Unexpected Meeting by PitaBread

Unexpected Meeting

If you were expecting anything besides SessKag, then you truly do not know me.  I know I owe you guys a new chapter of one of my stories, but I could only work on a one-shot right now, so I figured… better than nothing, right?  It actually took MANY days to do this, when it used to take 6-8 hours to do a oneshot of this length. *dodges rocks thrown at her*  So this was inspired by the drawing “Unexpected Meeting II” by LazyJenny on deviantART.  It was such a great drawing that I had to type this out before it escaped me.  It takes place after the manga ends, so SPOILER ALERT!  And because it takes place at that time, Kagome is over the age of 18.  Inuyasha-lovers, be forewarned – this is a SessKag oneshot.  Enjoy!

Kagome couldn’t wait to wash the labors of the day off her skin.  It had been a tough day.  Inuyasha had left before the sun had risen in order to help a neighboring village that had been attacked by a large, clumsy, but harmless demon.  It had wandered through, accidentally collapsing huts, squashing farms, running off the livestock, and breaking a small dam that kept fish in their area.  They had needed her husbands’ strength and speed to rebuild, and it would be an all-day task, if not two-day.

If that weren’t enough, Miroku had been gone for the past three days to attend to the monk that had raised him after his father passed on.  The old man was getting on in years, and his habit of constantly having a saucer of sake in his hand had finally caught up to him.  With their three children, Sango had opted to stay behind.  But in the early afternoon, she had been called by the villagers to look into a poisonous demon that was rumored to have attacked humans in Inuyasha’s forest.  Kagome could have gone, but the townspeople had found the demonslayer first.  Sango, although retired, donned her taijiya outfit and asked Kagome to watch her children.  She had only recently come back, and Kagome had had quite the day running after the kids.  Rin had distracted them for a while, but the young girl was so much older than them that she grew bored with them and went back to studying under Kaede.  Their Uncle Kohaku had not seen them in months, as he was – last they had heard – was in the Southern Tip of Nippon, exterminating demons.  So, bequeathed with three young and energetic children for the day, Kagome was now exhausted.

The first thing she had done was grabbed a towel, bathing supplies, and a fresh change of clothes as she planned to take a nice, long soak in the nearest onsen.  She longed for the feel of the hot water on her muscles, but even more, she needed some time to herself; she hadn’t anticipated how frazzling it was to look after three young children by herself.  There had been many times where Miroku and Inuyasha had gone off together and she would help Sango, but she had underestimated how much of a difference it had made to have the childrens’ mother there.  Silently, she hoped there would not be another situation that required her to babysit by herself for some time.

Arriving at the tranquil scene, Kagome was delighted to find herself alone; the entire way to the hot spring, she had dreaded finding it occupied.  Fortunately, it seemed everyone else was already winding down at home – something she would be doing as well if her husband were home.  She set her things down at the edge of the water near some rocks.  Her heart skipped as she ran behind some bushes to remove her clothing, and within a few minutes, she was out of her miko’s uniform and wrapped in her towel.  Wishing for the fifty-millionth, seven-hundred and thirty-nine thousand, four-hundred and twenty-third time for modern plumbing, Kagome stepped out into the open.  Four years after she came back to the Feudal Era to be with Inuyasha, she still wasn’t used to this.

Humming to herself, Kagome sat on the ground near her toiletries.  Ready to slip into the water, Kagome reached behind her to remove the tie from her hair.  She threw it towards her clothes in the bushes and shook her hair, letting her ebony locks cascade around her shoulders.  It was a good thing that this was a particularly large hot spring, because she certainly didn’t want her hair sloshing in someone else’s muck.  Ew. 

Kagome cringed at the thought.  “You’d think someone rich at least would want plumbing enough to make someone invent pipes,” she grumbled to herself.

“What is this ‘plumbing’ you speak of?” asked a deep voice that was entirely too close to her.

“Eep!” Kagome managed, a death grip on her towel.

“I did not mean to startle you,” he said.

“B-brother-in-law?” Kagome squeaked.  Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes.  He hated when she called him that.  “Er, Sesshoumaru-sama… what brings you here?”  She knew that squinty look, and seeing as she was not in a position to tease…

“I had acquired a new kimono for Rin.”

As if that was enough of an explanation – and in truth, it was – he said nothing more, allowing her to take the lead in the conversation.  “Oh, that was nice of you,” she said before she could stop herself.  There was that look again.  Deciding she should probably remain silent, Kagome observed him and realized that something was distinctly off.  It had to do with the fact that her husband’s half-brother was particularly paler than usual, and he was unusually short…

This would probably be because he was on her level.  And that would be because he was in the water.  And the reason he was lacking color was because his violet-splashed kimono and vibrant obi, as well as his menacing armor, were absent.  He was, in fact, naked.  In the water.  Not but two feet from her.

“Eep!” Kagome yelped once again.  She watched in amazement as a very knowing smirk spread on Sesshoumaru’s lips.

The dog demon could not figure out how she – a powerful miko – could not have sensed that he – an even more powerful youkai – was only a few steps away, let alone in the general vicinity.  Perhaps she was attuned to him?  Sesshoumaru didn’t know whether to be amused, horrified, pleased, or annoyed.  However, she looked extremely fatigued – perhaps she simply did not notice.  Didn’t she know that could get her killed?  More than likely, she knew, but did not care.  After all, he had seen this mortal woman get in more trouble than he could count.  And most of the times, she had rushed headlong into it, knowing the dangers. 

“Is my brother at your home?” he asked out of politeness.  As if he  - Lord of the West – needed to be polite to this human woman. 

Kagome debated whether or not to tell him the truth for approximately seven seconds before she squealed one more time and fixed him with a glare.  “Yeah, right, pervert!  Inuyasha is close by, so don’t even think about it!”

Sesshoumaru stared at her, annoyed.  “If you are insinuating that I inquired about my dim-witted brother’s whereabouts in order to molest you, you are sadly mistaken.”  He huffed as he turned away, giving the impression of a poodle that was fed cheap caviar.

Kagome, amused and irritated, thought long and hard about whether or not she truly wished to throw her bottle of conditioner at the taiyoukai’s pristine silver hair.  It would be terribly satisfying, but it would not do to have the bottle and its’ contents melted.

“Anyhow,” Sesshoumaru continued, “if I wanted to touch you I would not hesitate, whether Inuyasha was nearby or not.”

It was meant as a haughty statement, but it cause a lightning bolt of anxiety and desire to course through Kagome’s veins.  Her throat went dry, and she could barely think to form a witty retort.  But regardless, he was moving towards the far end of the onsen, where the woman could see a pile of white clothes.  With a breath of relief, Kagome sighed.  This piqued Sesshoumaru’s interest.

He turned, an eyebrow raised.  He noticed that his sister-in-law had a fading blush on her cheeks, and he could hear her heart decelerating from a thunderous rhythm.  She also appeared to be slightly shaking.  Was this a reaction to what he had said?  Was she afraid of him, even after all they had been through?  It had been many moons since he had attacked any of her friends or Inuyasha.  What was she frightened of?  The smell of fear – whether human or youkai – was always something he could easily pick out.  It was an intoxicating mixture of adrenaline and perspiration, with the added bonus of an irregular heartbeat.  “You are… nervous?” he asked, uncertainty lacing his baritone.

For the umpteenth time, Kagome yelped.  Her blush returned tenfold, betraying her words.  “No!  Why would I be nervous?”

“I was pondering the very same question, hence the reason I asked,” Sesshoumaru intoned in possibly the most bored voice he could muster.

“Well, I’m not,” the miko insisted, clutching her towel even closer to herself.

Sesshoumaru was intrigued by her behavior.  Why should she lie about her anxiety, and what’s more, what had her so flustered in the first place?  If it were any other woman, he would assume it was his mere presence.  But this was his half-blooded brother’s wife – she wouldn’t be interested in him… would she?  Suddenly, he was incredibly fascinated with finding out if she was, in fact, intoxicated by him.  After all, he was a much better specimen than the hanyou. 

“Miko,” he called softly as he watched her gather her things as if she were leaving.

Kagome was so surprised to hear him gently call her that she dropped her things, one of the bottles landing straight up.  She was afraid to look at him and didn’t know how to – or if she should – respond, so she stayed quiet and averted her eyes.  But she could feel his flaring youki.  It felt like an incandescent bulb, heating her skin that was closest to him.  But a memory of Inuyasha danced across her memory, and she was instantly resolved. 

What was I thinking!?  It’s Sesshoumaru, for kami’s sake!  And he’s not interested in me – he’s playing some cruel joke so that he can tease Inuyasha about it later.  Angry, Kagome bent to gather her fallen items, but before she could touch them, there was a hand on her face.

He had almost felt how her emotions changed.  One moment she was ready to bend to his will, curious and bewildered.  Then, with an angry set to her mouth and the adrenaline wearing off, her mood swung to the opposite end.  She was going to leave, and for whatever reason, he didn’t want her to.  Has it been so long since I have touched the flesh of a female? he mused.  Or perhaps it is the way her powers gently caressed against his own…  Regardless, he felt he had to stop her.  Without thinking, Sesshoumaru reached out and gently grabbed her face, his dangerous claws resting on her smooth skin.  Her shocked expression wouldn’t last, he knew, but the combination of her wide, staring eyes and the contact between their skin gave Sesshoumaru a tingly feeling in his stomach.  And he hadn’t felt butterflies since the first time his father had taken him hunting.

Kagome couldn’t believe what was happening.  Too shocked to move, she could only look into his predatory eyes.  Her brain couldn’t process what was going on because these golden orbs were so like the ones she had been looking in to since she was fifteen.  She didn’t notice the differences, since she was captured in his gaze, like a mouse staring down the deadly visage of a python.

“Wh…  Sesshou… maru…  Wh-what are you d-doing?”   She followed with a gasp as his clawed thumb ran over her bottom lip.

[Beginning of Mature Content]

For his part, Sesshoumaru was both incredulous and amused.  He couldn’t believe that he was doing this – or allowing himself to do this – but he also found it funny that she wasn’t protesting.  Much.  His hand had acted automatically, not taking his orders directly, but from a different, more primal part of his brain.  He watched it, until she spoke.  That same traitorous hand allowed his thumb to gently caress her mouth, and the spark he had felt earlier settled lower and hotter until it became a flame.  He felt himself grow hard as he smiled gently down at her.  In the forefront of his mind, he gathered the reasons why he shouldn’t allow this: he was his brother’s wife, she was a human, and she was a priestess.  She was a ningen miko, who happened to be his sister-in-law.  So wrong.


There comes a time when you’re too distracted to think, and your body runs on instinct.  Most of the time, it’s when your life is in danger.  But lust also clouds the mind, and for Kagome, this was a cumulonimbus of desire. 

Blushing, she could stupidly feel herself leaning towards him.  Trying to regain control of herself through the grey, soupy mess that was her subconscious, Kagome could only stare as the inuyoukai stepped closer.  This can’t be happening!  I know Sesshoumaru doesn’t hate humans, but for him to do… well, this?!  Kagome didn’t realize her eyes had shut tight, but her mouth was still hanging open like a bass, and Sesshoumaru was mesmerized by her lips, which had recently been moistened – courtesy of that delightful little pink tongue, which he now imagined tangling with his own. 

And then, ever so gently, Sesshoumaru pressed his lips to hers. 

The currant that ran between them was tangible, and together, they sought more.  Now a flurry of black and silver, they explored each other.  Delicate, feminine hands ran over smooth, supple muscles.  Claws scraped down defined arms and shoulders, powerful from years of using a bow.  Kagome pulled back, her lungs pleading for air as her heart erratically pumped adrenaline to every deep, dark corner of her body.  Sesshoumaru felt the loss, but took the opportunity to nibble her jaw line, occasionally scraping a fang over her tanned skin.  This, too, felt familiar to the priestess, but there was no denying the power that now emanated from the Alpha male.  Yes, parts of him were similar to Inuyasha, but his youki was undeniably stronger as a Taiyoukai.  Unable to help herself against the onslaught of both his mouth and his youki, Kagome moaned.

It was like music to his ears.  Unable to keep away from her soft, swollen lips, Sesshoumaru kissed her hungrily, swallowing the sigh.  He yearned to touch her, and his left arm snaked its way around her, pulling her closer to the edge. 

The rocks were rough, so Kagome eased her legs into the warm water.  Sesshoumaru’s other arm gently pulled her towards him, coaxing her into the water.  She took off her towel, throwing it haphazardly towards the grass.  Once she was in the water, the demon pulled away.  At first, Kagome gave a whimper of loss, but when she realized he had done so in order to examine her body, she blushed and had to force herself not to cover her intimate areas.

Unable to convince himself otherwise, Sesshoumaru left the pleasure of her mouth in order to drink in the vision of loveliness in front of him.  Two sides of him warred as he took her in; part of him wondered how he had been so blind to her beauty – her rare, deep blue eyes, her hourglass figure, her shiny, raven-colored hair – and the other part was wondering exactly what in the hell he was doing with a human woman – a miko who happened to be married to his half-wit of a half-brother.  But when she flushed prettily, he told the petty side of him to shut the fuck up, I’m enjoying myself, thankyouverymuch.  With that, he took her lips again, this time with the ferocity of the beast he was, eliciting a gasp from the pretty little priestess, which made him smile in satisfaction against her mouth.

They kissed for so long, Kagome’s jaw felt sore from the intense workout.  She missed this; Inuyasha never kissed her much anymore.  If either were in the mood, they would get down to business.  But this… it was the thrill of the unknown.  The excitement of the forbidden.  The adventure of what was to come.  And as the knowledge coursed through her, Kagome felt herself rub provocatively against the youkai.  To her pleasure, he growled low and long.  He followed up by aggressively grabbing a breast and rubbing a thumb over her nipple.  A whine slipped from her mouth to his; he was pleased that he had regained the upper hand.

Her hand dipped into the water, slinking down his torso.  She could feel his muscles twitch with anticipation as she neared his thick shaft.  But her hand didn’t reach it; he had pulled his mouth away and brought it down to the little pink bud he had been fondling.  He used his tongue to first lick the pert nub.   He could hear her heart racing as she held her breath.  And then, he took it into his mouth, sucking gently.  There was a sharp intake of breath from the petite woman, and then a loud groan as she slumped against him, conveniently pushing harder against his mouth.  He was experienced enough to know what she wanted, and he was more than happy to acquiesce.  With a polite ferocity he retained for females that he bedded, Sesshoumaru bit down, growling. 

Kagome didn’t expect the explosion that heated her from within, but she reciprocated by grabbing his cock.  She was pleased to hear him gasp; to elicit some sort of passionate response from the Lord of the Western Lands… well, that didn’t happen every day, and especially not to her.  In her time, it was akin to being pulled into a celebrity’s dressing room. 

She teased him, pulling his member slowly several times.  Thoroughly tortured, Sesshoumaru bit her nipple once more, then growled to let her know that the provocation was wearing thin.  She could barely muster a smile as the bonfire within grew as he moved his tongue around the sensitive bud, but she decided he had endured enough.  She began to pump him, and he groaned in pleasure.  After several strokes, however, he had other plans.

With a swift motion, the taiyoukai grabbed Kagome by the hips and turned her.  She gasped, surprised with his sudden movements.  And then he was bending her so that her body was curved into his.  She could feel his swollen shaft bobbing against her ass, and she thrilled at the thought of what was coming.  He reached down between both his legs and hers, gently nudging her legs apart. 

No fool to the art, Sesshoumaru knew she was not a virgin.  He wasted no time, plunging into her with his fingers, stretching her. 

“Holy shit!” she exclaimed, grasping the bank and digging her nails into the dirt. 

A smirk crept across the demon’s face.  “Indeed,” he intoned as he moved his digits in and out.  “But we have not yet even breached the surface,” he drawled. 

Secretly, he was teetering on a dangerous precipice – he could not keep this up much longer if he did not want to embarrass himself.  But as a dominant male, he needed to make it clear with whom the power resided.  He pressed himself to her, and their bodies melted together as one.  As he was curved perfectly around her, he was within reach of her neck, and took the opportunity to suckle and bite the sensitive flesh there.  She bucked in response, and her ample assets bumped into his manhood, calling to it.  With a growl, he removed his hand and brought it to his cock and stroked twice before guiding it to her. 

She whimpered when she felt the tip at her opening.  She bit her lip in anticipation.  There was a slight push…

And then, he paused. 

[END of Mature Content]

At first, Kagome thought he was teasing her.  Then, she turned to look at him.  There was a thunderous scowl on his face, and rejection washed the lust from her veins as if someone had injected ice-cold water directly into them.  “Sesshou…”

Too fast for her to see when her brain was still a soupy mess, he was gone.


And just as quickly, she felt the sting of tears high in her nose.  She was shocked at herself, how quickly her eyes watered.  Suddenly feeling ashamed, she grasped at her breasts, covering them.  She felt used.  And now she just wanted to get out and get the hell home.  She started to pull herself out when there was a slight rustle.

“You must wash,” he hissed.

Kagome, stunned, faltered to the point of her knees buckling and falling entirely into the water.  When she resurfaced, she saw Sesshoumaru on the far side of the clearing that housed the onsen.  He still looked pissed.  Clambering to get the hair out of her eyes, she tried to focus on him.  “Wha-what?”

He rolled his eyes as if to say, ‘Gee, Kagome, aren’t you dense?’  “You have become attuned.  He draws near.”  With that, he was gone.

It hit her instantly, and she was suddenly a flurry of soap, shampoo, and water. Now that he had said something, she could feel Inuyasha’s youki traveling at a quick pace towards the village. Surely, he would smell his brother on her.  She needed to get clean, and fast.  And then she needed to get her ass home.  Not bothering to use her conditioner, she finished scrubbing herself and got out before realizing she had no idea where her towel was.  There she was, the mighty Protector of the Shikon Jewel, standing in a field, completely naked.  At a loss for words, the sensation of tears began to resurface.  And like magic, he was there again, a smirk on his beautiful face.

“I believe you were searching for this?” he said in a quiet, deep voice, holding her fluffy white towel in an outstretched hand.

Kagome’s eyebrows met in a scowl as she snatched the cloth from him.  His amusement annoyed her further, and she opened her mouth to tell him exactly how much he irritated her.

His senses told him that, along with the perils involved in pissing off a miko of such substantial power, she was in a vulnerable state, given the circumstances.  So when she opened her mouth, he rushed forward and embraced her while kissing her deeply.  It could only last a few moments, but he wasn’t sure when – or if – he would ever taste her again, and that thought alone was distressing enough.  When he was satisfied, Sesshoumaru left her swaying as he darted away.  At the edge of the forest that led away to the West, he paused.  Looking back at her, he found her swaying with an odd tilt to her mouth.  And then he was gone.  Again.  For the third time.

Once he was out of sight, Kagome could feel Inuyasha’s aura again, surging as it neared.  She wiped the what she was sure was a goofy grin off her face and toweled herself, noting that by now, it was mostly her hair that was still wet.  Dressing hastily in her thick priestess clothing and pulling on her tabi socks and geta sandals, she ran back to the house.  There, she rummaged through her stuff until she found gum and a small, dwindling bottle of perfume.

Fifteen minutes later, Inuyasha walked in to find Kagome chopping up herbs.  Between the fragrant plants and the scent she was wearing, he could barely stand to be in the hut. 

“Yo!  What the hell is going on?”

Kagome trembled at his words and was afraid to turn around.

“Oy!  Kagome!  I’m talkin’ to ya!” he shouted.

Kagome finally spun slowly only to find him covering his nose.  With a mental exhalation, she smiled.  “Inuyasha, I have to make this for the upcoming winter…”

“Damn it, that’s not what I’m talkin’ about.  What the fuck are you wearing?”

Trying to play dumb, Kagome looked down at herself.  “My miko outfit?”

“No!” he yelled.  “That smelly stuff!  You know I can’t stand it!”

“Oh, sorry, Inuyasha.  Honestly, I didn’t know you’d be home, so I just put some on to remind me of home.”  It sounded completely plausible, if she said so herself.

“Keh.  Why don’t you go wash it off?” he asked in an imperious tone.

A smile slowly crept across Kagome’s face until her husband spoke again.

“Oy, Kagome?  Did Sesshoumaru come in to town?  That bastard owes me…”


OK!  So, I’m really, really, REALLY sorry that I haven’t gotten to submitting the stuff you’re actually waiting for, but I only have time for bits and pieces right now, which is NOT enough for my normal chapters.  There have been random days where I’ve gotten something done, but it’s rare.  The next chapter of “That’s the Way Love Goes” is nearly done – one more good day and I should be finished with it.  The next chapter of “Choices, Choices…” will take 2-3 days.  These are writing days, not actual days, so don’t get your hopes up.  I’m so sorry, but I hope you’ll stick with me.  :]

Please go visit the inspiration for this little ditty.  Unexpected Meeting, by LazyJenny: http://lazyjenny.deviantart.com/art/Unexpected-meeting-II-151369708  -PB