Mysterious Intentions by himeno


Disclaimer: THis is for all my stories!!!! I Don't OWN~ inuyasha groups or anything related. Just the actually story that's mine!1!!!! This applies for all future chapters! ok...good! i don't wanna be sued

Chapter 1

Kagome looked away as Inuyasha glared at her with disgust. He'd seen her sneak off to visit her nightly lover. He hadn't known she was a virgin anymore; she wore were enough perfume to hide her lover's scent, but one night he'd followed her to the barrier lake where they met. When she passed the barrier and he couldn't he waited and waited. Once she left he stayed around and was shocked to see his older half-brother emerge for the barrier. He turned into a bloody rage. He attacked her the next morning, literally attacked her, yelling hurtful words, and pain towards her, each one was hit in the face, a punch to the gut, a slap across her face, then back again. She ran to the well hoping to avoid him for a moment but no such luck, he met her there.

"YOU FUCKING WHORE!" he screamed at her. "You slept with Sesshomaru! I never ever, want to see you in these lands again!" again he attacked her; she felt all his bent up hatred of his brother. She fell against the well. Before the force of the hit took effect, she heard footstep approach them.

Even if Inuyasha couldn't hurt Sesshomaru, he at least would have the pleasure of hurting something Sesshomaru cared about. Just as he was about finish her off Sesshomaru stepped in between them.

"Stop, little brother." His voice was cold, and distant. "You should not involve a woman we both, obviously care about. She doesn't belong in our battle." Kagome was shocked to hear that Inuyasha cared about her, it was quite a shock, by the way he treated her. But it didn't surprise her that Sesshomaru was telling the truth about the way he felt.

That one simple sentence had broken through his rage, and he noticed that the thing Sesshomaru cared about was the thing he cared about as well. He looked down at the girl he was holding by the throat. He immediately released her. He mumbled an apology, but kept to his word, he didn't want to see her again. She nodded her head. She asked if she could gather her thing and her kit. He nodded his head his yes, but didn't say a word. She looked at Sesshomaru expecting him, to also leave her. But he pulled her into an embrace, saying.

"Please, Kagome stay with me." He whispered it so only she would hear him.

This was totally out of character for him, but he knew. He knew, she was warming his cold heart, with her beautiful smile. A smiled that could dispense the very grey clouds that covered them, he wanted her by his side for, forever more.

She nodded her head, she could start over with Sesshomaru, and she could have everything with Sesshomaru. Maybe little by little she would get Inuyasha's friendship back. But till then she was more than happy to be with her lover. It wasn't like Inuyasha and her were together or anything, so why was he so angry? She didn't have time to dwell on it. She had to gather her things, explain what happen to her friends and get Shippo.

"Will you wait for me, Sesshomaru?" she asked in whisper she didn't want Inuyasha to know she was going with Sesshomaru. He nodded his head, and sat down by a tree. Much to Inuyasha's displeasure.


"Sango I have some important news to tell you..." the demon slayer sat down next to Miroku the monk, and Keade the old priestess. As she told her story they all stared in wonder, they never thought Kagome would do something like this, but it really sank in when she informed them Inuyasha had banished her from the forest to the well. She said he'd allowed her to get her things and Shippo then she would have to leave. They looked depressed. She smiled weakly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen. Look you guys; I do like Sesshomaru, a lot. And I'm very sorry; Inuyasha has forced me to leave. But I will try to visit on the night of the new moon so his sense won't be so sharp, but you guys will have to meet me." She whispered this to them in case Inuyasha was near by. They all nodded in agreement.

"Will you send noticed Kagome? And how?" she nodded slowly

"I'll figure something out." And with that she grabbed her things, and asked Shippo if he wanted to come with, although her and Inuyasha had adopted him together it was only way for Kagome to keep Shippo, because they wouldn't allow Kagome to take him in to a single parent home, much less a single mother. So Inuyasha also adopted him. But this was where the problem was. If he wanted to...Inuyasha could keep Shippo from her. He had authority over them since he was the male.

"Yes, I want to come! Inuyasha will beat up on me all the time." He wined and jumped into her knapsack. Hiding himself.

"Okay, I'm off." She hugged each one of them, thanked them and promised to send where to meet her when she finished. She walk out of the hut, out of the village and into Sesshomaru's waiting arms.