My Beloved Savior by Asuka-sama

The Mysterious Stranger

Hey guys! So I've been editing this story and posted the edited chapters on my deviantart account. I decided that it was time that I posted the edited chapters on here as well. I'm still editing the story, and I'm almost finished doing that. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and let me know what you think! :D

Disclamer: The characters of InuYasha are not mine, they are property of Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. The story is also based on a novel written by Jen Holling.

Chapter One 'The Mysterious Stranger'

~Feudal Era~

Kagome Higurashi had lived in the constant fear that her life would end one day. She was a witch in her culture. She was able to see a person's past, present, and future. Her powers only worked if she touched something that belonged to someone.

Her father was Lord Ichigo Higurashi of the Northern Kingdom, and she was heir to the kingdom. The white snowflake on the back of her neck was proof of that. He sent her and her two sisters into hiding after their mother was killed for being a witch. She was sent to live in the Southern Kingdom with Lord and Lady Takahashi. They had tried to keep her from reading pamphlets about the witches that arrived from the Northern Kingdom, but Kagome had managed to acquire one and read it with fascination.

She missed her home, her father, and her sisters very much.

Kagome headed down a normal path in the forest that she took every day. She kept glancing behind to make sure that no one was following her. There was no harm in visiting Kaede, unless she got caught by the servants. Kaede was a witch, like herself, who lived alone in the woods.

She started to run when she saw Kaede's hut in the middle of the clearing. Kaede was already standing the door waiting for her. Dark clouds began to gather in the sky. There would be a storm soon.

Kaede looked at her with disapproval. "You shouldn't be here Princess Kagome."

"But you're the only one who understands me, Kaede. I had to come! It's… I've

been sensing it again. So I had to come see you."

Kagome sat down next to the fire. She loved Kaede's home more than any other place in the world-except her childhood home, the Northern Palace. But she hadn't been there in over a decade. She had been brought to the Southern Palace when she was nine, and now, she was 20.

As she settled into her spot, she began, "Something is coming… Someone is coming. And I don't know who and I don't know when. Something dreadful will happen." They could hear the rain begin to hit the roof of Kaede's hut.

"You rely too much on your gift, child. Remember about your dreams, too," replied Kaede.

"I've told you before, Kaede. Dreams don't work for me. I must have something to touch."

"You don't try hard enough to expand your power."

Kagome had heard this many times from her. Kaede believed that there was more to her gift than what she already knew. It hadn't been apparent to her until these past few days. There was this sense that someone was coming for her, but she didn't know who or why; she only new that it would change her life forever.

"You are being careful, child?" asked Kaede.

"Yes, Kaede. I only make suggestions to people that I help with my gift, and they don't that I have powers. I also wear gloves almost all the time now so I won't accidentally touch something."

"Good, child. Come, let me cast your fortune. You must want to know if there will be a man in your life."

Kagome sighed. "There will not be a man in my life until Father chooses one for me.

I think that he has forgotten me. I'm already 20, and well past the time to be married and to have a family. It's been two years since he has last visited."

"He hasn't forgotten you. Don't be silly! Your father just wants the right man for you. Someone honorable and trustworthy since you are a princess and you must not forget that you are the heir to the throne of his kingdom. And he has your sisters to think about, too."

Just then there was a loud knock on the door. They froze in their places.

Kaede shot straight up. "Hide, child! Hurry!"

Kaede hid Kagome in the back of the hut where a blanket hung over the door.

There was a cot behind it. Kagome hid there thinking about excuses of why she would be in a witch's hut to tell whoever was at the door if she was discovered. She really couldn't think of a reasonable excuse. Then a man's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Good day, lady. We seek shelter from this storm."

"I'm sorry, sir. I don't have enough room."

He wasn't about to give up that easily. "There are only three of us, lady. It would be very kind of you to let us stay until the storm passes."

Kaede softened when they called her lady. So she let them in from the rain.

When the men had settled, Kaede asked them where they were heading.

"We're heading to the Palace of Lord and Lady Takahashi."

Kagome wondered why they were heading to her home. What business did they have there?

There was a long pause that had Kagome inching ever so slightly closer to the blanket that kept her hidden. Kaede finally asked, "Could I have your name, sir?"

"Sesshomaru," was his reply. His voice was deep. Kagome's curiosity got the best of her. She had to know what the men looked like. She slowly peered around the blanket. There were two sitting on the ground. One had long black hair pulled up into a high pony tail. The other had short black hair pulled into a low pony tail. The third one was standing up with his back facing her. From what she saw, he had long silver hair that went to about where his knees were. Kaede saw her peering out and gave her a shocked look. Kagome quickly sat back down on the cot trying to make as little noise as possible.

But that hadn't stopped the man from noticing her feet behind the blanket. He didn't mention it to Kaede.

She sat on the cot wondering what he looked like from the front. By the time the rain stopped, she had convinced herself that he must be extremely handsome. But, she still wondered why they were heading to Lord Takahashi's Palace. Somehow, she had a gut feeling that they were there for her. Maybe her father sent them! By the time they left, she knew she had to get to the palace before they did.

"You must head home now, child!" came Kaede's voice.

"Give me something he touched, Kaede." She gave Kagome the cup he drank from.

When she touched it, she knew that they had come for her. Her father had sent for her at last! She couldn't sense anything else, except for his warm lips on the cup.

He had only held it for a short amount of time so she understood why she couldn't sense anything else from it.

"You must be off now, child! You'll know what he wants soon enough," said Kaede.

"Was he handsome?" Kagome asked curiously.

"He was, child. He had such wonderful manners, too. Now, go!"

Kaede quickly ushered her out of the hut. Kagome quickly raced out of the hut and towards the Southern Palace.