The Wonders of Tie-Dye by Violetcarson

The Wonders of Tie-Dye

A/N:Saw a challenge for this, but the challenge ended a couple months ago. Wrote it anyway. Ah well. This is pretty much the first IY I've written in months. XD Enjoy.

word count: 275


Kagome was, in general, quite a rational person.

However, at this moment, she was far from rational.

“You BASTARD!!!!” The scream echoed off treetops, startling flocks of birds into flight for miles around. 

He was going to pay for touching her favorite bugs bunny pajamas.


Sesshoumaru was, in general, a frigid bastard.

However, at this moment, he was a completely relaxed pile of mushy taiyoukai muscle and limp taiyoukai bones.

As he awoke, a very small grin spread lazily across his features. His little miko had been simply amazing in her performance the night previously. It was almost as if she was attempting to wear him out as thoroughly as possible.

The demon lord frowned when he reached for the little minx and found her absent. He sat up, looking around the clearing. She was nowhere in sight. Now rather irritated, she knew better than to wander off without him, he reached for his pants where they’d been dropped the night previous.

Every muscle in his body locked up at the sight.

His previously beautiful white hakama were no more. In there place was a glorious mass of pink and purple fabric with little star designs cut into the legs. As his unsteady claws lifted them to inspect the damage, he noticed the inscription that had been added to the backside of the hakama, that would sit right over his ass. To activate, insert stick here. Next to the text was a small arrow.

There was a short pause while Sesshoumaru took in this information.

“KAGOME!” For the second time in as many hours, several flocks of discontent birds were startled from their perches.