Baby it's cold outside by Missy B


Baby It's Cold Outside

Chapter One: Kidnapped

A/N: Not mine, as if I could come up with something this brilliant.  This will get to Sesshoumaru and Kagome, I just have to go through some formalities first.  And to those of you who don't like that paring.  You've been warned.  Get out now, you've been warned.  And this will reach a mature level, if you don't enjoy sex, or potiential rape scenes(i have not yet decided), then you don't have to read my fic.  That out of the way, I really do hope you chose to read it.  Because I would love to know what you think I've got like six plotlines that I may choose from so I'm not sure Yet lol.  Well I'll stop babbling and get to posting.
~Missy B~


Dust blew across the field as Inuyasha glared at Naraku.  Sweat was on his brow and he panted slightly.  Tetsusaiga was in his hand and he was at the ready.  Naraku laughed evily as he looked at the sight before him.  

The Hanyou was tiring before his onslaught.  The Taijiya, Sango, stood with her Hirakotsu at the ready.  The cursed monk had been sucking all his demons into the abyss he had cursed him with.  They were merely pawns, annoying.  
Then there was the Miko.  She was so innocent, untouched.  She also had resines of untappped power, power that he wanted to possess.  She had light pink waves of power circling around her, it struck out against him and burned him with its purity.

 Suddenly Naraku's form disappeared and Kagome's shrill scream echoed through the clearing.

"KAGOME!!!"  Inuyasha yelled wheering around to see Kagome in Naraku's clutches.

"INUYASHA!!!"  She screamed in the moment before they disappeared.  Naraku's evil laughter echoed in the clearing as Inuyasha gave way to his rage.

When Kagome woke up she was in a very unpleasant place.  It was dripping and cold.  She knew that it was a dungeon.  She sat up, she couldn't remember where she was, what had happened, and what had led to her being in this uncomfortable place.  
She reached back and touched the back of her head.  She had a throbbing headache, she pulled a hand to her face and saw the dark ruby essence of her life that was on her hand.  Her sapphire orbs flickered into realization, once she remembered what had happened her eyes grew dark.

"Naraku...."  She growled to herself.

"Ah, finally awake, I see Priestess."  A voice that sounded like the wind whispered from the doorway.

"Kagura..."  Kagome said as her eyes focused on the witch.  "...Why have I been taken?"

"My Lord, Naraku, wants you of course.  He wants to possess your body and then your power.  He also wants you to bear his demon spawn.  He believes it will be one of the most powerful unions since InuTashio and his wife."  Kagura said and watched the obvious disgust crossing her face.  "Not too appetizing of a prospect, is it Miko?"

"No, not in the least, and I will not consent to this."  

"Who said anything about consent?"  Kagura said and left a shocked Miko to her own devices.


"Son, your brother's Miko has been kidnapped by that foul scum Naraku."  Inu-Tashio said to his son.  
Sesshoumaru glared at the spectral image of his father.  It had struck him weird when his long dead father had returned to him.  Even more so when the demon told him the news.  Why would his father be concerned with a single miko, enough to have him emerge from deep heaven in order to deliever a message to his eldest?

"Why should I concern myself with the wench?"

"I would watch yourself, my son, you are not all powerful as I was.  And also she is no wench.  She is untouched and she holds more power within herself than that miserable hanyou of a son of mine would lead all to believe."  Inu-Tashio said to his eldest, he seemed in a foul mood.

"This Sesshoumaru will no go simply becaue you command father, I be not a pup any longer."

"You are in comparison to me my son, you are."  Inu-Tashio said as he faded out of view, leaving his son wondering why he had come.

"Jaken!"  Sesshoumaru yelled and he saw his imp appear almost immediately at his side.

"What is it my lord?"

"I want you to go seek out the location of Naraku, there is something of interest to this Sesshshomaru there."  

"But my lord, that's--"

"Now, or this Sesshoumaru shall remove your entrails with his chopsticks."  Sesshoumaru said deadpan and Jaken scrambled off.  I wonder where Rin got off to?

I'm sorry for the first chapter being so short.  I promise that I'll make the next one longer! :)  Please read and review it means the world to me and helps me with the writing.  Until next time.~MB~