The Pirates Destiny by Mary



Japan was a beautiful country, but for many years Japan has been plagued with pirates. They were the vermin that had somehow slipped away from justice like a snake slithers away from its impending doom. Chief Higurashi was very concerned of that, for he had to deal with the ones who survived the pirate’s attack, if there were any survivors. He walk around his office like he always did, trying to find a way to stop the pirate menace ,but when he was on the brink of an idea to stopping the pirates, his eight year old daughter came rushing into his office, Kagome was his fifth child, except Kagome was much different than his other sons and daughters. She had dark black and blue hair that shined like the midnight sky, and she held her mother’s ice blue eyes that could look through soul. His father picked her up into his arms, and asked her, “How are you my little Iris?”

“I am fine father I came in here so as to hide from Sesshomaru.”

“Why would you ever want to hide from the Prince?”

“Because father we are playing a game of tag.”

“Oh, then you should find a hiding place quick or else he will get you!” Kagome jumped out of her father’s arms and quickly dashed under his desk. When she sure she was safe, Sesshomaru smashed through the door. Sesshomaru was much more unique then other children, for he had long flowing silver hair like a river, and sparkling golden eyes that shined like the sun. But that wasn’t the most interesting thing about him; he had markings along his face and body.

Sesshomaru was panting when he entered the room. It seemed like he would pass out right there, but because of his demon blood he would be able handle it. Sesshomaru then looked Chief Higurashi in the eyes and asked, “Which way did Kagome go?”

“I have no idea my dear prince.” Chief Higurashi said whilst pointing to his desk.

Sesshomaru quickly understood what Chief Higurashi was saying to him. He slowly snuck over to the desk, and found Kagome sitting under it with a sweet smile on her face. Sesshomaru kneeled down and poked her noise saying, “Tag you’re it.”

“How did you find me?” Kagome asked with a confused look on her face.

“Lucky guess I suppose.” Kagome got an adorable pout on her face that made Sesshomaru blush a deep red. Kagome took this moment to tag him and run as fast as he could away. He gathered his composer and chased after her. Then they ran outside the Chief’s building and down the street all the time laughing. Chief Higurashi watched from his window as the two children played together. But then a terrible chili went up his spin. He turned around to see Lord Naraku, Ruler of the eastern province, standing before him. Chief Higurashi was so confused that he asked, “Why have you graced me with your presences my lord?”

“I have matters I need to attend to.”

“Oh, and what would that be my Lord.”

“I need to get rid of the only thing between me and the king.”

“What are you saying Lord Naraku.”

“You my dear Chief are the closest friend to the king, and if you were gone then I could fill your place,” said Lord Naraku with and evil grin on his face.

“You are mad if you believe that the king will allow you into his trusted court.”That was when Naraku lunged at Chief Higurashi. When Naraku was close to the kill blow Chief Higurashi struck at his face. Naraku became in raged that he grabbed his sword and began swinging at Chief Higurashi. He barley dogged the Naraku’s sword and got his own. The two battled for many hours, before finally Chief Higurashi had Naraku pinned to the ground. He would have killed him if it wasn’t for Kagome walking in. Naraku took this opportunity to knock away the Chief’s sword and stab Chief Higurashi through the heart. He stood over him and watched as the lights slowly left the Chief’s eyes.

Kagome was so shocked at what had just happened that she let a horrible cry that could be heard across town. Kagome became so enraged that she ran toward Naraku trying to pry him off her father so that she could finish him herself. But Naraku sent her flying back into that wall before she got even close. Kagome was in a lot of pain at this point, and didn’t know what to do. That was when she saw her father’s sword. She picked it up but it was too heavy to hold up for more than a few seconds. She tried lifting the sword again and surprisingly it was lighter than before. She lunged at Naraku and ran him through with the sword. He stumbled back until he crash through the window and fell to his death.

She ran to her father to see if she could save him. But she was to late no matter what she did he continued you to died. He opened his mouth to say his last few words. He said, “No matter what happens, this is your life and you decided the ending to it,” He kissed he forehead and closed his eyes forever.

Kagome was so shocked and confused at that moment she could not tell if it was a dream or reality. She closed her eyes and reopened then so many times hoping this was nothing but a bad dream. When she realized he wasn’t coming back she sunk into a ball and cried her eyes out. Kagome kept asking herself why everyone she loved had to leave her. She hated it, she hated so much. She wanted nothing to do with a noble’s life if everyone she loved died. That was when a thought accrued to her. Why not live that life behind and start a new one? But she wasn’t sure if she could, that would mean she would have to leave the rest of her family behind.

While Kagome was contemplating whether to stay or go a crowed was forming outside to see what had happened. Kagome heard a woman scream and looked outside the window to see what had happened. She saw the bloody corpse of Naraku, and many people gathered around it. Kagome knew the plenty of murder was death even if they were children. So she made her decision quickly. She grabbed her father’s jacket and ran out the back way of her father’s building. She ran as fast as her little feet could carry her.

She had reached her destination, the docks. She looked back one more time at her home, then got on the first ship leaving.