoped that he would realize she was fine. Actually she expected it to be far worse.

With more care than she expected from him, he pulled out and crept back in. But Kagome could feel that friction from before and wanted more. So she wrapped her legs around his waist and leaned into him.

Her cries for more were as frequent as her moans. Each noise was amplified by the interior of the room. The echoes of their bodies slamming together encouraged her more as tugged at inu hoping he would speed up. The roughness of his actions were limited and she enjoyed the bites and nips.

Sometime during the night the inu had wrapped her up and carted her off somewhere when she grew too tired to respond to the inu. Kagome spent the remainder of the morning being bitten by the inu every time she tried to doze off. Her eyes focused on the crackling fire, then a painting above the fire. She looked out the glass doors leading to the balcony to see if the sky was lightening, thankfully it was not a pale blue and purple. She smacked the area where the inu bit her again as she opened her eyes again and then turned to a mirror handing on a wall close to a door she assumed was a closet. The full length mirror reminder her of why she had even agreed to be with the inu in the first place.

“So do you see a mark?” Kagome asked, following the question with a yawn.

The inu was silent and Kagome shifted attempting to look at each side of her neck. She saw various red spots but nothing more.

“So I take that as a no,” she continued.

The inu pulled the woman back against his chest and nipped at her shoulder. His tongue licked her and she knew he had broke the skin for the countless time that night.

“Can I go to sleep yet?” she asked.

“Hn,” a reply came after a few minutes.

Kagome took that for a yes and rolled over to steal a pillow and the soft surface of the bed. She was sure that she fell asleep as soon as her eyes closed. When she woke she felt well rested and happily sat up. As she looked around the room she recalled the accident and how she had spent the night. The sun looked low, probably close to dinner, which was a signal for her stomach to growl.

The familiar tingling returned to the back of her neck and she turned to see Sesshomaru at the door. Blushing Kagome raised the sheet to cover her chest. Sesshomaru stepped into the room further, a bunch of folded fabric in his hand. He placed it on the bed and then waited.

“Turn around,” Kagome said.

But the response was the same as before and this time she didn’t expect it to change. Kagome grabbed the clothes and tried to envision how she was going to dress beneath a sheet when the sheet was pulled from her grasp. Kagome gasped and held the material against her, glaring at the inu.


A fast as she could she slipped on the t-shirt and what appeared to be male pyjama pant with some modification.

“You are invited to dinner and you might as well spend the night since it is getting so late.”

“Can I get a shower first then?”

“You just got dressed,” he pointed out.

“I would feel better after a shower.”

Sesshomaru pointed to a door close to the fire place and Kagome hurried to it. She slowly undressed and bathed. Looking into the mirror she noticed that the inu had not been kind to her skin. She would be wearing turtle necks and scarves for a while. As she dabbed at a particularly sore spot she noticed a thin silver mark. It was faint and barely noticeable; almost scar like, but not like any of the bites that Sesshomaru had given her. She got dressed quickly trying to understand if it was possible Sesshomaru’s story was true. She clamped a hand around her neck, hiding the majority of the red kiss marks and the strange silver mark.

When she exited the bathroom the bedroom was empty. She made her way into the hall and found the stairs down, entering the grand entranceway. She remembered the living room threshold and headed to the kitchen where the old lady was busying preparing dinner.

“Um... can I help you with anything?”

“No need, I’m always done dear,” the woman said with a smile, though hardly taking her eyes off the stove.

Kagome peered into the dining room and noticed the young girl from last night. Taking a breath she prepared herself. She had hoped to speak to Sesshomaru before facing the members of his pack. Just as she stepped forward something grasped her hand and pulled it away from her neck. Kagome turned to see the inu looking at her quite curiously.

“Hn,” Sesshomaru remarked.

“What does that mean?” she huffed, annoyed with his simple one word phrase.

“Welcome to my pack mate,” he replied.

“Kagome!” a child screamed, “Merry Christmas! Come sit beside me!”

Kagome was swept into the dining room as she tried to pull her thoughts into some sort of control. However, a part of her already felt comfortable with the small pack and in a way she was happy to be there.


Ja ne
Angelic Memories
© 2010