For Forever My Lord, For Eternity My Love by Koishii_Beloved

Chapter 1

A/N: Thank you Priah for editing. It was much appreciated.

She sat in her chair, staring emotionlessly into the mirror as her ladies finished up her hair. Half of it still cascaded down her back in long tresses and the rest into a large bun. They always talked to her, but she usually did not reply back, only a mere inclination of the head at times. When they were finished, she turned her head, still looking into the mirror to check and nodded her approval. They applied more makeup on her right cheek, for her Master had rose his hand upon her the night before. It was a terrible day to see their Lord angry.

They bowed around her and did not take a second glance back as they did. Some did not understand why their Mistress was so sad. Their Lord treated her better than any slave or pet he had ever had. She was always so sad when she was alone with them. She was either sad or very brash to her Master, which would end up with her bleeding profusely or crying. Said female waited for her Master to see to her. She did not have to wait long though, for he had walked into the room and stared at her as he usually did. His tall, intimidating, stoic demeanor, standing there checking her for himself. After nodding his own approval, he called out to her.

"Pet." Kagome silently stood and walked up to him, waiting as usual for him to put the leash around her neck. Her face solemn as she look everywhere else but at him. When she realized that he grabbed the leash, she wanted to cry. She hated the restraint that he used against her and he knew it as well.

"This Sesshoumaru will leash you because of the behavior you showed the night before. You are quite lucky that I only rose my hand upon you." He grabbed her chin making her look up at him. His golden eyes piercing into her blue gray ones. "Do you understand how generous I am being?" he asked as he stroke her cheek with the back of his hand.

Kagome nodded. "Yes, Master Sesshoumaru." She did not feel like fighting with him right now and using sarcasm towards the demon would not be wise either.

He nodded as he pulled the collar around her neck. "Good. Now come, you will eat, then you will accompany this Sesshoumaru to meet Lord Kito."

He had the long chain of her leash around his strong hand as he led her out of the room. Kagome was quiet as she ate her breakfast, which was only the apple she had chosen from the bowl. Sesshoumaru watched her as she ate. She was not eating like she was before. She was purposely fasting herself. This would not do. Calling for another one of his servants, he ordered them to bring more food. Kagome lifted her head as she looked toward her Master. Before she could protest, his sharp glare cut off her off.

"You will eat." he demanded. "It will not be good for this Sesshoumaru's pet to die of starvation." he said almost gently.

Kagome nodded as she always did with a, 'Yes Master' as she waited. Sesshoumaru waved his hand for the food to be placed in front of the female and as they left, Kagome only stared at it. Sesshoumaru noticed this and growled warningly at her.

"Eat." he commanded and she looked up at him with pleading eyes. "Please, Master. I am not hungry. I-"

"Are you disobeying my order, pet?" he asked icily. Kagome whimpered before she started to eat.

..."Are you saying that I should give up alliances in the Northern Lands, Lord Kito?" Sesshoumaru asked coldly as he ran his claws through his pets hair. Kagome was sitting on her knees beside Sesshoumaru quietly listening to him and Lord Kito talk. Sesshoumaru had a habit of running his fingers through her hair at certain moments like this one.

Lord Kito shook his head as he spoke. "I am not saying that Sesshoumaru-sama. I am only saying that I would be wary of Lord Takana. He is becoming rather... secretive with his findings." said Lord Kito, hesitantly.

Sesshoumaru glanced down at his pet as he ordered her to bring drinks for him and Lord Kito. Kagome stood and bowed as she left the room quietly. It was quiet as both males watched her leave. After the door had closed behind her, Sesshoumaru had turned back to Kito to see him still staring out of the door his pet had left out of. Sesshoumaru growled warningly. "This Sesshoumaru hope you were not gawking at my pet, Lord Kito." The Prince said icily with a small glare.

Lord Kito almost flinched at the tone and thought wisely of his words before he spoke them. "I do not mean any disrespect, Lord Sesshoumaru. Her beauty just caught my eye and I could not help my lingering gaze."

Sesshoumaru grunted and looked away from the young lord as he tried to feign indifference, as if he did not care that Kito stared at his pet, but in the inside, he was raging. No one stared at his pet in that demeanor. No one.

...After Lord Kito had finally left, Sesshoumaru stayed in the large meeting room with his pet as she sat quietly beside him as he continued to run his claws through her hair. Kito and Sesshoumaru still had many things to discuss and Sesshoumaru had allowed the demon to stay for a couple of nights until they were finished with their dilemma.

"Pet," he suddenly called, startling Kagome.

Kagome looked up to Sesshoumaru and waited for him to continue. Looking down at her, he spoke softly, "You did well this morning with Lord Kito." He praised as he pulled a pin away from her hair. Pulling that one pin had Kagome's hair out of the extravagant bun her ladies had put it in. Her hair cascaded down her shoulders and the side of her face and she looked away. Kagome knew what he was doing, he always did it before he attempted something.

Letting his stoic facade fall, he gently turned her face to him and ran a finger over her soft lips and leaned down to give her a slow kiss. Kagome did not react nor pull away from it. She had stopped pulling away from his kisses a long time ago. She wouldn't dare call it affection. It was just an action to show who she belonged to. He did it when he felt like it was needed or when he wanted to. Before he could snap at her, she spoke, her face turned away.

"Why have you changed?" she asked softly, not looking away from him. She saw his eyes narrow and she could only wait for his reaction. The reaction was not too surprising when he grabbed a handful of her long raven locks, making her yelp from the pain. He pulled her head to his lips in a bruising kiss. Pulling back himself, he stared hard into her eyes. Kagome shivered in his angry gaze. She did not know why he had been so evil towards her. Why he had betrayed her and made her a slave for his own pleasure?

"I have told you many times not to question me and yet you continue to do so," he said with a growl as he stood and pushed her away from him.

Kagome saw him stalking closer to her and she tried to back away from him, but the collar around her neck --which was connected to the long chain that was in his hands-- kept her from doing such action. She flinched noticeably when he moved his arm, though this time it was not out to strike her. Sesshoumaru felt a small prick inside him when he saw what she had done.

It was quite obvious she was afraid of him and somewhere inside of him, he wished she was not. Kagome whimpered when she felt the palm of his hand touch her cheek. She really hoped that he would not lash out on her, if he did, she prayed it would not be upon the same abused cheek. Her left cheek was still tender from the night before. When he had put his hand on said cheek, she flinched.

Sesshoumaru held her chin up to him for she was looking down and brushing his hand upon her left cheek, he spoke, "You have disobeyed me." Kagome did not speak after he had made his statement which had irritated him further.

Turning her head to the right side of her cheek, his lip twitched upward bitterly. She had to be punished. Kagome yelped in pain when he rose his hand and hit her upon her right cheek. Falling onto the floor by his feet, she cradled her abused cheek in her right hand. Sesshoumaru smelt the first tear fall from her eye and he growled, irritated with himself as he snatched the chain around his hand as he pulled her towards him.

"Cease your crying," he growled threateningly at her before roughly grabbing her arm and pulling her into his arms. Kagome tried her best to stop but every time she thought of why she was crying and what her predicament was, she continued to do so. Not caring if he punished her again. She hated him, she hated him with a passion.

He growled again, "This Sesshoumaru shall not repeat myself."

"I hate you." Kagome whispered as she snatched herself away from his grasp and stepped away. Wiping away her tears, she stared at him angrily.

To say Sesshoumaru was surprised was an understatement. If he was any other, he would have stood there with wide eyes, but he wasn't anyone else. He was Lord Sesshoumaru and her words stabbed him. She had never said those words to him. Never. Kagome had went on with her scathing words.

"I hate you so much Sesshoumaru! You betrayed me! You said you would never hurt me and yet you lied to me, deceived me and chained me up only to be your slave!" she said as she fought back the tears threatening to spill over.

Sesshoumaru looked away from her hard glare as he felt her anger and sadness spike. He knew she was correct in his ways, but he was a Lord and he would never admit it to anyone. Clenching his fists and trying to ignore her excessive sobbing, he yanked the chain towards him and crushed his lips upon hers.