One Letter, Big Difference by Imanewme

One Letter, Big Difference

Sesshoumaru quirked one slender eyebrow as he read the note Kagome left him on the refrigerator door. Kagome was in a hurry, again. The hand-written note scrawled on the flowery notepad paper was barely legible.

Sesshoumaru smirked at the prospect of the hunt before him. "I suppose it's nice she keeps this Sesshoumaru guessing," he thought as he read over her note again.

It was a game that they played frequently. She would leave him a note with an obscure clue and he would immediately be on the prowl to either find. It was a light-spirited game, and Sesshoumaru liked it far more than he would ever admit.

He never knew when a note would pop up. Sometimes it was on the refrigerator, as it was today, and other times the note would appear in places only he would find them, such as stuffed in his left shoe. One thing that never failed; finding Kagome was always a sweet reward.

One day the note had resembled something hastily drawn in a game of Pictionary. She drew a flower and a sun, and he immediately knew she had gone to the garden. One day the note simply read, "children" and he knew she had gone to the park to play with Souta's daughter. Sometimes she simply drew an object on the note and wrote "please" in the corner. She rarely stumped him. Even so, he played along, and Kagome's light laughter when he found her would always make the trip worthwhile.

Sesshoumaru looked at the note again. For the first time ever, he had not a clue what Kagome's note meant. Sesshoumaru folded the note and put it in his pocket. The search was on. So was his arousal.

First he walked to the local library. He scouted out every meeting room in anticipation, but with no success. Clearly his first thought on the note had been wrong.

So, Sesshoumaru stopped by the local antique book store instead. He searched every corner, and every secluded room, but still, he did not find Kagome. She was getting better at this game, he noted, and his mouth watered with anticipation.

He looked in the cyber-café, behind the news stand, and even under the billboard advertising the local college, but he couldn't find her anywhere. Disappointed, he returned home.

Quietly walking through the house, Sesshoumaru looked in every room. The kitchen, the living room, the dining area, the pantry, even the laundry room was empty. Methodically he made his way through the house, finally ending up in the master bedroom.

The smallest giggle gave her away. He smirked and opened the door. He found her, and much to his delight, she was wearing a stunningly red silky negligee.

"You found me!" Kagome giggled again. "What took you so long?"

Sesshoumaru looked down at the note and quirked a brow again. "This Sesshoumaru will always find you."

Looking down at the note again, he decided he just had to ask. "But what is the meaning of this note? 'Preposition'? "

"Preposition?" Kagome sputtered between gales of laughter. "It doesn't say 'preposition' dearest, it says 'proposition!"

In a flash he was on her, pinning her arms to the bed as she continued laughing. He nuzzled her neck and took nips at her ears until her laughter was quieted by small pants of anticipation. Kagome moaned as he slowly grazed his nails down her side, slicing the nightgown and exposing her fully to him.

"This Sesshoumaru has several prepositions for you," he purred.

"This Sesshoumaru has you on the bed." Tracing his tongue down her neck and swirling it around a pert nipple he continued, "And this Seshoumau will have you beneath him." Kissing a trail down her abdomen, he stopped to murmur against her belly button. "And this Sesshoumaru will stay beside you."

Kagome gasped as he took a long lick along her very wet arousal. Looking up into her eyes, and with a teasing nip to her clit he continued, "And this Sesshoumaru will continue until you are beyond your highest peak!"