Expired? by FangedBeasty


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Author Note: Response to Skye's “Secret” challenge. Tell me your thoughts on what you think? I will be very grateful. * puppy eyes* c'mon no one can resist those!!!


Kagome had been getting sick in the morning for the past few weeks. She had been ignoring it, because when she and Sesshoumaru were intimate, they had always used a condom. Not once had it broke, Kagome would have noticed. She thought that it was just a bug going around, but that soon ended when her period was late.


She kept her worries to herself “Sesshoumaru, I will be back soon, I have to get something,” Kagome said, a small amount of fear leaking into her voice. Sesshoumaru smirked when he heard the door close, he knew why she was freaking out. She had told him that she would love to have kids, but she didn't want to have kids until she was further in her career. Sesshoumaru had gone along with it, until it was three years after he had first asked about pups. He was getting impatient, and neither of them were getting any younger. He wanted to have at least four litters. After a woman became pregnant by a demon, they wouldn't be fertile for awhile, depending on the breed of the father.


Sesshoumaru, as a dog, made the woman be infertile at least five years after. Kagome was twenty-five at the moment. Meaning, that he still might be able to pull off four litters if he planned accordingly. He didn't want to wait any longer, and chance not getting all of his wanted litters. So he switched condoms. Normal condoms were no good for demons to use. Their sperm was much smaller than humans' and so they needed a material with much smaller pores.


Human-condoms would keep the majority of demon seed from entering the womb, allowing only the strongest to make it that far, without any nutrients. He just hoped that Kagome wouldn't find out about his little secret. He would be in big trouble if she ever did.


Kagome rushed home after she got the pregnancy test, she bought seven to be sure. Once she got home, she brushed off her mate and went to the bathroom. She waited the alloted time for each of the pregnancy tests, and screamed when they all were positive. Sesshoumaru quickly, ran upstairs to see his mate crying on the floor. “Kagome what is wrong?” Sesshoumaru said, easily hiding his glee.


Kagome sat there stunned, “Sesshou, I am pregnant. I didn't want this to happen, yet. Why didn't the condoms work?” Kagome asked, she was afraid. She would now never be able to return to work. She had heard that male demons made their mates get pregnant every time that it was possible after the first successful pregnancy. With Sesshoumaru as a mate, Kagome was sure that nothing would hurt the pups in her womb.


Sesshoumaru was in the middle of thinking up something to say when she beat him to it, “I know what it was,” Sesshoumaru grimaced, inwardly, “the expiration date, you must have forgotten to check it,” Kagome said. Proud of herself for catching up on it.


Sesshoumaru sighed, barely audibly. “I normally don't check the expiration dates,” Sesshoumaru said, adding 'of human-condoms,' mentally. Kagome smiled up at him. She wasn't mad, she couldn't really blame him for not checking. They did get quite passionate.


“I have to go tell the others!” Kagome said, excitedly, as she hurried out of the door. Sesshoumaru looked sick. She was off to tell Inuyasha, and he knew that Inuyasha would tell her the truth. Oh, he was definitely going to be in the dog house.


Kagome called everyone to meet her on her way the their favorite restaurant. They all met her there, eager to see what had her so happy. “Guys, I know it was unexpected, but I am pregnant!” Everyone looked at her like she had grown an extra head.


“What do you mean, I thought you guys used condoms when you fucked,” Inuyasha said, always the crude one. Sango nodded.


“We do, but he forgot to check the dates a few times, and well here we are. I am not so sure if I am ready, but it is too late now,” Kagome said, beaming. Inuyasha looked very confused.


“Demon-condoms don't expire, Kagome,” He said, not understanding. Kagome looked just as puzzled as Inuyasha had, just a moment before.


“There are demon-condoms?” Kagome asked, dumbly. Shippou nodded.


“Kagome, demon-condoms are made especially, so that the smaller sperm of demons can't get the female pregnant. Since demons are a well-kept secret, only demons can get them. They have to go to certain pharmacy stores and ask for them. The worst part, Kags, demon-condoms don't fail. They have a small amount of reiki in them. It isn't enough to hurt the demon-lover, only enough to kill the sperm. Sesshoumaru must have been lying if your pregnant. He must have used condoms he knew would get you pregnant,” Sango said. She hadn't really wanted to tell Kagome. Sesshoumaru and her had a very nice relationship; however, it was wrong what he did.


Kagome grit her teeth and said, “I see, guys would you excuse me, I have someone to murder.” Everyone say the look in her eyes, and everyone held a small amount of pity for the demon. All agreed that he deserved it though. Kagome drove home, not letting her anger out in her driving. She was angry, but not stupid.


She quickly walked through the house, looking for her mate. She couldn't find him anywhere until she looked outside of a window. There he was working on the dog house, she didn't know why, Doofy had been content in it for awhile now. She walked outside, trying to control her anger. Sesshoumaru looked up and hurriedly went into the house next to Doofy.


Curiosity temporarily, overtook her anger. “What are you doing in there?” Kagome asked almost laughing. He hated that house, why would he go into it, willingly? Sesshoumaru just stared at her.


“I have put myself in the dog house, I decided that I would go before you made me. I, of course, made it roomier, and now Doofy and I can sleep comfortably,” he said, confidently. Kagome's eyes just got huge, she had told him she would kick him out of the house, leaving him only the dog house. However, she had never thought that he would take it seriously.


“Sesshoumaru why did you trick me?” Kagome asked, she was livid, but knew yelling would only make him ignore her.


“I wanted four litters of pups,” Sesshoumaru said, explaining it to himself but not her. Kagome tilted her head to the side, one of the characteristics she picked up from Sesshoumaru.


“We could have had those pups after I got where I wanted in my job. Now, I will never progress. You will make me quit work, and then I will be nothing but a pup factory for you,” Kagome said, mournfully. Sesshoumaru looked shocked, did she really think that she would remain fertile as long as a demon-bitch?


“Kagome, you will stop being of pup-bearing age, as you would normally. The mating increases your lifespan, and keeps you looking and feeling young. By the time that you would have progressed to were you would like, you would only be able to give me one guaranteed litter. After you can no longer bear pups, and the current ones are old enough, you may return back to work. You will look no different, and be able to pursue your career,” Sesshoumaru explained, trying to appease Kagome.


Kagome was surprised she hadn't known all of that. “Sesshou, I am sorry I didn't know that, you are forgiven for using the human-condoms,” she said, kindly.


Sesshoumaru almost glowed with joy, he wasn't in trouble. He had merely upgraded Doofy's house for Doofy. “Kagome does that mean, I can sleep in the bed?” Sesshoumaru asked, he was already sure of the answer, so he was surprised when she answered him.


“No, you may not. I forgave you for using the human-condoms, but not for not just talking to me about it in the first place,” Kagome said walking away. Sesshoumaru huffed, females. He started to talk to Doofy in dog.


“Looks like it is just you and me,” Sesshoumaru barked. Doofy looked at him, seeming to glare.


“In your dreams, you are master's chew toy, not mine,” Doofy answered. Sesshoumaru bristled, just what was that, apparently, pervy dog thinking?


“You, aren't my type, I am not into males,” Sesshoumaru growled. Doofy just turned away.


“If you aren't into males, then why would you know that I was a male?” Doofy asked, smugly.


“Well, if you wouldn't like on your back, hoping to get some attention I wouldn't know what gender you were!” Sesshoumaru replied. He was getting very annoyed at Doofy, no wonder he didn't normally talk to him.


“Master, but you never fail to please me when I do that, are you sure you don't want me?” Doofy said, seemingly laughing at him.


“That is it! I am building my own dog-house!” Sesshoumaru said, storming off. Doofy just sprawled out further, his goal accomplished. Master-Sesshoumaru always hogged the house, and Doofy wasn't putting up with it, anymore.


Kagome awoke the next morning to see two dog houses instead of one. She just shook her head and said to herself, “I do not even want to know.”