In the Shadow of my Heart by Sokai

Chapter One


I do not own InuYasha characters or any of the original plots, but I do own everything else. Please do enjoy.




InuYasha has been raping Kagome. She tried to kill herself. Running away the hunter believes he killed her, but wait! Sesshomaru was watching. Will he help her or let her die? Possibly could he become a friend or something else? Please R&R!!!! ENJOY!!!




Chapter One



It was a cold, dark day. The sun had not shown its light down on the land of ancient Japan for seven days now. People were beginning to wonder if the world had gone dark forever. It had been raining almost non-stop all these days. A storm sent only to cleanse the land bringing new opportunities to light for some. It was quiet with only the sounds of sighs of people waiting for the storm to be over so they could carry on with their lives.


By the side of a small pond in the early morning, a young girl sat waiting for the rain to come back pouring down upon her. Her skin was pail white like winter's first snow, eyes blue like the sea, with hair black as a raven. She looked saddened as if someone had died. In fact the person she knew inside of her was dead for the love she had was gone forever.


He had left her there, wanting nothing more to do with her. He had gotten his pleasure from her by raping her again and again over the years looking for a jewel. Now he had it and she was no use to him anymore. He took the woman he really loved who was expecting his child, leaving the girl heartbroken and beaten. She knew that her parents had an arranged marriage waiting for her when she returned home. She did not love him though. The love she had for anyone or anything was ripped from her heart and soul then smashed onto the ground like an unwanted piece of dirt.


She was unable to gather herself to head home. She was just frozen staring off into the pond as if something would reach out and make things better again, not being careful that there was danger all around her. Any kind of human or youkai could be near just wanting a meal or a moment to pleasure it's self.


She did not care.


She wanted to die.


She believed that she had nothing else to live for, not even for the smallest piece of her broken soul.

If you looked real close you could see that she had been crying. She was in her own world not knowing of her surroundings. Someone was watching her. They could not go near because they sensed her power. They did not wish to turn something harmful into a fight that could cause death. They felt for her as if they almost knew the pain she was going through.


Voices could be heard, but she did not respond to them. As they came closer she pulled a dagger out of her kimono sleeve. Not even looking as she slowly took the blade to her wrist wanting to end her life and the pain she felt. With grace she slowly slid the blade deeply across her wrist only hearing her name being screamed out to her before falling into darkness hoping to never again wake.