Sweet Little Secret by MissTeak

Sweet Little Secret

I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters.

A/N: This oneshot was inspired by Electric’s fanart titled “School Days::lineart::”. It shows Sesshoumaru as a sexy high school senior, and I have no idea why my brain just came up with this plot bunny. So…said bunny began hopping around and created this piece with its footprints. Don’t expect too much for the plot; I wrote this on a whim. Aaaah, the beauty of Japanese shoujo manga styles~

I hope you like it; I twisted the usual dynamics of the Sess/Kag relationship which we are so used to reading about. Older Kagome, younger Sesshoumaru. Enjoy.

Little Secret


“…so that will be your assignment for today. Do you have any questions?” Kagome asked the entire class in front of her. No one raised a hand, and she silently counted to three seconds. “Alright, you may go.”

The students’ eagerness to leave could be evidently inferred from the thunderous sounds of chair legs scraping against the floor, as all thirty-eight of them in class 3-1 stood up to leave the classroom.

“Goodbye, Higurashi-sensei.” The students chorused as they passed her by, some sincere, some half-hearted. She smiled politely and said goodbye to each and everyone of them, but as silence gradually returned to the rather stuffy classroom, Kagome realized not all thirty-eight of them had left.

Thirty-seven students had exited the classroom, leaving behind one who was still in his seat. He was leaning back in his chair, staring out of the windows at nothing in particular with golden eyes holding a faraway look. His long silvery hair, tied up in a high ponytail, was displaced by a few strands when a gust of summer breeze found its way into the classroom. His navy blue blazer was thrown carelessly over the back of his chair, and he absentmindedly reached up to his tie to loosen it. The simple act made him look even more aloof than usual.

He was Nishimiya Sesshoumaru, the top student of their high school senior cohort, and also the captain of the kendo team. On top of being the favorite student of many teachers, he was also immensely popular among the girls, though he had never openly dated anyone. In fact, some of the girls with whom she had gone out on class dinners with had admitted to having a crush on him. She was not too surprised by that though.

While he had never given any other teacher in the school issues of any sort, he was the only student who actually managed to intimidate Kagome; not that she had ever admitted it to anyone.

Right now, he did not seem to acknowledge her presence, and no matter if she was staying in the classroom or leaving it, it would create a rather awkward situation.

She cleared her throat.

Coolly, he tore his eyes away from the window to look directly at her. The golden eyes, shining with intellect and confidence, seemed to burn a path right through hers. They did not merely stop at the level of eye contact; they went so far beyond, and it made Kagome feel as if Sesshoumaru was trying to read her. It unnerved her, and she had to remind herself that he was just a high school student, and she was actually the teacher. But then again, at eighteen years of age, he was only five years younger than she was. On a communication level, that age difference was rather negligible.

It was this thought that left her confused. Kagome could get along perfectly well with the other students; in fact, she had often been asked along to go on class gatherings and after school dinners. But Sesshoumaru was different; there was something about the way he looked at her that differentiated him from his peers.

No student, no…no man, had ever looked at her with eyes like that.

She’d hate to admit it, but there was very, very strong sexual tension between them.

Maybe it was because of how beautiful he was; his face was a perfect canvas of contrary. She could simply stare at him forever, and she had to admit, there were times when she found herself sneaking glances at this perfect specimen of a young man who happened to be her student. Chiseled features, pale porcelain skin and eyes of liquid sunshine were held together by a frosty mask, and those perfect, almost effeminate lips never wore a smile. Maybe it was because he had already been blessed with such ethereal beauty, that God decided to take warmth and love away from him.

His beauty scared her, especially when he looked at her. She did not know if she was thinking too much, but he always looked as if he wanted to tell her something. Especially ever since the day he practically turned her world upside down with one simple action.

At the start of this semester, Kagome had to call Sesshoumaru to the staff office because of his poor grades in English. She was his English teacher, and she had to talk to him in private with regards to his worsening grades. Leading him to the private discussion room in the staff office, Kagome had asked him to sit down beside her.

“Sesshoumaru-kun,” She opened the folder containing all his past examination papers and inclined her head in the direction of the large ‘35%’ encircled in red on the topmost sheet. “Can you please explain this?”


He remained silent, staring at the hideously jarring ‘35%’ with no trace of emotion on his face.


She tried to smile and act as if he had not just pointedly ignored her, and continued, “I spoke to Sato-sensei, and she said your English grades in year two were at an average of nine-five percent. I don’t wish to jump to conclusions about you not working hard enough, but I would appreciate an explanation from you. Why is it that your grades have suddenly deteriorated so much within a year?”


“I have no idea.”


Trying to keep the tight smile on her face, Kagome flipped through the examination paper in front of her. “Why is it that you fill only Section A up and leave the rest blank? If you can score full marks for Section A, there is no reason for you to fail the paper so badly. On top of that, English is the only subject you failed. You got straight As for every other subject, and all the teachers are worried for you.”


Once again, silence was his reply.


Kagome decided not to probe further. After all, Nishimiya Sesshoumaru had always been a very quiet student to begin with, and to pressure him into talking would not do anyone any good.


“I hope you understand, Sesshoumaru-kun. We are all concerned for you, so if you do have any problems which you need help with, we will be here for you. You can always talk to me about it.” She nodded at him encouragingly, before producing a piece of paper with a timetable on printed on it. “This is my schedule for this month and the next…as you can see, these are my free slots, so you can come to me for consultation then.”


She saw how his eyes had lowered such that he looked as if he was lost in his thoughts, before abruptly pushing his seat back from the desk. He stood up from his seat and she looked up into his eyes, searching for any signs of emotion, but there were none. His piercing gaze penetrated her soul, and he said in a quiet baritone.


“If I didn’t fail the exam, would I have had the chance to sit in the same room and talk to you like this, Higurashi-sensei?”


His words, spoken with the heated gaze he held within those captivating eyes, robbed her of her ability to think properly. Kagome was totally fazed on the inside, but her professionalism as an educator demanded her to keep her cool.


“What do you mean by that, Sesshoumaru-kun?” She tried to stop her voice from quivering, and prayed her face did not give her nervousness away.


He continued staring at her for a good five seconds, while those mesmerizing eyes darkened like a raging storm.


Then he caught her by surprise when he held her chin gently but firmly between the pads of his index finger and thumb, tilted her head up such that she was facing him, and pressed his lips to her.


As suddenly as it had happened, Sesshoumaru had released his hold on her, and without a backward glance, left the private discussion room and a dazed Kagome behind. She had to touch her lips to reassure herself she had not been dreaming, and ever since then, she had not been able to look at Nishimiya Sesshoumaru without thinking of that kiss…


Slowly, she made her way towards him. Sittin down on the desk in front of his, Kagome gave him a smile and asked, "The term test is around the corner. How is your English revision coming along?"

He shrugged and replied languidly, "It's coming along fine, I guess."

“Why don't we try some basic English conversation?" Kagome suggested, shifting such that she was now sitting on the chair in front of Sesshoumaru's desk, facing him. "Many Japanese students understand Basic English vocabulary and grammar, but lack the confidence to engage in English conversation. Shall we try a simple one?”

He nodded and relaxed in his seat.

Keeping eye contact with her student, Kagome initiated a simple English conversation with Sesshoumaru, making sure to enunciate each word clearly and slowly.

“What are your favorite subjects, Sesshoumaru-kun?”   He smiled, that was an easy one for him. Confidently, he replied, “I like Math and English best.”  

“Can you tell me why you like English?” Kagome continued.

He nodded, and sat up straighter such that his elbows were resting on the desk. Frowning ever so slightly, he seemed to be searching for adjectives he could use, and slowly, he answered her question.  

“I like English because it is a useful language to learn,” Sesshoumaru said, while Kagome nodded encouragingly at him. He was doing well, and she appreciated the fact that his English grammar was sound. “English classes are interesting because we get to inter…interact with classmates and…”  


“…I like Miss Higurashi.”   His words made her heart skip a beat, but she hastily reminded herself, Sesshoumaru was speaking not in Japanese but in English, and he most probably did not know what he was saying. Reverting to Japanese, Kagome explained patiently.  

“Sesshoumaru-kun, I think you meant to say ‘I like interacting with Miss Higurashi’, as a continuation from the previous part of your sentence.”  

His face was a mask of unreadable emotions, and just as she started wondering if she had said something wrong, he spoke up.   “No, Higurashi-sensei…” His voice trailed off, as if he lacked confidence, but he soon continued in English.   “I like Miss Higurashi.”  

Kagome smiled, but he could clearly see how she was a little flustered by hearing his reply. “Sesshoumaru-kun, I know what you’re trying to say, but-”  

“No, you don’t, Higurashi-sensei.”

The almost-ethereally beautiful teenage boy replied, his voice suddenly increasing in volume. There was just something so powerful about his presence which drew her eyes to his, and Kagome could not break the eye contact no matter how hard she tried.  

“Boku wa Higurashi-sensei no koto ga suki da.” (I like Higurashi-sensei.) He settled for saying it clearly, once and for all, in Japanese. There was no way she could mistake this one for other meanings, and Sesshoumaru added, “Zutto shitai shite orita.” (I have always admired you.)  

Kagome’s heart stopped beating momentarily as Sesshoumaru’s words, spoken so heatedly with silent passion, etched themselves into her mind one by one.   “Sesshoumaru-kun…do you know what you are talking about?” She asked him in a small voice. First the stolen kiss in the discussion room, and now, a confession of his feelings…what was going on? Professionalism got better of her, and she tried to sound stern as she said, “If you tell me that was merely a joke and promise you will not say something like that again, I will not pursue the matter.”  

Silence reigned in the air, thick and heavy like a wet blanket, and Kagome was quite sure she had effectively gotten her point across to the teenage boy sitting across her. She’d hate to use that tone on him, not when she held such a soft spot for him. To see him so subdued and quiet, with his tall, long frame looking exceptionally forlorn, brought forth a twinge of pain in her chest.  

The hard expression on her face softened when she caught him looking at her with a lingering gaze, but before she could respond to it, his hand had reached out and wrapped itself around hers.  

Kagome tried to fight the hold, but she was no match for his strength. He was a grown male after all, and was definitely stronger than her physically.    

“Sesshoumaru-kun! Let go of me now-” She fought against the hold, but it was obvious to both of them the internal fight against her conscience was much tougher. In a swift, fluid move, he pushed his chair back to stand up, before leaning over to claim her lips for himself again.  

A muffled protest was heard from the back of her throat, but he held on persistently, moving his lips sensuously against hers to coax her into accepting his sweet advances.  

Meanwhile, all Kagome’s mind could think was how wrong this simple act was. No matter what sexual tension existed between them, rationality could always find a way to haunt her, and as she felt her resolute to fight his kiss crumble, she heard Sesshoumaru whisper against her lips.  

“Higurashi-sensei…”   Alarms went off in her head and her eyes flown open in surprise. How could she have given in to his advances…the thought was unfathomable, and with a burst of resolve and strength, she pushed him back.  

“No!” She practically shouted, before her voice lowered to a hushed, urgent whisper. “What are you thinking, Sesshoumaru-kun! I’ve already let the previous…incident slide, thinking you’d realize the severity of it, but you keep doing this to me. I am your teacher!”  

“Severity?” His eyes were flashing with hurt and rejection, and in that instant, he looked nothing like the eighteen year-old he was. His voice was quiet, but she could hear the tremble of raging emotions underneath the seemingly calm surface. “What severity?”  

“The severity of this act, that’s what I am talking about! Do you have any idea how wrong this is? What if word got around, and everyone knows about us?”  

“Us?” He leaned in closer to her again, but instead of kissing her, he stopped when his face was merely inches from hers. “Are you saying there is a possibility of…us being together?”  

“Stop reading into every word I say!” Kagome was losing her cool; Sesshoumaru’s presence was driving her senses in a chaotic mess. His lips were so inviting, and the beauty of this boy was drawing her deeper and deeper into a mental quicksand. She could not escape from his gaze; it was so intense, and she was powerless to stop him when he pushed the table separating them aside.  

He drew her closer to him, placing his hands on both sides of her shoulders. She stiffened in his hold when she felt his lips on the top of her head, and the way he drew the fragrance of her hair in with a satisfied breath.  

Then he whispered softly, in the deep baritone that sounded more like an enchanted spell. “Don’t fight it, Higurashi-sensei…why would this be wrong?”  

She whispered back urgently, trying not to shiver. “It is wrong on so many levels…I am your teacher. You are not thinking clearly now; you are caught up in the moment, and you mistake feelings of respect and admiration for love.”  

He gripped her shoulders and pulled her back such that he was staring intently at her. She could see the storm raging within his orbs; it was obvious he was not happy in the least with her repeated attempts to deny him. Yet even in his rage, he was so breathtakingly handsome, and the way he panted subtly with agitation was…so sexy.  

“Why do you look upon me as nothing more than a student?” He asked, his voice betraying his rising emotions. “I’ve tried to fool myself into thinking you are nothing more than a pretty teacher whom I like to look at, but the more I tried, the more I thought of you. I tried to hold back, but I can’t deny it any more…”  


“If you can look beyond everything, and see me as a man who loves you, I will do my best to make you the happiest woman, Higurashi-sensei.” His whisper was ragged, and it shocked her to hear this from an eighteen year-old student. Had she really stubbornly refused to acknowledge what she had noticed between them? Had she stubbornly tried to tell herself he was nothing but a kid, and convinced herself to ignore the heavy tension?  

True enough, he was her student, but the words she had just heard were words of passion spoken from the lips of a man in love. Her rational voice was ebbing away into nothingness, but she did nothing to summon it back.  

He continued. “You mentioned ‘severity’, but what severity is there to speak of if no one knows about this?”

Her hands reached up to grip his forearms, and with a pained whisper which finally betrayed what she also felt for him, Kagome said, “I am a woman who wants something long-term…I don’t want it to be a one-time thing, because if I fall, I fall deeply. I don’t want to play, because I cannot afford the consequences.”

“Then let me tell you this, Higurashi-sensei…” Sesshoumaru drew her into a tight embrace, feeling just how petite she was in his arms. “I have already fallen in too deep.”

She pulled back from the embrace to look into his eyes again, watching the swirling emotions within those molten gold orbs. In that instant, she pushed all her thoughts out of her head.

“Call me Kagome.” She whispered heatedly, and before he could even react, she had cupped his cheeks in her hands and pulled his face down to hers. Standing up on her tiptoes to meet him midway, Kagome pressed her lips passionately to his to finish what he had started earlier.

His lips responded to her eagerly, molding themselves to hers while seeking her permission to allow him deeper. Lost in the growing passion, and the relief of sating the unbearable thirst they had been feeling, their hands roamed each other’s body wildly, trying to bring each other closer. Sesshoumaru’s tongue snaked past her parted lips, roaming the confines of her sweet mouth like an explorer hunting for an oasis, while his large, masculine hands reached lower to caress the back of her thighs.

Kagome stiffened in his arms when she felt his hands roaming higher and higher up her tight pencil skirt to dance across the base of her butt cheeks, before his fingernails scraped so gently across her lace panties.

“This is…wrong, Sesshoumaru…”

He smirked into the kiss when he heard how she had omitted the ‘-kun’ suffix from his name. “But you like it, don’t you?”

“Don’t tease…” She panted softly, gripping handfuls of silver tresses in her hands. Her voice was by now, incoherent bits of whispers. “…here? Really?”

Another hand deftly undid the zipper at the back of her skirt, loosening it such that his hand could gain access to her more private areas more easily. Swiftly, he tugged her panties downwards, almost hissing in frustration when it didn’t come off as easily as he had expected it to. He tugged again, and she giggled at his evident frustration and eagerness, and a sudden chill around her intimate areas told her he had succeeded in his task. She had smiled at that; his joy at succeeding in that simple task was so obvious, and it only served to emphasize how young he was in comparison.

She smiled, and being the more experienced out of the two of them, she undid the zipper of his pants to release his erection. Young and energetic, she mused, as she cast a downward glance. The pants of the high school uniform were a contrast to the ones she was used to seeing, the ones that came with formal business suits. Her ex-boyfriends had been older than her, with the youngest of them being two years older than she was.

Her hand reached between them to cup the obvious bulge, and as if it was a reminder to him, he paused in his actions to reach for his school bag. Fumbling around inside, he pulled out a foil packet from one of the inner compartments of the bag.

Staring at the packet, Kagome’s gaze went to his face and she asked, “You had this in your bag all along?”

He smirked. “In preparation for this moment.”

She laughed, and smacked him on his arm. “Cheeky!”

The smirk on his face melted into a rare, sincere smile. “I really, really like you, Kagome. Teach me, will you? Teach me how to love you.”

A part of her heart melted into a sweet, gooey mess at hearing the heartfelt confession.

Her white lace panties fell to her ankles, and he took the opportunity to push her black pencil skirt up such that it gathered around her waist. The more he touched her, especially after he easily carried her up such that her legs were wrapped around his waist, Kagome no longer felt as if he was younger than her by five years. He was eager yet tender in his loving, with an endearing touch of inexperience, but he was still a strong, virile and attractive man in every sense.

Age was merely a number.

As he pushed into her, picking up a pace of erratic, passionate thrusts in his youthful eagerness, Kagome felt herself drown in those eyes which held so much emotion and love for her. It made her feel so special to know those eyes were only for her and no one else…

…it was a secret only the two of them knew.


Two months later…

“If there are no more questions with regards to the project due next week,” She announced to the entire class. “You can go now.”

A few random cheers erupted from the back of the class where the more boisterous boys were seated, and students began filing out of the classroom amidst choruses of ‘Goodbye, Higurashi-sensei’. She smiled at them and returned their greeting, before packing her belongings into a neat stack.


The tall, lean teenager stopped in his tracks at the doorway to turn back to look at her across his shoulder, his golden eyes regarding her questioningly.

Kagome smiled. “I’ve looked through your project proposal, and there are some aspects which I’d like to discuss with you.”

“Awww, sucks to be you, Sess!” One of his friends on the kendo team, Kouga, commented. “Do you want us to wait for you, or…?”

“It’s alright; you guys go ahead for lunch.” He replied casually with a smirk. “I’ll see you guys at kendo practice at five then.”

Standing at the doorway as his friends left the classroom; Sesshoumaru threw his blazer over his shoulder smoothly and turned to the woman who was waiting for him.

“Where would you like to discuss our project today, Higurashi-sensei?”

She smiled as he approached her, before tilting her head back to receive his kiss.

It was a sweet little secret.



The End.

A/N: I couldn’t resist the little bit of pervy-goodness there, and I hope you guys liked this! I have never written a story with a younger Sesshoumaru, but the idea of it is so delicious; it makes my toes tingle. Forbidden is always good. Please review; I’d love to hear what you feel about this.