Keeping Secerts by Talulabell

New Girl

 Authores note: K so I know I have put this story up here several times but this time i have updated and have most of the story already written. I am determeed to finsh this. Thank you for reading and please review I love feed back.

<3 Talulabell

P.S. If anyone would like to be my Beta I could really use one please leave me a message or email me.

Disclaimer:I do not own Inuyasha or Kill Bill

Chapter 1


She looked down at herself in the mirror studying her new school uniform.


“Damn this skirt is short” Why the hell would one of Tokyo most renounced privet school make her wear this! “Oh well. Time to practice.” She closed her eyes and took in a big breath.


“Hi my name is Kagome Higurashi. I am 17 years old. I was born in Okinawa, Japan and have never lived in Tokyo before. I have a mom that stays at home and a dad owns a bar. I have one younger brother and my favorite color is green.” She recited with a fake smile. “My favorite thing to do is to read and draw, and I love gymnastics.  Oh and I love boys. I’m boy crazy.” She gave a fake giggle that soon turned into a bitter laugh.        


“This is so fucked up. Why can’t I just be myself not some happy go lucky cheerleader….Oh that’s right cuz then He would find you and all would be lost.” She sighed.


She looked out her bedroom window at Tokyo. All the places she had been, lying about her identity had been easy, but back in Tokyo where the lies began, it was hard not to be herself.


“Maybe I can half way be myself and half way be Kagome. Tokyo’s a big city maybe he won’t find me.”


She knew she was lying to herself but she mentally squished her common sense. She looked one last time at herself, then turned, grabbed her keys, hide her knife under her skirt, grabbed her sword, and walked out her apartment door.



Sesshomaru looked out he window of his A.P. chemistry class.


‘School,’ He thought. ‘A waste of this Sesshomaru’s time,’


All of his classes were too easy, the people too boring to talk to, and the girls were all too tiring and complained too much to fuck. Sesshomaru was down right bored. Nothing interesting happened at school and taunting, his half brother was no longer any fun. He sighed again.


“Oi, stop sighing it getting annoying!”


Sesshomaru looked over at Bankotsu and snarled. Ban gave a weak smile


 “ He he sorry, but it’s kinda annoying” he whispered 


Sesshomaru growled again and resumed looking out the window. He stared as a blue motorcycle pulled up into the parking lot.  He watched as the bike parked and a girl jumped off. He watched as she took off her helmet and shook her head letting her black hair tumble down her shoulders. He couldn’t look away as she started desperately brushing her bangs and then, giving up, moved to fuss with her school uniform.


“Wow! Whose the hot chick?” asked Ban.


Sesshomaru didn’t answer but kept watching as the girl grabbed her bag and helmet and walked through the door. Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow.


‘Hn. A new girl?’





She looked over her shoulder one last time at her bike, making sure the sword hidden under wasn’t obvious.  Seeing that it wasn’t noticeable she walked into the front door.  She looked up and down the empty hallway

‘Oh shit I’m late’ she thought ‘Everyone is already in class.’ She turned the corner and took off at a fast paced walk down to the office. ‘Those old ladies in the mall would be proud’ she thought


She already knew the where everything was, what every single students’ name was, their background, and who their parents and grandparents were. She knew where the teachers had graduated collage, whom they were married to (if anyone), how many kids they had (if any). She already knew everything about everyone. She had too. She had to make sure that no one knew who she really was or knew Him. As long she played it safe even people who were I contact with Him (which thankfully wasn’t many at this school) wouldn’t find out who she was.


‘I’ll be safe.’ She thought. Though she really didn’t believe that. He had taught her to always doubt, always be on her guard, but she couldn’t do that anymore. She thought if she kept doubting, kept being on her guard, and never made friends she would emotionally crumble….well even more that is. Not to mention her state of loneliness had her talking to herself and her cat more and more often.


“I’ll be okay, just play it safe” she whispered to herself as she finally reached the office door. “Okay here we go.” She slapped on a fake smile and pushed open the door.



Sesshomaru couldn’t stop thinking about he motorcycle girl.


‘Who was she? Why was she starting school in the middle of October? Where was she from? Why did a girl like her ride a motorcycle? What classes would she be in? Was she a junior or a senior?’ He hoped she was a senior or at least taking advanced classes so he could meet her.  Sesshomaru inwardly growled. Why should he care who this girl was she most likely was not worth his time or effort.


Unfourtanly his efforts to forget about said girl were futile seeing Bankotsu voiced the very questions Sesshomaru was pondering.


“You think she’s a junior or senor? With a body like that it wouldn’t matter if she’s younger. Damn”

Sesshomaru once again questioned why he was friends with Bankotsu when he was so very annoying but quickly his thoughts were brought to a startling halt as he watched the door handle turn and the new girl walk into the room.




“Here’s your schedule, and your agenda book. School starts at 8:30, we don’t tolerate lateness. Lunch is at 12:15 ends at 2:15, you can eat inside or outside but no leaving campus or you’ll be suspended. School ends ate 3:10; all sports and after school activities start at 3:30; if you are caught skipping last period of the day immediate suspension.  That’s all you need to know. If you have any questions, don’t ask me, ask one of your fellow peers or anyone else, just not me. I got better things to do than deal with stupid questions.


“Umm…yes ma’m’.”


“ Why are you still here, off you go it was bad enough you were late, now go, I got stuff to do!”


“Umm…yes ma’m.” She quickly ran out the office door. ‘Damn what a bitch. I can officially scratch sectary off my list of thing I want to do with my life. Well not that it was ever on my list. I don’t even think I have a list. Hum maybe I should start one. Stuff  I want to do with my life, well not technically my life but Kagome’s. That not a bad idea. Wait where am I going?’


She looked down at her schedule ‘A.P. chemistry. That should be easy’ with a small smile she made her way to the A.P. chemistry room.




Okay so this is Kagome’s Bike I love motorcycles like crazy so her bike will make a lot of appearances and is a part of who she really is, and this is the same type of bike The Bride rode in Kill Bill I just a different year.