Finally by DawnFire_ice

Chapter 1

Chararters not mine

Kagome stared out the window of the the cafe with an unseeing stare. It was unbelievable that after so much time that her link to the past was gone. It had been a struggle to climb out of bed in the mornings for the last few weeks as the reality sank in. They were gone. Sango, Miroku, Shippo and Inuyasha and...Him. It was still so hard to think of his name and not feel confused despair.

After He had saved her during the battle with Naraku, Kagome had been unable to get his face out of her mind. It had been close to sheer torture to be close to Inuyasha just because of the similarities between them. Though it was hard to admit part of her had been glad that her adventure was over as it made the guilt over thinking of him less when she didn't have to face his brother daily. However even that tiny ray of light couldn't pierce the darkness that seemed to enshroud her day to day life now that she had no chance of seeing him.

Kagome traced the edge of her styrofoam cup with her index finger while she continued staring out at the bleak gray sky that peeked through the spaces between the buildings. Somehow she needed to snap out of this depression. It really was pointless as there were no demons in her time. Or at least none that were overly noticeable. She sighed chewing on her bottom lip. Her mother had set her up on another blind date for this evening but Kagome just couldn't bring herself to be happy or grateful for the effort. Sometimes Kagome wondered if arranged marriage was such a bad idea... She grimaced at the thought and took a sip of her latte, “blech, cold.” she muttered as she pushed the cup away.

Outside the sky lit up with a bright flash of lightening making Kagome turn to look. She blinked and rubbed her eyes not sure if she could trust her own eyes. Standing on the corner, wearing a long black trench coat was a familiar being. The sky lit up again and Kagome jumped to her feet and dashed out the door of the cafe. “Wait!” she called out as the sky tore open and released a torrential down pour.

Momentarily blinded by the now wet hair in her eyes Kagome paused to wipe the her vision clear. It took a moment to swallow the disappointment that rose up inside of her and she turned her face up to the icy drops to help force back the wave of tears that wanted to break free. “That was you, wasn't it?” she asked the rain softly after finding that he was gone.

People dashed past her as they ran for shelter from the rain but Kagome stood where she was, uncaring and unmoving in the silvery sheets of precipitation. She might have stood there for hours if a large hand hadn't landed upon her arm and drawn her under the relative shelter of the over hanging awning. “I should think that You would have more sense than to stand in the rain during a thunder storm.” he said quietly. Kagome froze unable to turn to see the owner of that wonderful rumbling baritone. His voice lowered even further “It took me nearly a century to get the truth of where you went from that baka brother of mine, Ka-go-me.” he said as he leaned closer to her ear his warm breath tickling it. Kagome shivered, her reaction having nothing to do with the rain.

Turning her around to face him, he gently turned her face up so that he could look at her. Even knowing that she had crossed times before it was still a small shock that she looked no different than the last time he'd seen her. His topaz eyes eagerly drank in her elegantly shaped face with her large cobalt eyes that had haunted him since the day he'd first laid eyes on her and her shapely figure with her perfect curves. She had lost a bit of weight but that wouldn't be an issue from this point on. Her lips though drew his attention and he frowned at the light blue tinge they were taking on. She needed warmth and soon or her fragile human body would succumb to illness and that was unacceptable.

Stepping away from her for a moment He hailed a cab before turning and firmly but gently guiding her in to the cab before climbing in after her. After giving the name of the high class hotel he was staying in he settled back into the seat. “Did a cat get your tongue Kagome?” he asked playfully his lips quirking into a smirk.

Kagome blinked as though waking up from a daze. “What...? why...? How...?” she stuttered though her chattering teeth. Sesshomaru frowned before un-belting his trench coat and drawing her to his side wrapping the coat around her for warmth. Kagome closed her eyes letting his body heat seep in to her. She didn't care it it was another daydream she felt safe and protected in his care. When she woke up the pain of loss would be doubled but for right now it didn't matter. Taking a deep breath she could smell his unique scent that she'd only had the privilege of smelling once but had never forgotten. The combination of rain kissed earth, wind and the slight sweet scent of his toxin made him smell delicious. Vaguely the thought of what he might taste like crossed her mind but somehow she was able to not lick her lips.

He was pleased. Very pleased. He had been waiting to see the strange little miko again and now he was not planning to give her back. He'd had five hundred years to figure out that what had begun as mild curiosity had morphed into something stronger and more shocking than any feeling he'd ever had. He the Western Lord who was notorious for his assumed dislike of humans had done the unbelievable, he'd fallen in love with one. When he'd realized his feelings he'd been disgusted with himself but that had been centuries before, now he knew that he was never going to be able to forget her...

Her violent shivers had stilled and as the cab pulled up to the door Sesshomaru slipped the coat from his arms and wrapped it around her before stepping out of the cab. Her smaller form was dwarfed by the trench coat and it made him smirk. Shifting her to one arm he pulled out a bill without looking at it and thrust it through the open window of the front seat. “keep it.” he stated before turning away and walking quickly through the rain to the front steps. Kagome snuggled closer to him as he walked swiftly to the elevator and pressed the number for his floor.

She was warm and happy for the moment. Content to drift off to sleep and never wake up, she was startled when the warmth was suddenly taken from her. The sound of running water filled her ears as the steam began to rise into the air. Startled from her daze she realized that she had no idea how she'd gotten to where ever it was that she was. A masculine voice was speaking in the other room and Kagome began to panic. Had she been so out of it that a complete stranger had been able to pick her up and take her to an unknown location? The obvious answer was yes. A tingle raced down her spine and she froze. Youki! A lot of it. Wherever she was there was a youkai that had as much or more power as Sesshomaru!

Now Kagome was scared. What was she going to do? She wasn't exactly helpless but then again this wasn't exactly the Sengoku Jidai either, so she couldn't go around purifying random demons. A faint memory tickled her senses and she inhaled “I know this smell.” she thought curiously trying to place the smell with the memory. Closing her eyes she let her mind wander to the past and the youkai she knew...

“Its dangerous to get so lost in your thoughts that you are unaware of your surroundings, Kagome.” a male voice said from the doorway behind her. Kagome froze at that rumbling baritone voice like warm honey. “You... are you real?” she asked still afraid to turn around. She heard him take a step but she knew that he had made a noise for her benefit the youkai could move with as much sound as a shadow if he chose. The light touch of his warm fingertips against her cheek made her close her eyes in pleasure. “You can feel me, can't you?” he asked.

Kagome shook her head. “That is hardly comforting when I can feel you in my dreams and fantasies.” she murmured. He leaned his head close to her ear. “You dream of me, little miko?” he whispered in to the shell of her ear. For a moment she couldn't breathe as she felt his breath on her ear and neck. “Mmm...yes.” she replied as her mind began to fog with pleasured thoughts. “What fantasies do you have that you can feel me, Kagome?” he asked lowering the timber of his voice in to an indecently seductive growl. Kagome shivered as he breathed again on her neck.

His hands slid up her back and brushed her shoulders. “Do I touch you here?” he asked pausing at her collar bones. Kagome swallowed and nodded mutely. His sinful fingers brushed the sides of her breasts as he moved his hands to her waist. “And here?” he asked his voice still the deep seductive growl that was making Kagome's skin ignite with heat and goosebumps. He brushed the underside of her breast with his thumb as he gathered her wet hair with his other hand to expose the graceful column of her neck to his heated breath. Slowly he moved the hand at her waist to her back and using a single claw slit the material of her soaked shirt, he pushed it aside and waited to hear her gasp when his hand touched flesh.

Gently and unhurriedly he slipped the ruined garment from her arms and with a flick of his fingers the clasp of her bra was undone as well. Kagome whimpered softly but he moved his lips to her shoulder and throat while he distracted her as he continued to undress her. Kagome's skirt fell prey to the masterful use of his claws and her panties soon followed.

Fully nude Kagome trembled under his touch but her knees nearly gave under her when his claws lightly brushed her inner thigh. “How else do I please you in your fantasies Kagome?” he purred as he slowly went to his knees behind her.

Kagome couldn't think as he trailed kisses on the backs of her legs and knees. “ uh” She felt first one foot lift from the ground and then the other as her socks and shoes were removed, but she was still lost in the pleasured haze his mouth was causing in her brain.

Her feet left the ground as she was swung up in to powerful arms for a moment before the soothing heat of water surrounded her chilled body. He left her for a moment but she heard him return as the water sloshed softly. Kagome closed her eyes in bliss as his hands slid over her flesh in the water. “I want to touch you in other places Kagome, may I?” he asked in her ear. Mutely Kagome nodded and then sucked in a swift breath as he seized one of her tawny nipples with his thumb and forefinger. He stayed behind her as he moved to the other breast leaving the nipple firm and erect. With his free hand he reached down to the apex of her thighs and brushed his fingers across the triangle of downy curls.

“I want you to say my name Kagome. Call out for me as I make you come alive again. I want you to beg me to fill you, to take you as no one else ever can or will.” he whispered in to her ear, eliciting a moan from her lips. She trembled in his arms as the pad of his thumb brushed her hidden pearl. Never having been touched by a man like that the pressure that he'd built inside her with his words and touches exploded as a white hot blaze of pleasure. His name fell from her lips as he slipped a clawed digit between the feminine folds of her sex.

His groan of pleasure rumbled through her as he carefully inserted a digit inside of her hot wet core. She was ready for him but she was so tight. He wanted to feel her with his aching male member as he slowly pumped a finger in and out of her. Her moans were growing louder and as he built that wonderful pressure up again.

This time as she came she screamed his name for all the world to hear.


Panting Kagome shot from her bed. Her shout woke her from the best dream she'd had in forever. Beside her the male figure stirred. His amber eyes fogged with sleep and his silver hair mussed from the activities of earlier.

A smirk graced his lips as he took in her appearance. “I take it that it was so good that you had to relive it in your dreams?” he teased. Kagome's face burned with a blush as she buried her head in her pillow.

“Wake me when I'm dead.” she commanded from under the pillow as her long time mate chuckled quietly in the silence of the room. He was not going to let her brush off this dream...Oh no, now he had a way to get her back for the night he'd dreamed of making love to his mate and woke up with her pillow instead and her giggling madly with a video camera.

Now he had an edge...Finally.
