Fatal Attractions by coco

A Broken Soul

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha nor do I get money from writing this fic.        

Author’s note: This is my first fanfic and I’m down with flames and haters. I would appreciate constructive criticisms cuz I know I need. I love stories but I hate grammar so you’ll probably find a lot of grammatical errors. I’ll try to fix that, eventually. Questions? Concerns? I got you. Just review and I’ll answer all of it.


Chapter 1

The idle breeze in the sunny afternoon gently caressed the sturdy trunks of ancient trees surrounding the forest where a cloaked figure patiently glided her way to through the barriers of untamed branches. Despite of the cheerful indulgence of the afternoon sun, the forest remained as dead as a corpse and daunting by its own definition.

Melodic sounds of nature’s symphony did not exist in the forest. Neither birds sing at the break of dawn to welcome the rising sun nor do animals roam the place in search of food. The forest was a deadly temptation; a golden apple hanging by a poisonous tree. It generates a mysterious and charismatic aura mixed with the menacing facet within its midst. The cloaked person smiled. The forest has an ideal comparison with the person that inhabits it.

Escaping the trees that hindered her movements, the cloaked figure came upon a small meadow where the intoxicating smell of flowers infiltrated her senses. She breathed in the lovely scent and absently fingered the jade necklace that hung around her neck. ‘I should make haste.’ she thought with a weary glance ahead. The young maiden started walking again, grace and elegance marking her every move. She is, after all, the undisputed princess of the northern lands.


Upon the sight of the battered hut surrounded with luscious vegetation, Kikiyo withdrew the bundle within the folds of her cloak, warily observing her surroundings. Finding nothing amiss, she opened the door of the hut with great care and gentleness, knowing full well that such actions were precautions to god knows what kind of reception she would receive from the resident of said hut. And besides, the hut seemed to be crumbling on its present state. It was definite that further strain upon its feeble parts- such as the door- would truly end the hut’s existence.

Once inside, a gust of cool wind brushed the tresses of her dark mane and the cold sensation of metal against her skin sent a wave of familiarity within her being. Eying the handle of a dagger where the jade emblem of the old northern empire was forged, Kikiyo casually spoke to her captor.

“Oh my, you really fancy that dagger.” Kikiyo tossed the bundle at the table and glanced at he cousin from the corner of her eyes. ‘Hn. Her hair is wet. She must have taken a bath at the nearby river.’ Kikiyo concluded.

“Yes, my dear cousin. I do adore this dagger hence, a perfect implement in welcoming a person that I adore as well. Would you care for some tea, your highness?” said the lady while putting down the dagger and a mocking grin plastered upon her face.

“Enough with your foolishness Kagome and yes, tea would be great.” Kikiyo settled herself on the chair and reached for the forgotten bundle on the table. Wordlessly handing the tea to her guest, Kagome reached for another chair and joined her cousin.

A brief hush ensued between the two as the lingering scent of pomegranate tea engulfed their senses. Although it is much preferable to enjoy their tea in idle silence, there are many matters to discuss and time was never at their hands. Breaking the silence, Kikiyo motioned to the half-opened bundle on the table. “I brought you some clothes and a sufficient amount of money for this month.”

Carefully caressing the delicate material of the kimono, Kagome regarded her cousin with an uninterested look. “I only need annoyances such as these when I go feed.”

“They are in accordance to you gender.”

“I prefer a wardrobe that does not restrict any leg movements at all.”

Raising one delicate eyebrow, Kikiyo smiled. “I trust that you find no difficulties in alluring the male population into your cot, my dear.”

Kagome finished her tea and flashed her cousin a seductive smile, showing a glimpse of two deadly fangs within her succulent lips. That alone can bring a man to his knees but the promise of a wonderful night within her curvaceous body is as domineering factor as well as those lips.

“Cousin, you make it seem that I do not choose the men I feed on. They satisfy not only my hunger for blood but as well as my ……other needs and thus I pick the best from the herd. I make sure of that.” Licking her lips to put emphasis to her words, Kagome stood up and gathered the used teacups from the table and put them on a small basin.

A welcoming silence engulfed the hut as the guest sat motionless, with her thoughts to spare while the host busied herself with the dishes. Mutely studying the main features of the small hut, Kikiyo’s heart clenched within. ‘Kagome does not deserve this.’ She thought for a millionth time. The privileges, the title, the fame and yes, a descent house to live in – the things that she posses - they all rightfully belong to Kagome.

For in reality, Kagome is the princess and she is the pauper.

But reality does not exist in the world where she lives in. Everything is but a fragment of a beautiful nightmare fashioned from the wicked fantasies of her father, Naraku, Lord of the Northern Lands. Kikiyo is but a mere portion, a pawn, a puzzle piece to build the big picture that Naraku has long constructed upon the demise of Kagome’s family.

A hated half blood, Kagome was shunned and stripped of her noble inheritance and title. Although the existence of blood beings were not as mythical as it may seem for they do exist, it was not a welcomed part of her country’s society.

They are treated with discreet hate or tolerance, more or less but some humans learned to truly care about these ethereal beings. You can perhaps count her father and uncle as part of that gang, hell they can even be the pioneers of true blood advocacy in the Northern Lands!

As scandalous as it may be, both men belong to the royal family with one, Kagome’s father, being the crown prince and the latter, Naraku, being the next in line to the throne.

As if that does not earn the royal family enough criticisms from the everlasting mouths of the elites, Naraku and Kagome’s father loved the same woman.

Her father found her first but the crown prince beat Naraku to the third base and impregnated the beautiful true blood. Kagome’s father got her good all right. He captured every being of the true blood; heart, body and soul.

It all started with love and magnificently ended with blood.

‘Magnificent’ Kikiyo repeated the word in her head with pure disgust. But throughout the magnificence of it all, Kikiyo remained powerless. Rendered weak against her father’s words, Kikiyo fulfilled every single command from Naraku’s lips with no questions or hesitations. She simply has to do it or gamble the wall of indifference that she built for herself over the years.

Hating Kagome was part of that charade. 

Kikiyo brushed the thoughts of the past from her mind. Guilt and remorse will do her no good. She is helpless against her father. Kagome knows that and with both of them sharing the same vulnerability, a strange relationship beyond friendship formed between the two. The sudden memory of their childhood promise replayed itself inside her mind but she pushed it away as well. Now is simply not the right time.

Going back to ‘reality’, Kikiyo’s eyes settled upon the identical bottles on the shelf by the window. The bottles contain various kinds of concoctions. Having the same container, it is hard to distinguish one potion from another. Idle hands shall suffer dire consequences with playing with Kagome’s toys. She herself, is not excluded from that rule.

“You have been staring at those bottles for a long time, have you run out of your supply?” A bewildered Kagome inquired.

Kikiyo paused to arrange her thoughts accordingly. Supply, sleeping potions, nightly rendezvous, a silver-haired true blood, Kagome: her links to ‘real’ reality.

“No, I still have enough.”

A sliver-haired true blood……

A thousand mile stare settled itself on Kikiyo’s eyes that immediately sent a frown on Kagome’s lips. But Kikiyo does not seem to notice. The simple inquiry from her cousin roused the real reason behind her visit, which hurled Kikiyo’s mind further away from Kagome.

“Your highness, I think you’ll be earning yourself a hard slap from this lowly servant if you don’t snap out of it.” Putting a couple of sleeping potions in a small bundle, Kagome finally sat down with her cousin and fixed her a frustrated glare. “Stop your bashful acts, dear, and just fuckin spill it. I can do a lot of things but reading minds is not one of them.”

Kikiyo is more than welcome to comply.

“I am in love with the sliver-haired true blood from my nightly rendezvous.”

A pause.

“Hn, just keep your desires at bay, dear cousin and remember not to give him a taste of your blood. Not even a little.” was Kagome’s simple retort.

“I am not trying to humor you Kagome.” an annoyed reply from Kikiyo.

“And neither am I. Once you give yourself to that true blood, you will be subjected to the consequences that entail that decision.  Are you strong enough to handle that?”

A brief silence stretched within the battered hut but Kagome is not done yet. Sliding the bundle in Kikiyo’s direction, she continued. “You take pity on my account and still, you venture into a territory that is very much unknown to you!” With that sudden burst of raw emotion, Kagome approached her now quivering cousin, whose petite frame shook miserably from the truth in her words.

“I shall not elaborate further as to what consequences I refer to. Dry your tears and head home. It is getting dark.”

Although Kagome said those words with calm composure, the distinct hint of guilt seeped from her cousin’s tone that only Kikiyo can detect. For this, Kikiyo was glad.

 Kikiyo stood up from her seat and sighed. “It is not hard to fall for him, my dear cousin. His silver locks and golden orbs caught me instantly although I can imagine that you do not know of the feeling.”

Gathering her cloak and bundle of sleeping potions from the table, Kikiyo reached for the door and was about to leave when a sudden thought ceased her from doing so.

“One more thing Kagome, prepare yourself. You shall have company tomorrow.” And with that, she disappeared through the door.

 ‘Great, the old Kikiyo’s  back.’ Kagome thought. Then her cousin’s words ringed across her mind.

A dark chuckle echoed inside the hut. “Do not worry my dear cousin, they shall have the same warm reception like you did today. I will be making sure of that.” Kagome chided to herself.

Looking at the bundle of generosity from her cousin, a mischievous smirk formed along the corners of her lips. Perhaps Kikiyo’s ‘appropriate’ clothes will furnish her for tomorrow’s events. But for now, she must sleep. She may be vulnerable from Naraku’s will but that does not mean that she won’t attempt to pull some of the bastard’s loose strings. With that in mind, Kagome changed her clothes; ready to retire for the night.

Tucking some strands of hair behind her ears, Kagome felt the cold sensation from her right- ear earring. The earring is the very symbol of Naraku’s dominion over her.

The acquisition of said earring many years ago left a blood stained memory in Kagome’s mind. The very thought of those dark memories cut deep within her cold heart.

“I’ll drag you to hell with me Naraku. Just wait.” The thought immediately lulled her to sleep, as if it was a lover’s goodnight after a passionate night.