Together Again by NanashiTenshi


I know the whole Kagome catching Inuyasha with Kikyo is a little overdone, but it's oh so hard to resist.  Oh, and no matter how much I wish Inuyasha and crew were mine, they’re not.


~~~~~~~~~~Together Again~~~~~~~~~~


~~~Chapter 1~~~





Pain shot up her legs as they carried her as fast as they could through the brush of the forest, to her only sanctuary from this heartless world she had fallen into.  Tears cascaded down her cheeks as her heart yet again collapsed in on itself, leaving nothing but pain in its wake; pain that only increased with every footfall, pain that only doubled with every attempt to stop, pain that was slowly eating away at what sanity she had left in her fragile mind.   Pain that should have been avoided, pain that could have been avoided had she just listened to her mind instead of her heart, pain caused by yet another heart-wrenching betrayal. 

She couldn't understand why it had to hurt so much, why she just couldn't accept it and move on; especially when her mind knew that it was going to happen over and over again.  How many times did she have to see him with her, doting on her, gazing oh so lovingly at her, holding her hand, caressing her face, running off to her only to leave the "copy" in some kind of trouble, hugging her... kissing her, an everything else, before her heart would learn?  Why was it so dense to think that his heart would change, that he would want Kagome, not the image of Kikyo that he saw in her?  Why couldn't her heart just accept that he loved Kikyo, not her, and move on with her life?  Why was it so determined to let her live a life of misery, waiting around for him to finally notice her love?  Why did this reluctance to leave him, abandon his love, what her mind knew she should do, have to hurt so much?  Inuyasha wasn't hers, never had been, and never would be.  He would never think of her as more than shard detector, if even a friend.  That was what really hurt. 

Of all the encounters she had ever run into, this had to top them all.  She had to have the worst timing of anyone that has ever stepped foot onto this world.  She couldn't have walked in while they were just kissing... no, she had to walk in to see Kikyo frantically trying to disrobe him without removing her face from his body.  Why did they always have to do everything so out in the open anyway?  It was like they were asking for someone to walk in on their little trysts.  You would have at least thought Inuyasha might have learned by now to do things like that inside, or at least not out in the middle of an open field for everyone and anyone passing by to see, even if unintentional. 

It was as if the images had been implanted directly into her brain to show her over and over again just who he really cared for, just who would always be the one chosen, who he actually loved and had always loved.  It was her mind trying to convince her heart that there had never even been any hope for her.  She wanted to burn the images from her brain, so it would stop reminding her heart it was crushed.

Why she presumed that Inuyasha would make the logical choice, living over the dead, her over Kikyo, was beyond her.  He had never given her any reason to think their relationship was going anywhere beyond friends, so what had twisted her into convincing her heart that she had a chance?  Why did she have to be so dense? 

Hadn't argument after repeated argument done nothing but show her how much she paled in comparison to Kikyo, how she could never compare to her wonderfulness?  How could she not see what had been so blatantly thrown in her face time after time, argument after argument?  Didn't he remind her daily what a burden she was, how Kikyo had been much stronger, and would be much better in her place?  What on Earth had allowed her to blindly fall in love with someone who obviously didn't like her, and was constantly trying to change her into something, or someone, she wasn't.

She couldn't be too hard on herself though.  Running around feudal Japan at 15 with a boy who was constantly saving her from death, she was bound to fall in love.  She had been traveling by his side for nearly four years now, and the past few months had been slightly different.  He had been showing her so much attention, slightly softening his gaze and voice when speaking with her.  Hell, when they were alone he was nothing but sweet and sincere, a side of him she had never seen before.  Even their arguing had come to a simmer.  Those changes in him, in them, had boosted her hopes of thinking that he might choose to live with her, rather than follow Kikyo to his death.  So she had allowed herself to fall the rest of the way, entrusting him completely with her heart, making the biggest, most painful mistake of her life.  And yet, she had known this was how it would end up.  She should have never trusted her heart.

She collapsed in an exhausted heap the moment she arrived at the well.  She couldn't face her family in the condition she was in: red, swollen eyes and a tear-stained face from tears that just refused to stop falling.  Her mother would worry and fuss over her; which was exactly what she didn't want right now.  That would mean she would actually have to tell her what was wrong, which would mean actually saying out loud that Inuyasha didn't love her, and she wasn't sure if she was quite ready to say it out loud yet.  Plus, why worry her over something as silly as a broken heart? 


She only needed some time to herself, time to get rid of the lacerating pain in her chest.  Time has been known for centuries to heal wounds of any sort, all she had to do was wait, wait for time to heal her heart and allow the searing pain to subside.  Just a little time was all she needed.  She would know better next time, she would never listen to her heart over her mind ever again.

Time would certainly be something she would lack on this day, because as everyone knows, nothing has ever gone her way.  That would make things easy for her, and that was obviously what the Kami didn't have planned for her.  Mere minutes would pass before she regretted remaining in the feudal era any longer than she had to, but then again, she should be used to having her decisions always ending poorly.

Moments later she was startled out of her self-pity session by the last person she thought would ever purposely acknowledge her existence.


“A miko such as your self should not be wandering in this forest alone.  It has been known to possess inexplicable dangers.”  Sesshoumaru said stolidly as he stepped out from behind the trees. 


There had been no other choice but to confront the miko.  After following her for a few minutes, he had realized that she was not going to make this easy and just lead him directly to the place she disappeared to every now and again.  He was disgusted with himself that he had actually allowed a ningen to have any effect on his person at all; however, there weren't very many that could vanish from existence for days at a time.  Attempting to ask the hanyou would be nothing but a waste of his time, knowing the filth would never reveal such information about the miko.  It was a secret that was very well kept by the entire group. 

Ever since their last battle, his curiosity had gotten the better of him when concerning anything that involved her.  The miko stood brave during the battle, showing no fear when face to face with death itself.  She was an enigma among ningen, nothing but a weak miko, yet she constantly maintained her strength and vigil, even if it was only long enough for the miko to treat her wounded comrades.  She was the most selfless being he had ever observed, constantly forgoing her own needs and desires to make others happy.  He couldn’t figure out what most intrigued him about her: her complete and total disappearance every once and a while, or why he even bothered to notice her in the first place.  

He considered himself lucky that the hanyou had left her unattended, leaving him without interference to his inquiry.  Without her comrades to protect her, she may be more likely to tell him what he desires without much of a fight.  She knew, as well as he, that she was no match for him alone.  Then, once he had the answers, she would no longer interest him, and he could stop being so disgusted with himself, especially with his lack of control.

Kagome glanced up through her tear-glazed eyes at the familiar voice resonating before her, widening them in shock once she realized just who it was standing before her.  He was the last person she expected to see right now.  Panic struck her as she got up and slowly tried to back away from him, the well on her back quickly reminding her she was stuck with no means of escape.  Why did these things always have to happen to her?  She didn't want to deal with this now.  “What… what do you want from me”  She managed to fumble out the words. 

It pleased Sesshoumaru to see her squirm before him, the scent of her fear filling the air.  The miko's peremptory manner had diminished without the availability of protection from her pack.  “Because, just like Naraku, this Sesshoumaru wonders where it is you disappear to when you leave.  Your scent merely vanishes in the vicinity of the well.  Your pack would never freely give information of that sort, so it was required to speak to you without their presence.”

Kagome’s whole face contorted in confusion.  Not only was that the most he had ever said to her, but he had to be watching her somehow in order to know she even left, but she couldn't figure out why he could even care, and why he would put any effort what-so-ever into looking into her life. 

Curiosity and anger quickly replaced everything else on her mind.  If he wanted answers he would have to give some first.  She would be damned if she was going to be manipulated any longer.  “And how is it that you know I disappear?  Do I have yet another person watching my every move?  And why the hell would you even care?  I am a human miko, nothing special, or have you forgot?”

He growled as the scent of her fear dissipated.  Why was it that this one miko had the temerity to face him when not even the most powerful youkai would dare?  All but her cowered in his presence, knowing the devastation he would cause before he finally terminated their life if they ever crossed him.  She infuriated him, caused him to feel even more disgusted with himself as that infuriation stirred something else in his blood that he refused to acknowledge.


“This Sesshoumaru has no need for an excuse when it involves what is inside his lands.  You would be better off if you’d remember your place miko.”

Kagome stomped her foot and glared at the taiyoukai.  What was it with these baka youkai and their inability to say her name?  “My name is Kagome, Ka – go – me, not miko!  What is so hard about my name that no one can say it?  And why do you always have to refer to yourself in the third person?  It's irritating as hell!” 

Her hands grasped the wall of the well behind her, reaffirming her of its position without glancing back to let him know what she was doing.  All she would have to do is fall back into the well and she would be out of his reach, out of everyone's reach.  The problem was getting past the lip without him catching her.  Maybe if she pissed him off it would distract him enough to slip up a little... ha ha ha, yeah right, but it never hurt to try.


“If you are so superior to the human race, then speak like you have at least some intelligence!  And this is Inuyasha’s forest, not yours!  So you have no right to even a clue to what’s going on!  Kami, you’re such a snob!” 

Mentioning his name so soon caused a lump to form in her throat and the pain to swell in her chest, all the horrible events that she had just witnessed refreshed in her mind anew.  She could no longer take the pain and misery of her shattered heart.  She would never receive his love.  Kikyo was nothing but clay and bones, yet he still chose her, would always choose her.  Was there something wrong with her?  Was she so undesirable that he would rather spend his life with the smelly dead?  The only explanation was the era itself, cause back home she had the most popular guy in the school pining after her relentlessly.  It was a good thing, really.  What was there in the feudal era anyway that she wouldn't have to leave behind eventually?

Fingering the shards around her neck, she wondered if she could trust something so powerful to the likes of Sesshoumaru.  She wanted out, wanted to go home and never look back.  Coming back only meant getting hurt over and over again, something that she wasn't going to allow any longer.  She was stronger than that.  Kikyo was the protector of the jewel before she died and now she could have that job back, cause Kagome quit.  She wasn't going to be the shard hunter ever again.  If Inuyasha wanted the jewel put back together so badly, he could just get Kikyo to do it.  She wasn't coming back, even without any goodbye's. 

The goodbye's would have most likely done her in, being the sucker that she is, and caved in to everyone's pleas for her to stay.  She always was a sucker for everyone else’s desires but her own.  For some reason she always seemed to put her needs and desires last.  They would have no doubt changed her mind, having her promise to come back in a few days. 

That's when she began to think that Sesshoumaru's curiosity might have actually been a good thing.  Not only did it give her a good reason to run home without saying goodbye, but also a strong person to leave the shards with.  There was no doubt in her mind that he was far too proud to use a shard, had no need for them from what she had seen of his skills.  There is no need to embellish perfection itself.  Yes, even she admitted he was perfect… well, minus the personality disorder.  He would also make Inuyasha's retrieval of those shards amusing, it was a shame she was going to miss it. 

Sesshoumaru was seething as she took the jewels from around her neck and held them out for him to see.  Granted he still held his ever stoic facade, but angry red swirled in his molten gaze.  Aggravating him seemed to come easy for her, why exactly she was unsure, but it usually happened within the first five minutes of forced conversing.  Every encounter with him has always ended with her aggravating him to the point of her near death by his hands. 

She shrugged off his death glare with his blank look and continued with her thought anyway.   If he wanted her dead she would be lying on the ground bleeding by now.  “You have no use for these.  Am I correct?” 

Sesshoumaru eyed her curiously, wondering what the miko was trying to pull.  He didn’t understand their relevance to her situation.  “This Sesshoumaru has no need to become more powerful than he already is. Your point?”

Kagome flashed him a smile and tossed him the jewels, minus one to get through.  She had guessed right.  “Give these to Inuyasha and if you don't mind, wait a second for this one to appear at the bottom of the well.  I think I can send it through.  Oh, and tell him that I warned him not to come for me.”

Sesshoumaru growled at the ningen standing before him.  She was getting ready to run and he knew it.  Why she thought she could outrun him was beyond his intelligence.  “This Sesshoumaru is not a messenger.”

Kagome shrugged her shoulders.  “Then keep them for all I care.”  Allowing herself to fall back over the lip of the well she tried to escape, but he was holding her over the well by her neck before her butt even came off the stones.

His grip tightened around her slender neck when she showed no signs of fear from his rough treatment.  What was it about this miko that gave her the strength to be so fearless in his presence?  Her defiance only made her more appealing, much to his distaste.  “Learn your place miko,” he ground out.

Kagome smiled even though she could feel the life slipping from her as her grin widened and his grip tightened.  The well was directly below her; all she needed was for him to drop her. 

Mustering up all the strength she could before she passed out, she bit his hand, hard enough to draw blood and hard enough for him to release his grip in surprise, allowing her to drop into the well.  The look of pure shock that washed over his features for a split second as he watched her fall was hysterical.  She laughed as the warm fuzzy blue light engulfed her body and soul, knowing she had won the round.  She sure was glad she wouldn't have to see him again.  There would be no telling what kind of misery he would have waiting for her if she dared show her face on the other side of the well.

Sesshoumaru couldn't believe what he was seeing as the miko disappeared right before his very eyes, her laughter remaining to resonate within the walls to mock him.  Within a matter of moments a single shard reappeared at the bottom of the well.  He was stunned and outraged all at once.  She actually had the audacity to bite him and draw blood.  There hadn't been an ounce of fear radiating off her slender form.  Never had he witnessed such blatant stupidity in his entire lifetime.  How many times was the miko going to laugh directly in the face of death itself?  How many times was she going to defy him?  The miko needed an attitude adjustment and to learn her place in society.  If things continued on like they had been, he would never rid her from his mind.

Knowing that he couldn’t get answers from someone that wasn’t there, he set out after the hanyou.  He would provide the perfect distraction while she was gone, always entertaining.  He would tell him where he could find her if he had to bring the hanyou to the brink of death to do it.   A ghostly smile crossed his features as he remembered what the miko left him with before she left.  The hanyou would do almost anything to get them back.


“What do you mean she’s not with you guys!”  Inuyasha bellowed when Sango and Miroku informed him of the unknown whereabouts of Kagome.  “What would possess you to let her go off by herself?”

Sango's eyes narrowed in absolute disgust.  She wasn't about to take any lip from him, of all people, right now.  He was the reason she was gone!  Who wouldn't run off when seeing the person they love loving on someone else?  And there really wasn't a question of where she was if she wasn't with him.  She was most likely where she always went when she found Inuyasha with Kikyo.  Sango had seen the shinidamachÅ« off in the distance, after Kagome cheerfully said she was going off to find him, but then again, that was after she had left.  There was no way that Sango would have ever allowed her to go if she had known what she would be running into.  Her best friend had suffered enough by the hands of the dishonorably acrimonious hanyou.  There would be no way, in any shape or form, that she would take the blame for this.  “This is nothing but your fault!  It is your going off to see your dead lover all the time that causes her to run off and get into trouble.  She wouldn't go anywhere if it weren't for you!  You know she loves you!”  Sango paused to catch her breath.  “Don't you have any idea how much you hurt her when she sees you together?"

Inuyasha’s eyes went wide with shameful surprise.  “She saw us.”

Miroku stepped in front of a now crying Sango.  If he allowed her to continue on any longer she was likely to bash Inuyasha's head into a bloody pulp.  No one got in the way of Sango when it came to Kagome; she was slightly overprotective of her best friend.  “We can only assume she saw you with Kikyo because she was out looking for you.  I don’t know how she does it, but she does seem to find you every time.  Haven't I always told you that if you're going to two-time, make sure the other woman doesn't find out?”  He tried to smile, but the slap to the face wiped it off quickly.  He was merely trying to lighten the air a bit. 

Miroku focused on the ground, pondering Kagome's situation.  Fate was definitely not on her side.  Trouble was attracted to her like moths to a flame; she either walked into it, or it found her.  It was horrible to watch such a pure and selfless person as her suffer so much.  Not that she ever showed any of her suffering to any of them; she was such a strong girl who faced all her hardships with a grace no one could compare to.  He could only hope that this wasn't the straw that broke the camel's back.  "I can only hope she did not catch the both of you in too compromising a position.  My suggestion for next time is to find a room."  Miroku's brows waggled in suggestion, earning him another slap; which knocked him out cold this time.

Inuyasha grunted and folded his arms in his sleeves.  “It doesn’t matter if she went home for good.  I can always go get her.”

Sango screamed at Inuyasha through her tears.  “What if she refuses to come back?!  What if this time it was too much for her?  What did she see Inuyasha?  How many times are you going to break her heart?  You shouldn't toy with her feelings like this!  And don't tell me you don't know what I'm talking about, I have eyes.”  She pounded him on the chest.  “Everything you do drives her away from this era, from us.  Why are you so determined to rid me of my best friend?  Haven't I lost enough?  Kagome is the only family that I have left!" 

The ignorant fools were so caught up with their argument they failed to notice Sesshoumaru's arrival.  A smirk crossed over his stoic features.  “The miko is quite feisty when she is distraught.  Would you not agree?”

Inuyasha spun around to face his brother, anger washing over his features.  “What have you done to her bastard?”  He growled through his teeth, drawing Tessaiga.  Sesshoumaru reeked of Kagome, so he knew the bastard wasn't lying.  His anger spiked, knowing he had to have touched her for her scent to be that strong on him.

Sesshoumaru pulled the jewel shards out of his pocket and everyone gasped.  “Put your sword down whelp.  This Sesshoumaru has no desire to fight today.  The pain inflicted by this Sesshoumaru was far less severe than whatever wounds you left upon the miko." 

Inuyasha growled again.  Seeing the jewels that they worked so hard for lying in the bastard’s hand made him worry for her safety.  It wasn't like her to give something up so easily.  She would have put up a fight, no matter who she was facing.   “What the hell have you done with Kagome?!  How did you manage to get those shards from her?  Where the fuck is she?" 

They all shuddered as a smirk yet again graced Sesshoumaru's stoic features.  It was unnerving to see one such as him, who had previously never shown any form of emotion, show any form of amusement, let alone smirk.  “As you know this Sesshoumaru is not one to play messenger.  However, since this situation is quite amusing it will be tolerated for this one time.”

Inuyasha lowered his stance, shocked.  “She gave those to you?”  As the thought registered his heart sank.  She had given away the only way for her to come back, given away everything they had worked so hard for.

“Yes.  The miko also warned you not to come for her.”  Sesshoumaru said with a pleased tone.  Seeing the hanyou suffer always was pleasant.

Inuyasha snarled and picked back up his fighting stance.  “I’ll take care of that wench later.  Give me the shards!”

Inuyasha lunged at Sesshoumaru only for him to sidestep the attack and send him into the nearest tree.  “Inform this Sesshoumaru of her whereabouts.  I may consider just handing them over.  Even your miko knew this Sesshoumaru had no use for such trivial items.”

Inuyasha eyed him suspiciously, getting back up to face him.  “Why do you even care?  She’s a ningen.”  Inuyasha smirked as remembered something about the well.  “Plus, an arrogant bastard like you wouldn’t be allowed to follow her through anyway.”

Sesshoumaru’s stoic features returned to normal as Inuyasha spoke.  “That is none of your concern.  If you want your jewelry back you will speak.”

Inuyasha growled.  He had to be up to something.  It wasn’t everyday that the ‘Great Lord Sesshoumaru’ lowered himself to ask of a human’s whereabouts, not unless he intended to kill them.  “Tell me why you want to know.”

If looks could kill, Inuyasha would have been one hurting hanyou with the look Sesshoumaru was giving him.  But his voice showed none of the anger written on his face.  “This Sesshoumaru desires the knowledge of her power that allows her to simply disappear into thin air for long periods of time." 

Inuyasha hesitated for a moment, then, nearly doubled over in laughter.  Sesshoumaru would be the one to come up some shit like that for an explanation.  “You must have seen her by the well.”

“Explain.”  He snapped as he threw Inuyasha the shards.  He was not one to be left in the dark about anything and obviously the hanyou knew.  It was irritating him to no end to know that the hanyou was taking pleasure in his lack of knowledge in the situation.

Inuyasha caught the jewels and smiled, taking off.  “How about I show you?”   Sesshoumaru was having no problem keeping up, but then again he wasn’t really trying either.  By showing him he could get away without an actual explanation, then by taking off he could also piss him off a little bit more.

He stopped in front of the well and surprisingly offered his hand.  Sesshoumaru looked at him with distaste.  “Your assistance is not needed in descending the well.”

Inuyasha just shrugged his shoulders.  “Keh, if you want to see this I suggest you get in the well before I do then.”

Sesshoumaru growled as he passed Inuyasha, warning him not to try anything.  He watched Inuyasha jump over the side and was almost floored at the sight before him.  He watched the hanyou fall, the beads around his neck glowing as he disappeared in a blue flash.  This was not the explanation he was looking for.  The hanyou had done this on purpose.  It told him nothing more than before.  It was a portal somewhere, somewhere he wasn't allowed to go.

Inuyasha jumped out the well and went to open the door out of the well house, but it wouldn’t open.  He scoured every inch of the building, kicking and punching, trying to get himself out.  “So she thinks she’s sealing me in huh?”  Pulling out Tessaiga, he smirked as he tried to remember the exact layout of the area.  He waited only long enough for Tessaiga to pulse red before he swung at the door, knocking it off its hinges and shattering the barrier. 

Mrs. Higurashi came running out the door to see what all the commotion was about and saw Inuyasha coming toward the house.  She shook her head and stood in his way.  “Inuyasha, what did you do to my daughter?  I hope it wasn’t you who put those marks on her neck.”

Inuyasha grunted.  “I didn’t do anything to her.  She overreacted.  I’m here to take her back.”

She gave him a disappointed look and shook her head.  She didn’t know how to put what she was about to say lightly.  “Inuyasha… she doesn’t want to go back… ever.  I won't allow you to force her to leave against her will.  She said she doesn't want to see you.”  She had a feeling it had something to do with him, but she hadn’t got any information out of her other than she was never going back.  She had a feeling though the boy in front of her wouldn’t let it go.

Inuyasha looked like he had been dunked in cold water but he quickly recovered.  “I don’t care what she says.  She is going to listen to what I have to say whether she likes it or not.”

She smiled and headed back to the house.  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.  I've never seen her this angry.”

Inuyasha just grunted and followed her.  “Keh.”

He followed Mrs. Higurashi all the way up the stairs and to Kagome’s room and just watched as she knocked on the door.  “It’s me Kagome, please unlock the door.  Someone is here to see you.”

Inuyasha heard her voice from behind the door.  “Tell them to go away.  Have grandpa make up some illness like he always does.”

Inuyasha growled and Mrs. Higurashi just shook her head.  She placed her hand on his shoulder.  “I told you this was going to be difficult.”  She turned her attention back to the door.  “Kagome please open the door.”

"I don't really feel like talking to anyone right now mom."

Mrs. Higurashi sighed.  "I know sweetie.  But it's going to have to happen sooner or later.  You might as well get it over with now."

Kagome sighed and got up off her bed, she hadn’t moved from that spot since she got there.  If she hadn't felt drained enough before her incident with Sesshoumaru, she definitely felt drained now.  She wasn't in the mood to entertain any visitors right now.  She opened the door and immediately glared at her mother.  “I thought I told Sesshoumaru to tell you not to come here.”  She said coldly.

Inuyasha snorted and crossed his arms over his chest.  “Keh, like I was going to listen to that bastard.”

She was more surprised that Sesshoumaru had actually passed along the message.  Kagome’s eyes narrowed some more as a flashback of earlier entered her mind.  “Inuyasha… osuwari.”

Inuyasha cursed himself as he came crashing into the floor, knocking the wind out of him.  Mrs. Higurashi just chuckled and left the both of them by themselves.  Inuyasha jumped up once the spell was gone, furious, although he knew he should have expected it.  “Wench at least…”

“Inuyasha osuwari.”  She repeated again as he tried to reach out for her.  He could at least call her by her name after all he'd done.

As the spell wore off he tried to get up again, growling.  “Will you let me fucking…”

Her face never changed, and before he had the chance to get back up she cut him off.  “Osuwari.”  There was no need for him to be so vulgar every minute of every waking day.

Inuyasha screamed at the top of his lungs as he made contact with the floor for the third time in the row.  “Wench listen!”

Tears streamed down her cheeks as her grip on her emotions finally slipped.  None of this was making her feel any better.  Just looking at him made everything worse.  It was like having a walking, talking involuntary instant replay button.

She spun around and practically ran back into her room so not to face him anymore.  “Why?  So I can hear about how much you love Kikyo and how you’re going to leave and follow her to hell, leaving all your friends behind, crushing their hearts, mine?  How you both have come to terms now and she doesn’t hate you anymore?  I could tell by the kiss you both shared that she doesn’t hate you anymore.  I could tell by the wandering hands on both of your bodies what you desire.  You don’t need me Inuyasha.  Whatever I can do, she can do better.  I don’t belong there.  Falling through the well was an accident, remember?  This is my home.  Kikyo is very capable of helping you find the remaining shikon, which is a good thing for you because I'm not interested anymore."  Instead of facing him she chose to focus her gaze out the window.  

She heard Inuyasha take a few steps into her room and she snapped her head up.  “Osuwari.”  She returned her gaze to the window.  “Go home Inuyasha.  Tell Sango, Miroku, Kaede, and Shippou that I said goodbye.  I’m sure by now they know why.  Tell them I said not to blame you.  We all know the fates hate me.  It's just better if I stay here.”

Inuyasha growled and peeled his sore body off the ground.  She wasn’t listening to him.  How was he supposed to explain himself if she wasn’t going to listen? 

A light went off inside his head and he pummeled Kagome into the bed, grinning as she looked up at him in disbelief.  She couldn’t very well subdue him if he was on top of her.  His chest rumbled a soothing growl as she struggled beneath him, trying to get out.  “Can't do anything now, can you?”  He smiled a triumphant smile.  “I guess you’ll have to listen to me now wench.”

Kagome gave an artificial smile and tried to bring her knee up to his groin, but unfortunately for her, he was quicker than she was.  She glared at him again, but didn't fight back anymore.  There was no way she would ever overpower him anyway.  “Fine, I’m all ears.”

He gave another triumphant smirk, but it was quickly replaced with a more serious look.  “You didn’t see everything.”  His tone saddened but he made sure to put emphasis on certain words.  “She was saying goodbye Kagome.  Her body is not going to make it to the final battle with Naraku so she said goodbye, that’s all.”

Kagome shook her head.  There was no way what she saw was just a goodbye.  It was far too involved.  “I saw you two kissing and stuff!  You were beginning to disrobe her!  It didn’t look like a goodbye to me!  Your paws were all over her!  It looked more like she was getting ready to rock your socks.    Plus, why would she be saying goodbye?  She still wants to drag you to hell with her, doesn’t she?”  Tears formed in her eyes at the expected answer fixing to come out of his mouth.  It was not what she expected.

Inuyasha shook his head no.  “That’s what I asked her.  She said she had a change of heart.  She didn’t want me to go at all anymore.  That it was something you gave her that made her change her mind.  She wouldn’t tell me what it was though, said I had to ask you.”

Kagome’s eyes widened with shock.  “But she told me that it didn’t change anything!” 

She felt as if the world had been lifted off her shoulders not having to worry about Inuyasha being dragged to hell.  She was also relieved but it still didn’t make the pain in her heart go away.  His kisses and wandering hands had showed he wanted her, not the girl standing before him.  She didn't want to be some consolation prize, never quite good enough because she was never his first choice.

Inuyasha eyed her curiously.  “When were you two alone and what did you give her Kagome?”  He asked in a demanding tone.

She really didn’t know how to tell him what he wanted to know.  She knew he’d be pissed, but she really didn’t have much of a choice now that he was asking questions.  She was actually surprised she had managed to keep it a secret, until now.  “Well… this one time I was walking home alone, you were off seeing Totosai I think...”

Inuyasha growled.  “You went by yourself!”

She shrugged her shoulders and continued.  “I had my bow and arrows.  It wasn’t like I was unarmed or anything.  Anyway I heard this child crying in this cave so I followed the sound.  I didn’t know it was a trap.”

He growled again and got up.  “Stupid wench, I told you not to go off by yourself.  You attract trouble like scavengers to blood and you can't defend yourself for shit.”

She sat up, pushing him away from her, and ignored him.  Why did he always have to imply she was a weakling?  “It was this oni who lured miko in to consume their souls, so once I stepped into the cave there was no way out, although I didn’t know that yet.  Deep in the cave is where I ran into Kikyo.  She was barely able to stand; the souls she uses to walk the Earth were dissolving before my very eyes.  It was the weakest I had ever seen her.  I couldn't stand seeing her so helpless like that, so I helped her.” 

Kagome smiled to herself as she remembered everything that went on.  She had never been more determined in her life to save someone, not only because the dead miko said she couldn't do it, but also because Kikyo had fallen for the same trick.  It proved the dead miko did in fact have a heart, as much as she tried to protest it - that or a soft spot for kids.  “She tried to tell me that there was no way out, that I should just leave her as she would have left me if the roles were reversed.  But I just couldn’t do it.  I didn’t have the heart to leave her, regardless of what I think of her, so I carried her the rest of the way into the cave. She had told me that our powers were useless and that going out the way we came was impossible.  She also said she couldn’t believe that I wasn’t being affected by the nullifying spells of the oni.  She had said that I shouldn’t have been capable of moving, let alone carrying her all the way into the belly of the oni.  But I didn’t let anything deter me from getting her out of there.  I mean, it hurt to move and all, even worse carrying her, but I just couldn’t leave her to die.  She meant too much to you for me to do that.  I managed to shoot an arrow at his heart and purify the youkai from the inside out using the jewel shards, regardless of the barrier.  After that we went our separate ways.”

He didn’t know if she purposely dodged his question or not, but she wasn't going to get away without answering it.  “What did you give her Kagome?”

She had been hoping he wouldn't notice.  No one but her and Kikyo knew what happened in that cave.  “Inuyasha… she was going to die.  I… I couldn’t let her die.  It would have broken your heart.”  When his only response was an expecting stare she continued.  “To keep her alive in the cave… I… I gave her another small part of my soul.  She was surprised to say the least, but I think it was more that I could do it as untrained as I am.”

Inuyasha jumped to his feet, furious.  How dare she think that sacrificing herself for Kikyo was acceptable!  Didn’t she know that he needed her?  Couldn’t she tell by him always coming to get her when she took too long at home, by him protecting her so fiercely?  She was the one who made him fight so hard.  Without her he’d have nothing.  “You did what?!  What would possess you to give away more of your soul?”

She suddenly found the floor more interesting and concentrated on that as she spoke.  “Inuyasha...”  She sighed.  “I just wanted you to be happy.”

In an instant she was wrapped up in his arms, clinging to her like she was going to disappear.  “I don’t know what I’d do without you.  Don’t ever do something so stupid again!  You are the last person I want to lose.”

She relaxed into his arms, taking in his soothing scent.  “I’m sorry Inuyasha.”

Golden eyes met brown as he pulled her face to meet his, a smile gracing his lips.  “Let’s go home wench.”

Kagome’s eyes widened as she remembered that she gave the shards to Sesshoumaru.  “But I can’t!  I gave the shards away!”

He smiled and took the bottle out of his pocket.  “I know wench, here.  Let’s go home.”

She took him by surprise when she grabbed him and started inspecting him all over, searching for any wounds.  “He didn’t hurt you did he?”  She asked frantically as she inspected him remembering her encounter with him.  He had to have been furious at what she’d done.  She hoped he hadn’t taken it out on him.

Inuyasha laughed.  “No, but I am sure he’s by the well waiting for an explanation.  I promised him one to get the shards back.”

“Can we really tell him?”  Now she was worried.

He shrugged his shoulders.  “It’s not like he can follow.”

She shook her head and placed it in her hands.  “He’s going to kill me.”

Inuyasha gave her an incredulous look.  “Why would he care about you?”

She sighed.  She should have thought of a better way to get back.  Of course she didn’t think of ever going back there, so then it didn’t matter.  Oh she was so screwed.  “Well… I kind of bit his hand to make him drop me in the well.”

He fell over laughing, barely able to talk.  “You… a human… bit… the great… almighty… Sesshoumaru!”

She shoved him and stuck out her tongue.  “It’s not funny!  He was pissed already because of the way I was talking to him!  I thought I was never coming back!  I’ll be signing my death certificate if I ever show my face there again.”

The image of her standing in front of Sesshoumaru without fear made him laugh more.  He could only imagine how pissed he was about the incident.  No wonder he wouldn’t talk about what happened with her.  Kagome flicked her hair back behind and his laughing stopped immediately and he jumped up off the bed.  “I’ll kill that bastard!”

Kagome rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand.  “Look, don’t worry about it.  I deserved it.  I’m sure if I apologize and tell him what he wants to know that he’ll let me live.  Rin likes me, so that's a plus.”  She pouted.  “Please don’t fight him.  I'll go back to not speaking to you again if you do.”

“Keh.”  He grunted as he stuffed his arms in his sleeves.  He hated it when she did that.  “If he tries something…”

Kagome smiled, she knew it would work, and drug him out the door.  “I know, I know, you’ll kill him.  Come on.”



I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!  Please review! 
