Once Upon A Saturday Night by LadySafire

Chapter 1

Prompt Ring:

 Sesshomaru stood looking at the ring of dead grass where the Miko Kagome had stood only minutes before. The area had burned so hot that the grasses were black and brittle, the ground hard and almost glassy. She had glowed like a nova and grasped Naraku her power surging around the evil hanyou incinerating flesh from bone before she and the screaming male disappeared .

  He stepped forward to see if he could find some small remnant of the woman he had lately had more than a passing interest in and paused.

 A glowing orb lay at his feet and hope raged in his heart.

Prompt Hurdle:

 She was aware of she was trapped in orb and wondering why these things always happened to her. No she wasn’t trapped in the Shikon, that was now nestled safely once more in her side as it should have been all along. No, this was a new jewel…One she had no idea how she’d created it at all.

 She could see Sesshomaru outside  her small world and wondered how she could contact him. She figured that would be her first hurdle. Letting someone know that she was now herself trapped in a glorified marble.

Prompt Flame:

Kagome watched with trepidation as Sesshomaru held her little prison up to a candle, the flame dancing dangerously close to the surface. As it moved closer yet, Kagome couldn’t help but notice that it was decidedly getting warmed inside the sphere as well.

  Sweat started to bead along her forehead and neck, turning into little rivulets streaming into her cleavage.

 “Move it away, move it away, move it away!” she pleaded as it shifted ever closer to the burning wick.

 Sesshomaru nearly dropped the glowing ball when a voice shouted around him. “Dammit Sesshomaru, you’re cooking me!”

Prompt Honour:

  “Miko?” the slightly befuddled Demon Lord asked out loud, glancing about his room as she might have suddenly appeared. “Where are you?”

 “I’m still inside the jewel in your hand, Sesshomaru and may I please ask you keep it away from the candle! You are about to cook me!” her voice begged.

   His pale hand pulled it away from the hot candlelight and examined the surface closely. “Is this better?”

  A relieved sigh was heard around him. “Oh yes, much better. I swear upon my honour, I will have more respect for roasted chickens.”

  A deep chuckle filled the room.


 Sesshomaru waited anxiously outside his room in the garden and wondered what could be keeping the relay runner from Edo. A message had been sent to the elderly miko who lived there in hopes she might have the information needed to get Kagome from her sparkling prison.

 He had tried a wish to release Kagome and it hadn’t worked. A deep dread had started in the pit of his stomach that maybe she never would, that maybe she would have to spend eternity in there alone.

 Waves of sorrow and despair rolled off the jewel telling him she thought so too.


There it was! A sudden torch’s flare in the distance telling him the messenger would soon be there.

 Moments later a gasping runner handed him the scroll from Kaede which he hurriedly unwrapped as he nearly sprinted to his quarters.

 Upon closing his door he stopped in disbelief at the words written there. ‘A willing soul must take her place. A soul truly willing to make the sacrifice.”

 Dropping the parchment he moved and picked up the glowing ball.

 She spoke. “Sesshomaru, has the answer come yet?”

  Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes. “Yes, Kagome. You’ll  be out in a moment.”

 A force of will, a flash of light and the miko appeared as a small glowing sphere hit the floor.

Prompt Clear:

Kagome felt a rush of air around her body and felt the firmness of a floor beneath her feet for the first time in days. She stood with her eyes closed for a moment and waited for the dizziness to clear from her head.

  Slowly opening her eyes she cast her gaze about the room looking for her savior. “Sesshomaru?” she called out. Dread filled her heart when she saw the small glowing globe at her feet. “Sesshomaru, you fool what have you done?!”

Prompt Damage:

She sat on his bed and read the scroll she’d found nearby, weeping at what he’d done to help her escape.

 “Why did you do this, Sesshomaru?” she whispered clutching the warm orb. “What about your lands, subjects..what about Rin?!” she cried out in anger. “Do you see what damage you have done? My life isn’t worth this! You are needed here, I’m not!”

 His low baritone filled the room almost physically caressing here skin. “Miko…Kagome, you are worth losing it all if it means you again walk the earth.”

 Prompt Mist:

 She fell asleep holding the new jewel and found her dreamself walking through an iridescent mist towards a familiar outline in the distance. She moved faster towards it flinging herself into strong arms and holding on to his hard body intending to never let go.

 “You need to go back Sesshomaru. You are needed there by so many!” she whispered into his neck,  not realizing  she wasn’t in a dream but in fact had cast her spirit in with him. “I need you too! I don’t think I could live without you.”

 A joyful female’s voice rang out around them. “Sesshomaru, Kagome you are worthy of each other. Go home.”

 A explosive boom and blinding flash found them both back in his room, tangled on the bed and the jewel crushed between their hands.

Prompt Subtle:

They lay on the bed, shock and other emotions bathing their eyes as  their souls spoke loudly to each other. Hands hesitantly touched then stroked, lips delicately brushed, sipping at desires long hidden before greedily trying to drink their fill of the other.

 Two ethereal beings watched enviously as passionate words were exchanged, vows made.

 The ghostly female looked to her tall companion, adjusting the warrior’s blade that hung at her hip. “That makes just one son left, my Lord.” She said laughing. “How shall we make him see that village girl is his mate-to-be?”

 “Midoriko, my dear, I have no idea.” The former Inu Lord sighed. “That boy’s brain isn’t wired for subtle. It may take a rock alongside his head for him to see the light.”

 The two friends shared a laugh and left his oldest son and his miko get on to the business best left to the living.

 Beginning a dynasty.

 Please enjoy and review.