Sugar We're Going Down by Nani

Sugar We're Going Down

OMFG a DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Inuyasha or “Sugar, we’re going down” by Fall Out Boy

Kagome sighed looking over at him, his long silvery hair blocking her view of his face.

Am I more than you bargained for yet

She packed up everything off her desk.  The lecturer had finished speaking and finally released the class.  She marched down the stadium seating towards the door.  Fighting every urged Kagome made sure she didn’t look back.

I’ve been dying to tell you anything you want to hear

Cause that’s just who I am this week


It was a cloudy, humid day and the roar of Tokyo comforted her heavy heart.  Though she knew it would return full force once she entered their apartment.

Lie in the grass, next to the mausoleum


The door creaked open and she entered the dark, tiny apartment.  His cologne still lingered in the air. Slowly she removed her shoes, wiggling her freed toes.

I’m just a notch in your bedpost

But your just a line in a song


 Kagome threw down her bag, flopped onto the leather sofa.  Her hands ran through her raven hair,  she sent a glare at the his favorite leather reclining chair.

(A notch in your bedpost but you’re just a line in a song)


Screaming she threw a pillow at the empty chair, trying to relieve her building frustration.

Drop a heart, break a name


Rolling over she slide onto her feet and checked the phone.  The blinking light, forced her to listen to the messages.  Most of them were for him, of course, but there was on from his half-brother for her.

“Kagome, you’re free on Friday right?  Call me, when you get the chance.”  His voice rang in her ear like a buzzing fly.

We’re always sleeping in, and sleeping for the wrong team

Maybe should have never started sleeping with his half-brother.  Originally, she thought it would get her mind off him, but it only forced her to compare their qualities, which only caused disgust toward her would be lover.

We’re going down, down in an earlier round

Kagome tried to stop herself from gagging as she returned his call on her cell.  Her practiced fake enthusiasm was flawless.  He actually believed her, but then again he wasn’t in the room to scent her falsehood.

And Sugar, we’re going down swinging


She started to fix some dinner, her body trained to fix his favorite dish so when he came home … eventually he would have something awaiting for him to eat.

I’ll be your number one with a bullet

Kagome wanted to bang her head against the wall to force herself from gaining sick enjoyment from being his personal maid.

A loaded God complex, cock it and pull it


 Nothing she did stopped the smile that bloomed on her face when she thought of seeing him enjoy the meal.

We’re going down, down in an earlier round

And Sugar, we’re going down swinging

I’ll be your number one with a  bullet

A loaded God, complex, cock it and pull it


Trying to rid the stress of the day, she took a shower.  Her blues eyes wandered over to his soap.  Her fingers nimbly popped open the cap.  In the steam of the hot water, the aroma of the body wash filled her senses completely.  She squeezed out a little and rubbed it over her body, wishing that it was his skin not his body wash touching her.  Tears leaked out of the corners of her eyes.


We’re going down, down in an earlier round

And Sugar, we’re going down swinging

I’ll be your number one with a  bullet

A loaded God, complex, cock it and pull it


Once she was dry and clothed, she went to the balcony and retrieved their laundry.   She clutched his to her chest after she folded it.  Kagome following her routine began putting it away, as so not to bother him with the menial task.

Is this more than you bargain for yet


Kagome heard the door opened and heard his deep voice, she knew he wasn’t alone.  Her chest tightened.  She quickly placed a barrier around her after purifying her scent from the room.

Oh don’t mind me I’m watching you two from the closet


Through the cracked door, she saw him lead his companion to his bed.  Something, she had never experienced.  Envy coursed through her.

Wishing to be the friction in your jeans


Her eyes drank up every exposed inch of his flesh.  The way in hands grasped at his lovers neck as he deepened the kiss.  How his neck titled as he dominated them.

Isn’t it messed up how I am just dying to be him


Kagome had to control the laughter that wanted to escape.  The two males eagerly groped at each other in their passionate state.  She knew she should feel guilty for invading their privacy.  But, her eyes stayed glued on the golden eyed, silver haired male that as enthralled her.

I’m just a notch in your bedpost


Silent tears rolled down her rosy cheeks as the heavy petting session went more intimate.  She could see their movements shadowed by covers they were under.

But your just a line in a song

(Notch in your bedpost but your just a line in a song)


 Their groans and moans drove a dagger into her heart.  Kagome knew she didn’t  stand a chance for his affection do to one cosmic flaw …. Her gender…

Drop a heart, break a name

We’re always sleeping in, and sleeping for the wrong team


When the two finally fell into a small nap, Kagome with practiced ease silently crept from the room.  She pressed re-dial on her phone.  She needed someone to be as fucked up as she was right now too. 


We’re going down, down in an earlier round

And Sugar, we’re going down swinging

I’ll be your number one with a  bullet

A loaded God, complex, cock it and pull it


Before she said hello when he finally answered the phone, she heard him hush a woman’s giggling voice.  He said it so lovingly.  Kagome hung up immediately.  Sitting down at the table, she knocked over the plate she had prepared and placed her forehead down on the tabletop.  She dialed Sango’s number as the plate smashed on the floor.  She knew he would be up soon.

We’re going down, down in an earlier round

And Sugar, we’re going down swinging

I’ll be your number one with a  bullet

A loaded God, complex, cock it and pull it


Kagome only got her voicemail.  She ordered her to call her immediately.  After, he emerged his boxer slung low on his hips revealing the maroon stripes.  His glorious face was barely etched with worry for the chinaware till he saw that it wasn’t one of his set.  His maroon lined golden eyes gazed at her rigid form.

“When did you arrive here?”  He coldly demanded.

Kagome couldn’t stand to look at him

We’re going down, down in an earlier round

And Sugar, we’re going down swinging

I’ll be your number one with a  bullet

A loaded God, complex, cock it and pull it


“Not long ago…”  She sneered.  It wasn’t a lie so he didn’t inquire anymore information.

He stood there awaiting her to clean up the mess and fix him something to eat again.  Soon than Kagome wanted to admit, she was up doing exactly that.

“How many am I making this for?”  She dryly commented looking over her shoulder through her wild mass of hair.

“Two,” He answered gazing down at his perfect claws with admiration.

We’re going down, down in an earlier round


She watched his tight ass as he wandered back to his room.  She was dying to claw at his entire being.  The things she would do.

(Take aim at myself)


Kagome went to work pan frying the beef again, it was from special ordered from Kobe, because he wouldn’t have anything of lesser quality.  She heard two voices emerge from the direction of his room.

And Sugar we’re going down swinging


Out of the corner of her eye, she spied the gorgeous pair like darkness and light they contrasted each other.  Kagome was surprised though when she heard the sounds of goodbyes.

(Take back what you said)


He again appeared in the small kitchen doorway, his mammoth body filling up most of the space.  His perfect face tilted as he smirked.

“Kagome, you’re fantastic, you know that?”

She banged the plates against the table and mocking answered, “I’m even better off of my feet… but I doubt you will ever experience that.”  Pushing past him, she strutted down the hall to her room, thankfully in the opposite direction of his.

(Down, down in an earlier round)


Little did Kagome know that she missed the heated stare that followed her swaying hips down the hall.  Her pride had not allowed her to look back.

And Sugar we are going down swinging


“I wonder if Kouga is free?”  She pondered outloud before she entered her room.  She had a wily smirk glued to her face.

(Take back what you said)


She missed the guttural warning growl that reverberated through hall.

(Down, down in an earlier round)

Kagome lay on her bed.  She glared at her phone, not sure of who to call.  She decided she would wait on Sango’s call.  Venting would solve more problems than calling Kouga for a booty call.

(Taking aim at myself)


Kagome rolled over clutch her pillow to her chest and brought her right hand to her temple.  She poised her index, middle, and thumb fingers straight out while curling her pinkie and ring finger. 

She whispered “BANG” and sighed.

(Down, down in an earlier round)


From behind the door, she heard him knock and say that he would have to go stop by his father’s office where he interned.


A loaded God complex, cock it and pull it


Relief flooded her when her phone finally rang.  She threw up a barrier and words spewed from her lips.


We're going down, down (down, down)

Down, down (down, down)

We're going down, down (down, down)

                                            A loaded God complex, cock it and pull it                         


“Sango, tell me again why you allowed me to be roommates with him and not you?  I mean, him being rich and paying for most of everything is awesome.  But, the tension is killing me.  At this rate I am going to either jump him or assault his lovers.”  Kagome whined into the phone.


We're going down, down in an earlier round (Take aim at myself)

And Sugar, we're going down swinging (Take back what you said)

“Basically, why does Sesshomaru have to be gay… and why do I have to be badly in love with him” Kagome continued.

“Cause Karma is a bitch… but it cannot be so bitch not to work out in the end for you”  Sango tried to console.

The fates laughed because Higurashi Kagome had no idea of the real nature of Tashio Sesshomaru.

This is meant to be a Kagome/Sesshomaru piece it’s just very warped. Hopefully the song works with the story ^w^ and I actually captured the essence of Japan and the characters.