With You by Apastrophe


Full summary: Sesshoumaru is walking through a city he wasn’t familiar with, when he was jumped. Waking up the next day in a unfamiliar forest, he panics and runs trying to find help, only to find that no one could see him, or hear him. A couple day’s later though, Kagome is wandering through the forest and spots Sesshoumaru. She says hello, igniting the friendship between them…and get’s herself stuck in the middle of lust, love, murder, and mystery.

That’s the full summary. ENJOY! Now read the prologue!  


                The sun is just setting in the distance painting colors across the sky. The birds are laying themselves to sleep as the owls start to stir.

                The street lights turn on, one by one lighting up each of the enormous houses on the street. Children are storming into their houses just as the last flicker of sunlight drains in the horizon. Everything look’s perfect, like a street out of a movie.

                Except at one house.

                “This is not a discussion!” The bellowing voice of an older man screamed.

                “I’m not doing it!” The much younger sounding voice replied. The tension in the air vibrated off the enormous walls of their house. Deep in the house where no one could hear the loud screaming is where the battle was taking place.

                If you were to walk in the middle you would be sure to get burned off the anger fuming from the two gentlemen. One of those men were none other than Inu Taisho, whose face looked like it was about to explode.

                Inu Taisho’s perfectly braided grey hair fell behind him as he got back into the face of his eldest son, Sesshoumaru. Inu Taisho was more than angry at this point. His son not only defied him, but then had the nerve to try to tell him what he was going to do. That was something that was not going to be tolerated.

                “Do not tell me what you are going to do! This is my house, and as long as you live here, you will obey my rules.” Inu Taisho’s eyes were blazing with furry. All he wanted his son to do was work at his company once he graduated college, was that too much to ask?

                “I already told you, I’m going to work for someone I want to work for!” Sesshoumaru didn’t understand why his father couldn’t take the hint. He hated the fact that his father was always trying to control his life. He already went to the college that his dad wanted him to go to him, and got the grades his dad expected him to in high school. He never got a part-time job. He never hung out with his friends or even went to prom. He always lived life for his father, but this time he wasn’t about to.

                “Get out then!” The last sentence made Sesshoumaru freeze. Where was he going to go? He doesn’t have any money, he doesn’t have a car. He doesn’t even have friends ever since he went off to college.

Sesshoumaru studied his dad’s face. Not one wrinkle, not one flaw. But what did he really expect in this doll house? Everything was in its proper place. Everything was dusted. Everything was expensive. There wasn’t one thing that didn’t match something else.

“Fine” Sesshoumaru starts to walk towards the front door, his dad following closely behind. If this is what his dad wanted, then he would leave. Everything in this house was to perfect for him anyways. Even his hair! It was always perfectly braided.

“If you walk out, don’t ever expect to come back.” His dad warned him. Sesshoumaru just looked at him as he reached for his braided hair.

“You see dad, the thing is…” Sesshoumaru removed the hair tie and let his long silver hair pool out around him. He dropped the hair piece on the ground and met his father’s heated glare.

“…I don’t give a fuck.” And walked out, never daring to look back at the shocked face of his father.


Sesshoumaru didn’t really think this dramatic storm out through. He forgot his coat, didn’t have any cash. He has nowhere to sleep, nowhere to go. He was alone.

What had he done? Should he go back? No. That would mean submitting to his father’s rules and he wasn’t about to do that again.

Sesshoumaru’s back fell against the stone wall next to him. He didn’t even remember how he got to the center of the city. He didn’t even remember how to get home!

“Maybe it was this way…” He pondered while walking through the side ally.

“Hey you” before he could even turn to look at the voice he felt a stone collide with his head. He fell to the floor with a thud as multiply fists started pelting him. The only thing he could do was pull himself into a fetal position trying to limit the blows.

Sesshoumaru gathered the last of his strength to turn his head and look at the people assaulting him. If was going to die, he at least wanted to see the face of his attacker. As soon as he turned his head a fist plowed into the side of his face. The last thing he saw, were purple eyes staring down at him.


‘Where am I’ Sesshoumaru questioned. He looked around seeing only tree’s in every direction. When had he gotten here? He didn’t remember anything.

“Hello!” He tried calling out. His voice echoed across the trees but failed to send a reply. He had no choice but to walk.

It seemed like hours had passed before he finally made it to a street. He practically ran trying to get to the street.

“Help me!” He called to a lady walking her dog. The lady never turned, never even glanced at him. Maybe he needed to scream louder?

“HELP!” He tried again. Finally he approached the street. It was as busy as ever with people chatting and selling their product.

“Excuse me!” He tried calling to a man walking by. Why wasn’t anyone looking at him! He needed someone to look!

“Please! I need your help!” He reached for the shoulder of the lady in front of him.

“Pleas---“He stopped as his hand slid through the ladies shoulder. He must be imagining this! He reached for something, anything. But never able to touch it… How was this happening! Sesshoumaru fell to his knees. There is no way that he could be a ghost. Had he really died last night?

“AHHH” He screamed into the afternoon sky. He felt more alone, then ever before.                                                                                                   


So that’s the prologue! I hope you enjoyed, I am currently working on Chapter one! Yeah!

Love, me.