seasons of love by blackrose


With a sigh Kagome took a long look around her. She thought back to what her life was like before this when everything was normal, and she was just a simple teenager when the only thing she had to worry about was not failing her geometry exam and turning in that research paper. Yes before that day she was normal, but that all changed when the Shikon on Tama was ripped from her body on that fateful day.

"The day when everything changed for me," she thought.

Her life had changed drastically since that day. She had new responsibilities besides getting up in the morning to go to school--a task which she found increasingly hard as the years went by. She now had the responsibility of wandering through the Feudal era in search of the shards of the Shikon which she had shattered.

" A fact that Inuyasha will never let me forget," Kagome thought with a scowl.


She had also made new friends in the Feudal era.

" Sango, my dear sister," for she thought of Sango as a sister. "Miroku, my dear perverted brother," she thought with a snort. I do not know how Sango puts up with his 'cursed' hand."

" Shippo, my dear son," she thought, as she gazed at him playing with some new toy she had brought for him in her time.

" I love you with all my heart. I will enjoy watching you grow into a man," she thought with love in her eyes.

Finally she thought of Inuyasha. "My first love," she thought ruefully. Love was so different than that story book tale of how the young girl fell in love with the handsome prince. They met in the cover of darkness and kissed, and they got married. Kagome smirked.

" Oh yes love is certainly different in the Feudal era. In the Feudal era love consists of cooking, cleaning, and lying on your back for your smelly, greasy, and usually older husband. Love has absolutely nothing to do with marriage here," she sighed.

In truth, she was never really in love with Inuyasha. It was infatuation. which was probably good, for she could never steal Inuyasha's heart away from his first love, Kikyo.

Finally, she looked around her, breathing in the fresh spring air, thinking.

"I always loved the spring best; it is so calm. It just speaks of new life coming forth out of the cold harsh winter, and everything is fresh and new."

She once more gazed around her. "I have a feeling that things will not stay so peaceful for long," she said to herself.

Suddenly, Inuyasha jumped up growling and sniffing the air.

"Inuyasha, what is it?" Kagome sounded worried.

Inuyasha only uttered one word.



Sorry this is a really short chapter, but I have exams coming up really soon. I will try to update as soon as I can. Please review. Oh before I forget I do not own 'Inuyasha.'