The Games Children Play by gen'ei honsho

Leader of the Pack and Bury the Bonehead

The Games Children Play:  Leader of the Pack and Bury the Bonehead

Disclaimer: I do not own anything associated with Inuyasha.

AN: This is one of the stories I wrote a couple of years ago.  It was posted on A Single Spark under the title Playing Games.  I originally planned to stop with just this story but wrote a second game related chapter.  I changed their ages to comply with the rules of XxUnknownXxXEntityxX‘s Chibi Challenge. I stopped writing for personal reasons.  However, I do think this particular story is quite funny.  Please enjoy.

The Games Children Play

Leader of the Pack and Bury the Bonehead

Sesshomaru (7), Inuyasha (5) and Kagome (5)

It was a nice spring day. The smell of the rain from the night before intertwined with the scent of the flowers in the garden as a gentle breeze caressed them. Occasionally a few colorful songbirds would flit from one place to another temporarily marring the otherwise pure white puffs floating lazily in the sky. The ground had been softened by the spring shower.

"What a wonderful day for weeding the garden," Mrs. Higurashi commented to the little girl whose hand she was holding as they walked to the rose section her employer's garden.

"I got my bucket and shovel to dig up the weeds a throw them away, mama," said the 5 year old ebony-haired, doe-eyed Kagome smiling up at her mother and holding up her yellow plastic bucket and shovel. She was a mini version of her mother. Both wore a wide-brimmed straw hat, jeans overalls, a white tee shirt, rubber boots and gardening gloves. Of course, Kagome's gloves were five times too big for her little pudgy hands.

"That's good, dear," Saya praised her daughter as they came to their destination, "Now be careful, Kagome, don't pick up anything sharp and don't play with any creature you do not recognize." She put down her weeding accessories next to the first bed or roses.

"Yes, mama," she replied as she watched her mother pull out two pads and put them on the ground. Kagome kneeled down on the one in front of her waiting for her mother to do the same. As soon as Saya knelt down, mother and daughter started removing weeds.

Ten minutes into their weeding, two white heads bobbed into sight. The employer's young sons, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha, had picked up Kagome's scent and wanted to play. Sesshomaru wore a white kimono with purple honeycombs and flowers around the neck and sleeves, a purple and white obi, white hakama and black boots. Inuyasha wore his favorite outfit a red hitoe, white kosode, red obi and red hakama and was barefoot.

Saya looked up as soon as she noticed their presence. She smiled and bowed to the two boys, "Good morning, Sesshomaru-sama, Inuyasha-sama." Kagome smiled at her two playmates that came to rescue her and took off her hat and gloves.

"Good morning, Mrs. Higurashi," Sesshomaru said bowing slightly, "May Kagome come play with us?"

Before she could answer, Inuyasha had already roughly pulled up the kneeling Kagome by her arm and was dragging her along behind him back in the direction from which he and Sesshomaru had come. "Come on, Kagome," Inuyasha flashed a fanged smile and ordered her, "We're gonna play Leader of the Pack. I'm gonna be the alpha and you're gonna be my mate." Sesshomaru's eyebrow arched and twitched at the same time in reaction to his half-brother's words.

"Yes, Kagome may play with you," she giggled at the younger males antics before answering the polite Inu pup and then added, "Play nice and be polite Kagome."

"Yes, mama," Kagome replied as she tried to wrestle her arm away from Inuyasha, "Inuyasha, lemme go! I can walk on my own you know." Sesshomaru quickened his pace to catch up to the two younger children.

"Well, get a move on, stupid girl," Inuyasha complained ignoring the daggers being stared into his back by his brother. Walking only a short time, they arrived at the playground. Inuyasha proceeded to climb up to the fort located next to the slide. Once he reached his destination, he got on the slide and slid down howling.

When he landed from his descent, Inuyasha expected to see Kagome waiting for him. Instead, she was sitting on the swing being pushed by Sesshomaru.

"Higher, Sesshomaru," Kagome called out as she laughed.

Sesshomaru, smiling, stood silently and waited for her return so he could push her higher. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the bane of his existence stomping toward him. Sesshomaru pushed Kagome one more time before Inuyasha came up to his side, "Who do you think you are? I'm the alpha and she's my mate! She does what I want her to do!" He reached out and grabbed the swing chain and jerked it to a stop making Kagome fall off and hit her head on the ground. She put her hand to her head and started crying.

Inuyasha put his hands on his head and began to panic. He started hopping around Kagome in a circle occasionally removing his hands from his head to motion her to stop crying, "Please don't cry, Kagome, I didn't mean it."

"You're a meanie, Inuyasha," she said in between sobs.

Sesshomaru growled at Inuyasha and stated in an angry voice, "Since we're playing Leader of the Pack, I challenge you for position of the alpha." He walked over to his half brother and whacked him on the back of his head with a fist. Inuyasha fell to the ground knocked out cold by Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru sat on the ground next to Kagome calming her down by wrapping his fluffy tail around the injured girl. "I guess I'm the alpha now," he stated and then said, "I say we play a new game. One I call--Bury the Bonehead."

Kagome sniffed a couple of times and smiled, "I'll need to go get my bucket and shovel so I can play."

"Very well," Sesshomaru said helping her up, "Inuyasha and I will start playing."

"'kay, be right back," Kagome said as she raced back to her mother.

"Kagome," Saya questioned her daughter's return. "Why have you been crying and what are you going to do with your toys?"

"Inuyasha was being mean, so Sesshomaru said we could play a new game called Bury the Bonehead," Kagome explained before she skipped off to play.

- Ten Minutes Later -

Saya was pulling some weeds when Lord Inu came up startling her, "Have you seen my pups?"

"Oh, you scared me," Saya said bowing to her employer.

"I apologize," he said, "I've tried to sniff out my boys, but all I smell is dirt, rain and flowers mixed with a faint scent from both my boys and Kagome. Their scent is everywhere so I'm having trouble pinpointing their location."

"They were playing Leader of the Pack, but Kagome came back to get her shovel and bucket because Inuyasha was being mean. She said Sesshomaru changed the game to one called Bury the Bonehead," Saya explained to Inu.

Inu's eyes flew open, "Which direction did she go?" He asked urgently. Saya stood up and pointed in the direction she last saw Kagome skipping. He took off running with Saya following behind him.

Finally, Inu heard the tinkling of Kagome's laughter near the koi pond. Both concerned adults walked closer to the laughter and saw dirt flying through the air. Small clods of dirt were being hurled out of a hole, landing on Kagome and an unconscious Inuyasha. Saya put her hand to her mouth in disbelief and Inu growled.

"Sesshomaru!" He barked. A rather large white dog popped his head up from a huge hole in the ground. He tried not to look guilty, but his mud-covered paws gave him away. "What in Kami's name are you doing?"

"We're playing Bury the Bonehead," Kagome innocently said still giggling as she pulled clods of dirt from her hair, "Sesshomaru and I are doing the burying and Inuyasha is the bonehead."