For the Kids by Angelic Memories

For the Kids

I created a bunny challenge and finally got time to make my own entry.

Thanks 1CarinoInu for your lovely beta work!

For the Kids

There it was. The vile thing that his mate had talked him into. It laid over the chair like dead meat. Or skin. He couldn’t believe he let her talk him into this. Why? Why was he so weak when it came to his mate? Sesshomaru growled and picked up the first item dangling it from a claw.

It was for the children. If he reminded himself about this little fact maybe he could bear with it. The one thing his mate hadn’t mentioned was the colour. Surely she could have picked a normal colour. Why pink? Sesshomaru didn’t do pink. Especially bright, burn your eyes pink. What bunny was pink anyway? Even youkai rabbits weren’t unnatural colours.

His last thought was how he was going to kill his mate. Or maybe make her suffer because killing her might cause more suffering on his* part since he was so attached to her. So major suffering was definitely a priority on his to do list.

Slowly he donned the fuzzy pink full jumper suit with a white collar.  The fuzzy pink bunny feet and paws as well as the matching ears were put on next. Lastly, he added  the mask knowing it was pointless since everyone would know it was him.

Down the stairs Sesshomaru went. His mate was at the bottom, on her way up. She must have thought he wasn’t coming down.

“There you are. I thought you would chicken out.”

There was that word again. She had used it to describe him getting out of the whole thing in the first place.

“This Sesshomaru is not a chicken,” he growled.

“Now now, no need to get grumpy. Remember this is for the children.”

“Where is the person who was supposed to wear this in the first place?”

“Oh, well... he apparently got sick and couldn’t make it.”

Sesshomaru had a hard time believing that, but he said nothing and finished climbing down the steps.

“Now remember, this is for the children. This fundraiser your company is holding will help the local hospitals and boost your company’s image, so this is the best of both worlds.”

“My company doesn’t need its image boosted.”

“Okay then think about this: if others see you supporting this organization then they will donate too. So you are helping these children more.”

“Why couldn’t you do this?” he asked before entering the room of the hour.

“The costume doesn’t fit; I’m too short.”

“Why a rabbit?”

“Bunnies are the children’s favourite animal apparently. They voted bunny and so a bunny they got. Look it’s only for ten minutes or so.”

“But I’m a dog.   I would usually hunt rabbits, not wear them. Who has ever heard of a dog wearing a bunny outfit?”

“Sesshomaru I love you. I would do anything for you, so can’t you do this one thing for me? Please, please, please?”

There it was. The pout she was known for, and a pair of puppy eyes to go along with it.

“Fine,” he said, though his mind was already adding to the final touches towards his plans for later.

Kagome smiled sweetly and Sesshomaru calmed his face despite his hatred for what he had to do.

On the side lines, Kagome watched as Sesshomaru was hugged around the legs over and over by the many sick children that were healthy enough to come to the event. His glare at her told her that though he acted fine around the children, she was in a fair bit of trouble later. Still she smiled and then turned her attention to her current situation.

“Haha,” Kagome heard from her right. When she looked over she saw Inuyasha. “Look at the ice prick dressed in that stupid costume.”

“Inuyasha,” the woman hissed dangerously, “If you say anything more about this, or do anything more than stand there, I will personally take the time to purify your ass.”

Inuyasha gulped knowing that tone of voice. It usually was followed by a fierce ‘sit’ in the past, but he didn’t wear the necklace anymore and he was grateful for that fact. Still, the miko he knew had a cruel bark and violent bite.  “Promise me,” Kagome said.

“Feh, whatever.”

At the end of the gig Sesshomaru dragged himself to his room, abandoning the horrid outfit along the way. He had searched for Kagome after the event, but couldn’t find her anywhere. Inuyasha had mentioned, or rather angrily growled that he had seen her, but she left the room and never came back. The tone of his half-brother’s voice meant the woman had threatened him for some reason. Surprisingly Inuyasha hadn’t said anything about the bunny suit.

While changing into his night pants the door behind him opened and then closed. Sesshomaru didn’t have to look to know who it was.

“Where were you?” he asked, still facing the wardrobe where he had taken his night attire from.

“Bathroom,” she mumbled slowly.

“Hn,” he turned to face the woman. It was time for his revenge to be put into play.

However, the woman’s face was set in worry and concern. She had made this face a couple times before when she wanted to tell him something but was afraid to.

“What is it?” he asked, his concern overriding his thoughts of revenge.

“I... I... there’s something we might have to talk about,” she said.

“Anything angel,” he replied.

“You might want to sit.”

Sesshomaru sat on the edge of the bed and watched as his mate walked over to sit on his lap.

“Okay I know you said it was impossible between me and you, but... I think I might be pregnant,” she rushed the whole sentence out as fast as she could.

The inu simply stared. He didn’t know why she was afraid to let him know. However, he pondered if there was some magical force protecting her. Now he was going to have to change his method of revenge.

“Woman, no matter how hard I try you always seem to get the best of me.”


Ja ne
Angelic Memories
© 2010